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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Not that impressive when you factor in that (1) GH III was released in two variations (bundled with guitar vs no guitar), (2) the GH III bundle costs a lot more than the average game, (3) it's a multi-platform game, and (4) the sales figure may or may not include DLC sales. But hey, it makes a great headline.
  2. Thanks for your input, sketchley. I'm surprised to hear that Plus sold better than DYRL.
  3. That's very interesting. Is that based on your own personal observations or are you referring to a Japanese sales chart? If the latter, could you post a link or tell me where to find it? I love seeing how anime sales perform in Japan as opposed to the US.
  4. This is the most likely reason. The HD remaster is barely a year old. Also, if Bandai Visual were to release DYRL on BD tomorrow, it would just be shovelware. The biggest complaint with the HD release was the film grain, if BV intends to artificially remove it for BD, then it's going to take a while.
  5. I thought it might have been just a summary and not a complete translation, thanks for taking the time to look through your book. It would sure beat translating mechanical terminology, right?
  6. Yes, I'm glad you're a packrat because I forgot to save that pdf. Though there's one portion of that translation that confuses me. I'm pretty sure I get the first sentence, heavy toxic rain perhaps? But the second sentence just baffles me. Can any of our resident translators please clarify that? I've attached a scan of the original Japanese text.
  7. VFTF1, thanks for posting my earlier response in this thread. Hopefully it managed to defuse the situation. Anyways, there's been an update today. Retailers who sell used toys are exempt from this legislation. I've attached a link and my interpretation below. I also decided to repost my old post with the appropriate formatting to make it easier to read. Since this issue is irrelevant to the sale of Yamato and Bandai Macross toys, I think it's safe to close this thread. ------------------------- It's just sensationalist journalism and doesn't apply to anyone here. Nowhere does it call for blanket prohibition on all used toys. It just means that after 2/10/2009, all children's products sold by retailers must comply with the new lead limit of 600 parts per million. Here are quotes from the actual legislation: So are Yamato/Bandai Macross toys considered children's products? No, because they don't meet the guidelines to be considered children's toys. See below. Does this legislation effect us if we wish to sell children's toys on ebay? No, because as private individuals, we don't meet the criteria to be considered a retailer under this particular piece of legislation. See below. Finally, this legislation can be rendered toothless if your domiciliary state can demonstrate that it's an undue burden. See below. UPDATE: The Cosumer Product Safety Commission just issued a bulletin clarifying that this new legislation does not apply to retailers who sell used toys. So all your Goodwill and thrift stores are exempt. See below.
  8. Bullsh1t. It's just sensationalist journalism and doesn't apply to anyone here. Nowhere does it call for blanket prohibition on all used toys. It just means that after 2/10/2009, all children's products sold by retailers must comply with the new lead limit of 600 parts per million. Here are quotes from the actual legislation: So are Yamato/Bandai Macross toys considered children's products? No, because they don't meet the guidelines to be considered children's toys. See below. Does this legislation effect us if we wish to sell children's toys on ebay? No, because as private individuals, we don't meet the criteria to be consider a retailer under this particular piece of legislation. See below. Finally, this legislation can be rendered toothless if your domiciliary state can demonstrate that it's an undue burden. So there's nothing to worry about, just some desperate or ignorant news sites looking for you to click on their articles.
  9. Yeah, I've seen that site before and it has a lot of good posters. I would've mentioned it earlier, but I believe the purpose of this forum is to post pictures of your personal collections. Otherwise, we could easily flood the forum with thousands of random pictures gathered from Ebay and such.
  10. Go on ahead. I already broke my own rule with that fourth Macross Plus poster. It's not quite full-size, but I included it anyways since it's official and signed by Shoji Kawamori.
  11. Here are my official (lots of bootlegs out there) full-size Macross posters. Sorry about the picture quality, but the only way I could avoid a giant ball of light in the middle of the posters was to take these pictures without any flash. I know a couple of our members also have full size posters, so post them here.
