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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. @uzernaem I've got all LDs for SDFM and I can't ever go back to watching them after watching the Blu-ray remasters; the LDs are painfully blurry compared to the Blu-rays. While the Blu-rays do have noticable film grain, I'll gladly take that any day over the LDs blurriness that results in fine details being lost. As for colors, it's hard to say which one is technically accurate, as the colors are slightly different amongst all the various LD releases. I don't think there's any color uniformity amongst the DVD and Blu-ray releases either, but the Blu-ray remaster was overseen by Kawamori, so I'll defer to his judgment. As for audio, it's been years since I last watched the LDs, but I don't remember there being any noticable difference between them and the Blu-rays. Hope this helps! I'm pretty sure that screenshot is from the AnimEigo DVD release. That release was notorious for its oversaturated colors and underscan (eg: Roy's chopped head).
  2. Just curious as to why GRAND CANNON's Macross Toy Releases Thread was unpinned in the toy section. While it's no longer updated, it's still a repository of roughly 15 years worth of prices and release dates that's difficult, if not impossible, to find anywhere else on the internet. And personally, I always felt that this was one of those threads that demonstrated the best of fan dedication and work.
  3. I don't think the trademark would necessarily have to be re-assigned or amended for Big West. Harmony Gold can simply create a $1 perpetual license for Big West and collect a small percentage of royalties from any products sold. Big West will probably reciprocate in the EU when it comes to Harmony Gold over there. But we'll see. ^ This 100% Lol, sorry, but I just don't see that happening. When Yamato released their 1/15 Garlands, the prices between the Japanese and US versions was negligible. And the same thing occurred when MegaHouse released their 1/15 Ride Armors in the US and Japan. Niche products are usually going to be expensive. But the big gain here is that Bandai, Arcadia, et al will now be able to offer customer support to any properly licensed products going forward. Customers will no longer be at the mercy of whichever import retailer they bought a lemon from. Overall, I'm glad that these two companies have finally come to an agreement, there's far more money to be made by working together. The only losers here are all the law firms that Harmony Gold used to send out those lovely cease & desists.
  4. Yellowing primarily affects white plastic. Your VT-1 shouldn't have any yellowing because it's beige, not white. Like jenius, I don't think styrofoam has much of an impact on yellowing or else it'd be nearly impossible to find any boxed white toys from the 1980's. Moreover, I find it hard to believe that those boxed toys from the 80's were all kept in optimal storage conditions for three decades. My belief is that the quality of the batch of plastic used is the greatest determining factor, bearing in mind that many different batches can be used within the same toy line; temperature plays a secondary role. While direct sunlight will yellow all plastics, regardless of quality and temperature.
  5. Not really. Most, if not all, European countries had signed on to the Berne Convention by the 1970's, which requires signatories to acknowledge international copyrights. Wait, what are model kits doing in a 1/55 thread?
  6. Legally speaking, all of the European 1/55 VF-1's are considered illegitimate, even if they were manufactured by Takatoku/Matsushiro/Bandai. Only Tatsunoko Production/Harmony Gold can lawfully authorize the sale of VF-1's in Europe. But since none of those products bear the Tatsunoko sticker (as seen on the 1/55 Jetfire) or a Harmony Gold copyright, those products' manufacturers circumvented international copyright laws. At best, some of them are genuine Takatoku/Matshushiro/Bandai products, albeit unlicensed from the appropriate license holders (Tatsunoko/HG). At worst, some of them are knock-offs of Takatoku/Matshushiro/Bandai products and unlicensed from the appropriate license holders. But what they all have in common is that they've broken international copyright laws.
  7. Astounding work! I've always considered the Bioroids as ugly in the animation and line art, but your craftsmanship has truly made me appreciate their designs.
  8. Incredible! Not only that someone made a recording of such an unpopular show back in the day, but that it managed to survive to the digital age! Yeah, I wouldn't trust anything from that particular seller But anyways, here's two sets that I found on YJA. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m448897887# - 5,000円 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k505930100 - 5,500円
  9. Whoah, how did you manage to get a recording of the original TV broadcast? Anyways, I wonder how those color stills compare to the original Southern Cross LD box set. If you have access to a laserdisc player, I can't imagine the LD box set would be too expensive, especially if you don't have to worry about pricey overseas shipping.
