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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Are the subs the same quality as the R1 DVD release?
  2. Thanks for confirming that prototype as Kawamori's wooden model. Always had a hunch that it was, but could never get any concrete confirmation. edit: Did the article explain the differences between the 1/55 Strike head and the older version?
  3. I placed a pre-order last summer with Kevin for the Max Super VF-1A. I thought the pre-order was the the Tamashii release, but I guess it's actually for the Toynami/Tamashii release since I haven't been charged yet. Thanks for translations, that's probably the most comprehensive history of the 1/55 ever written in English. Anyways, I didn't notice that the 1/55 Strike had a different head. I've seen some versions with non-notched head lasers, but that's it. I always thought that the non-notched head lasers were leftovers they used from Jetfire toys. Btw, does the article name who actually sculpted the 1/55 toy?
  4. The Compendium lists his name as "Michael". Looking at the history for that entry, it appears the Egan Loo (MacrossWikiAdmin?) intentionally changed the name from "Mikhail Buran" to "Michael Blanc." Interestingly enough, even though Egan lists his name as "Michael Blanc," he uses the ミハイル (Mikhail) katakana.
  5. Quite the opposite, actually. Given the worldwide economic situation, I find indefinite delays unsurprising. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081019/ap_on_...na_factory_woes
  6. Odd? Kevin reported back in September that there was going to be a delay.
  7. Well that settles it, thanks Gubaba! Compared to Ivane Gyuntar, Alto hime looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  8. Yes, I agree that Geperuniti is male because the rest of the protodeviln refer to him as male. My question is whether or not Geperuniti's human host, Ivane Gyuntar, was a female prior to possession. Thanks for the translation! I just looked it up and you're absolutely correct. But it appears that the word "His" in TIA 7 is in reference to "Ivane Geperuniti" (post possession) and not "Ivane Gyuntar" (prior to possession), so the male reference is correct. I flipped through TIA 7 for information or lineart specifically on "Ivane Gyuntar" but couldn't find any.
  9. Thanks for the input! Now I finally have a reason to buy my first BD disc!
  10. That's not conclusive evidence. Ivane's entire body was mutated with lots of tentacles(?) and other mutations as a result of Geperuniti losing control. The loss of traditional breasts may have been a result of untraditional mutations. Now you know why I'm looking for written evidence.
  11. Do you have an official reference? I've been looking for years and found nothing.
  12. I always assumed that they wound up free from their mind control. When Geperuniti went out of control and began draining spiritia from friend and foe, the Varauta army was probably drained too, leaving them in a coma with everyone else. When Basara's singing became powerful enough to awaken UN Spacy, I'm going to guess that his singing also snapped the Varauta army from their coma and mind control. We don't see any hostile activity from the Varuata immediately afterwards, so one of two things must have happened: they were freed by Basara's singing, or they remained in a comatose state. If the latter occurred, then I'm sure UN Spacy revived them on their own. Maybe Geperuniti freed them before leaving, but seeing as how he forgot to give Ivane Gyuntar back control over her own body, he probably too fixated on the future to be bothered. They were all just pawns, after all.
  13. And when they become more expensive in the long run, Yamato will notice the increased demand and cash in with a reissue.
  14. Thanks, that's what I thought.
  15. That's a pretty big assumption. While it's been shown that Yamato and Toynami do watch this message board, I don't believe Bandai cares. For nearly the past decade we've been clamoring for SDF-1, Joke Machine, and HCM reissues to no avail. Not to mention improved Macross 7 toys. Funny, I always thought that best way to get a company to listen to you was with your money.
  16. Does the linart really say that this device plays CD-R's, DVD-R's, and BR?
  17. Awesome! I'll send you scans for the first chapter in another week or two, I'm currently making some modifications to my scanner to make scanning easier for me. And don't worry about White Reminicences, it's not like you're being paid to translate stuff. Thanks again!
  18. I just noticed that you have entries for the Vajra. Do you have any plans to include other biological weapons, such as the Protodeviln?
  19. Look at what I recently stumbled across. I know you're busy with Chronicles, Miss DJ and White Reminicenses. But if you ever want to take a crack at this one in the future, just let me know and I'll send you some scans. Why couldn't I have found this last summer!
  20. That was FAST! I'm beginning to think that you do have a soft spot for MII after all.
  21. Sorry, but the image was pretty small and that was the best that I could do at 400dpi. And the Squire's actually a bit darker than the teal portions of the SAP armor. If you add about 2 or 3 shades of light grey to that teal then you'll have it. Yeah, they're probably just episode summaries, but I'm hoping that Protoculture Addicts writer actually got his information from somewhere instead of just making an educated guess. I should have the scans done by the end of the week, just PM me your e-mail address and I'll send them over.
  22. Check your email. I just sent you a scan of the AAB/Squire from Entertainment Bible 51. Seto Kaiba, going back to your Mardook/Protoculture theory, have you checked the linear notes of the MII laserdiscs for any evidence? I was just going over them and I see a few Mardook references, but I can't make out what exactly was written.
  23. GameStop employees are so predictable. So I wanted to get the bonus CD that came with the Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia preorder, except that I forgot to preorder it. Knowing that GS employees are notorious for giving away preorder gifts to people who don't actually preorder, I decided to try my luck and see if I could get the CD if I simply buy the game. No dice, the GS employee (male) said that the CD's were for preorders only. So two days later I had my girlfriend go to that same GS and try the same thing. She walked out with the bonus CD and said the employee didn't even hesitate when giving it to her.
  24. Like Seto Kaiba said, EB51 doesn't give any numbers. Seto Kaiba, does the text specifically say that a full size Zentradi soldier pilots the Mardook new model mecha? In the animation I remember seeing a Zentradi pilot, but I assumed that he was micronized. The Mardook must really be cruel if they're putting a full size Zentradi warrior into a transformable mecha that's around the same size as the Metal Siren. Even with the Mardook new model mecha's relatively simple transformation, the Zentradi pilot would probably have to fold his body in half in fighter mode. And Regult pilots thought they had it bad!
  25. Plot device. Or, if you want a creative answer, you could just say that Isamu saw boobies and simply forgot.
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