  12. Here are the pictures that he was talking about. Keep up the good work.
  13. Have you checked your scanners manual for moire pattern reduction? I don't know about your scanner, but on mine I can enable a Magazine setting which essentially reduces/eliminates moire patterns during the actual scan process. Below is a sample scan I took from Chronicles. There's still some visible patterns, but it doesn't look as severe as in the sample that you posted. I feel your pain. I recently tried scanning a laserdisc jacket I got signed by Mari Iijima. I had to scan the cover in different portions because it's way too big to fit on my scanner, what a nightmare! Each scan resulted in different color tones which I'm still working on matching. My guess is that the scanners' light will reflect differently depending on the position that I place the artwork, resulting in different color tones. And since LD jackets are ever so slightly curved, you can imagine the frustration I'm facing in trying to get the scans to align perfectly.
  14. BBTS' e-mail specifically made reference to Yamato's Macross toys. Bandai's Macross toys are ok.
  15. Business as usual. More VF-1's. More repaints. More exclusives. And a sprinkling of new transformable mecha every now and then.
  16. Which, however unlikely, could be the case. They're not credited on the Best and Celebrity tapes, don't know about the Kiseki. But honestly, who would want to be publically credited for that.
  17. Just curious, but is that the VF-1S bootleg that came with LEDs and a clear canopy?
  18. That's completely understandable, there was a severe dearth of English Macross material back then, so I have to commend you and Anime UK for having the ambition to publish Macross articles during that time You should give yourselves a pat on the back since the rest of the article has stood up remarkably well against the test of time.
  19. Nice find, but that article contains some inaccuracies. The US did get an unedited version of DYRL, see the image below. I think most of us forget about it because Clash of the Bionoids is so much more memorable. It was indeed dubbed in Hong Kong, but not by British/Australian actors. I forgot who, but someone here explained that it was dubbed by the locals of Hong Kong. Their British/Australian sounding accents were explained by the fact that Hong Kong was a British territory for around 100 years.
  20. Thanks for the VF-25 translation, Gubaba! Your hard work is very much appreciated. edit: oops, wrong thread.
  21. Very interesting, it makes perfect sense. Where did you get that information from?
  22. Wow! The old GBP armor looks amazing on the v2! Unlike the "sumo wrestler" 1/48 GBP, this one actually looks pretty lean. I like it!
  23. I completely agree about sticking with published materials, but does the MMM diffentiate between published canon materials (ie: Perfect Memory) verses published non-canon materials (ie: Model Graphix #290)? I'm pretty certain it's the former, but just want to double-check. As far as official goes, I'd say that they are. Unless I'm mistaken, that line art bears the signature of Shoji Kawamori. Plus, the Big West sticker indicates that the kit has been officially sanctioned by Big West. As far as canon goes, I don't know. It's been a long time since that line art was published and the name "Siren" has been dropped in favor of "Lightning III," who know what else (possibly nothing) Kawamori has changed since then.
  24. In Robotech Art 3, Carl Macek wrote that Tatsunoko requested that the Macross characters physical appearances be changed so that no one in Japan would confuse The Sentinels as a sequel to SDF Macross (hence Breetai's facemask). He also wrote that he had a hunch that Tatsunoko wanted to recycle the animation for another anime project since Tatsunoko didn't want to introduce the returning Macross characters until later on in the series, and that it seemed they spent more attention to detail on animation that didn't involve the Macross characters. He wrote that this was just his personal theory, he never had any solid evidence.
  25. Urban legend. SpideyJerusalem ran an online store that sold imported Macross goods (among other things) and in 2002 he received a formal letter from Harmony Gold's legal counsel (Alan Letz) requesting that he stop. Since SpideyJerusalem (Joel) couldn't afford legal counsel on his own, several MW'ers donated money to help him do so. He eventually got enough to retain an attorney. After Joel's attorney examined Harmony Gold's letter, he requested that Harmony Gold submit a copy of their agreement with Tatsunoko so that he could examine their jurisdiction. Joel's attorney waited for Harmony Gold's response. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. Neither Joel nor his attorney ever heard back from Harmony Gold, so he went back to selling imported Macross toys. End of story. Since there wasn't a knock-down, courtroom battle ala Law & Order, most people wrongly assumed that Joel took the money and ran. Nothing could be further from the truth. We at MW are notorious cheapskates and have a propensity for making mountains out of molehills. If Joel really did rip off the generous donations from MW, there would have been a cataclysm of epic proportions. If Shawn ever unlocks the old forum, you can find the relevant threads. Along with Jimmy Hoffa's body.
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