  10. I have no idea, I've wondered about that myself. On a somewhat related note, here's an article about a Jetfire was used in Hasbro's photoshoots. I expected it to be a cousin to my Matsushiro Super VF-1S and be a Matsushiro Jetfire, but it's actually a Bandai branded Jetfire, as evidenced by the unlined canopy and the Bandai branded backplate! And it's legitimate because it came directly from Hasbro with a certificate of authenticity. I had always assumed that the Matsushiro branded Jetfires were the first releases of Jetfire, with the Bandai branded ones being manufactured afterwards, but this photoshoot Jetfire turns that notion on its head. The only explanations I can think of are these: That Jetfire was used in later photoshoots, with a Matsushiro branded Jetfire being used in earlier photoshoots. I can't imagine Hasbro requiring multiple photoshoots at different time periods for the same children's toy, but maybe? Bandai was manufacturing both Matsushiro and Bandai branded Jetfires alongside each other at the same time in their factory, which would make aging these toys incredibly difficult for collectors. Collecting and/or writing about Jetfire involves going down an insanely deep rabbit hole, complete with loops, twists, and turns That's an interesting question, I wonder if anyone has done the research on that one before. Anyways, Happy New Year everyone!
  11. That's such a simple, yet astounding accessory! And the LED brings it to life, great work!
  12. No, there was no mention of Jetfire anywhere in the description. Most Japanese Macross fans probably have no idea about Jetfire because he was never released in Japan. Most probably don't know about Matsushiro either, because the Matsushiro branded VF-1's were only released outside of Japan. This is one area of fandom where we Westerners have a leg up on the Japanese If you want to read the complete title and auction description, my brother-in-law is fluent in Japanese and translated it for me back then. Please note that the Japanese seller probably can't read English well, because he thinks that the English MATSUSHIRO logo reads as "Takatoku Toys." I forgot to mention that this Matsushiro Super VF-1S does have one change in common with Jetfire: the wings can't fully extend outwards in fighter mode.
  13. No, it's got the standard Takatoku nosecone.
  14. Good memory! I was also surprised by the lack of attention. Most people who saw the auction were probably thinking "Nice white box, bfd." Imagine my shock when I opened up the package and saw that it was actually a Matsushiro.
  15. Speaking of Matsushiro, this is a Matsushiro 1/55 Super VF-1S. My guess is that it is a proof on concept Jetfire by Matsushiro. Note that the (bent) box flap on the top and box's bezel are nearly a perfect match to Jetfire's production box. And the signature is from Kawamori, cause reasons
  16. Ignoring legal costs, your best bet is to contact an attorney who specializes in Japanese business law and ask about a consultation, because this is a very complicated issue, well beyond the scope of legal laypeople. While Japan has consumer protection laws, the question is whether these Japanese consumer protection laws offer protection to non-citizens who have no physical presence in Japan. And like Ridden001 pointed out, the pandemic is almost certainly going to make things more complicated from a business and court standpoint too. Good luck on getting this sorted out!
  17. I'm glad to see that Analogue isn't shying away from optical drives. But I hope that they use quality drives in the Duo and put it through some pet/child testing before selling them to customers. I read that the first version of the Analogue NT ended up scratching cartridges as they were inserted and removed. It'd be disastrous if someone's Dracula X: Rondo of Blood got scratched up because the Duo accidentally got nudged during gameplay.
  18. That's an excellent build, thank you sharing those pics! I love seeing builds of the apocryphal Valks
  19. Wait, is that white-out on there?? It's good to have a dream.
  20. Thanks for the info. So it really does look like Calibre's trying to pull a fast one on Big West.
  21. @sh9000Could you post a link to the original message?
  22. Literally my reaction the day it arrived
  23. TheLoneWolf

    Hi-Metal R

    You're missing Bandai's Super VF-1S Joke Machine. Don't sleep on it just because it's super-deformed; it's got solid engineering and it's perfect transformation. But that's probably because it was designed by Kawamori himself.
  24. For what it's worth, I ordered a PF VF-0D on 6/29 and paid for UPS shipping. It arrived on 7/2. edit: And to confirm, it was from NY.
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