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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. I figured as much. At this point, I don't believe it's supposed to be a cost-saving measure anymore. If future gamers want to play classic PS2 titles, Sony would rather have them purchase them from the Playstation Network rather than run over to GameStop and pick up cheap used copies.
  2. The infamous scratched 360 discs have nothing to slight bumps or jostles, the majority of those discs were damaged because users physically moved their 360's from laying flat on the floor to standing upright on its side...while they were still playing a game. In my old shop we resurfaced several scratched discs, and upon questioning, most customers admitted to having moved their console while it was still on. Though I have heard of a few freak 360's that would scratch discs regardless of being moved, but these cases were few and far between, so I don't consider it a blunder, just a freak occurance. IIRC, the PS2 also had the same "problem"; if a person tilted it on its side or layed it flat while the system was spinning a disc, it would scratch the disc badly. So if you personally want to consider this a Microsoft blunder, then you can lump Sony in with them.
  3. You guys have this thread confused with The Comic Book Discussion Thread. Take it over there.
  4. Worried about Harmony Gold becoming more aggressive? I doubt it. From the blog post on Catalyst's site, they say that Harmony Gold was cool with their mistake. While Harmony Gold has made some tremendous publicity blunders in the past, I don't believe they're this evil corporation that some people make them out to be.
  5. I had always suspected that Catalyst Game Labs / Piranha Games neglected to confer with Harmony Gold before announcing the return of the Unseen mecha from Macross. First, there was no news about this on robotech.com and no one from Harmony Gold had mentioned it during the conventions this summer. A cross-licensing deal would've been big news for Harmony Gold and I'd fully expect them to bask in the spotlight for as long as they could. Second, I didn't see a Harmony Gold or Tatsunoko copyright listed on any of these upcoming publications (which would need to be displayed for legal reasons), which led me to believe that Catalyst had foolishly left Harmony Gold out of the equation. So much for the Warhammer/Tomahawk appearing in the new Mechwarrior. This is the part that really cracks me up. Harmony Gold et. al. v. FASA Corp. et. al. case affirmed Harmony Gold's merchandising rights to Macross. Furthermore, if you look up this case in Westlaw, you'll see that the crux of this case still has not been overturned. Something tells me that Catalyst's general counsel did zero research before giving Catalyst the green light. Catalyst should be thankful to the person that gave Tommy Yune the heads up. Had Catalyst and Piranha actually begun to release merchandise that featured Macross mecha, they would've had to issue an embarassing recall once Harmony Gold found out. On top of that, Harmony Gold could've asked for punitive damages.
  6. Ahh, as much as I like DYRL, I must say that it's very refreshing to read a critical review of it from someone who's taken off their rose-colored fanboy goggles. I agree with all of the criticisms listed, but I think the review came down a little too hard on DYRL's fragmented plot. Yes, the storyline is probably confusing to those who haven't seen SDF Macross, but I don't believe it was Kawamori's intent to rope in new fans with DYRL. I've always viewed DYRL as a gracious "Thank you" card to the existing Macross fanbase...and a cash grab.
  7. Like I said before, from this point on, I consider any information that comes from the Macross Generation forums as heresay until it can be verified. Other than that, I still think that most of the folks over there are great guys and would hate to see a Macross World / Macross Generation feud emerge. With the Macross Compendium. Last I checked, the Production information on SDFM was pretty sparse over there. But if the amount of cited information could be increased, I think it would help contain a lot of the fabrications that Shaloom cooks up in the future, such as your 'triangular ending' example. The main reason Shaloom's lies are so easily spread on the Internet is due to the lack of verifiable and readily accessable Macross information.
  8. I just noticed something interesting. Around 3:52PM EST, I created a new thread to post in the For Sale section. This new thread had 10 attachments, with each ranging from 200 ~ 300kb in size. As soon as I attempted to preview my post, MW became completely unresponsive for the next 10 minutes. I even opened up a new browser session and tried to view the main forum, but it was no go. Was this just a coincidence, or could there be something else. FYI, my original post got lost during the crash and I had to recreate another one.
  9. Yeah, I remember his videos. Considering the era in which he made those CGI videos, they were top notch! I never considered contacting him because I assumed that he only understood Japanese. I've also been wondering what he's been up to these days.
  10. Holy crap! Noriko, you're too modest. Your site is amazing, you practically have a complete Gunbuster product listing dating from way back. All Gunbuster fans should take a look.
  11. That doesn't make sense to me either, since Harmony Gold has the VF-1 toy rights on this side of the pond. But it would sound right *if* Warner Bros. wanted to give the VF-1 a very slight modern update and release that updated design as a toy. I'm not talking about a G1 Optimus Prime to Michael Bay Optimus Prime makeover, but more along the lines with what the Mospeada Complete Art Works has done with the classic Ride Armor. To implement this sort of update on the VF-1, Warner Bros. would need access to the VF-1 intellectual property, and this is where they would need to approach Big West. But I'm not going to fret over this bit of information. Unless it comes directly from a Harmony Gold officer or someone directly involved with the Robotech LAM, it's all hearsay.
  12. Never cite Wikipedia. That article has several errors and omissions, plus it's only cited sources are two (dead) links to some random fan page.
  13. Wow, that's what I call an efficient mod. It's cheap and easy to do, yet makes it look like a completely new foot.
  14. That's a great custom, mitch! Did you modify the existing feet or scratch-build new ones?
  15. Way ahead of you. It was included in the Sources section of the first post of this thread.
  16. MEMO, thanks for the explanation.
  17. MEMO, are you saying that Harmony Gold must renew their Macross license with Tatsunoko (at Tatsunoko's discretion) every X number of years? Or does Harmony Gold have a permanent license with Tatsunoko?
  18. You're confusing merchandising rights with intellectual property rights, re-read the first post again. Outside of Japan, if any of the SDF Macross mecha were to appear as a toy or in a video game, the deal would have to go through Harmony Gold. For example: http://www.toynami.com/robotech.html Agreed. All this complaining is like listening to a 30 year old virgin complaining about a girl who dumped him in high school: get over it.
  19. Thanks for posting those screencaps. You're right, that mech bears too many key similarities to the Destroid Tomahawk, it shouldn't be able to seek shelter through the Fair Use doctrine. Since this mech appears in a North American video game (ie: merchandising), it should fall within Harmony Gold's jurisidiction. If this game has already hit the shelves, I can see Harmony Gold filing an injunction, getting the game recalled, and seeking damages. But if it hasn't been released yet, the game's publisher could simply yank that mech from the game and call it a day. edit: It's always possible that Piranha Games licensed the Tomahawk likeness from Harmony Gold, but I doubt it. Otherwise, I'm sure this game would be all over the RT.com homepage.
  20. VF5SS, can you take a screenshot from that trailer? I can't access youtube from my location.
  21. That "Redesigned Warhammer" image is hosted on a fan wiki, so it's pretty much inconsequential. Do you have any evidence that it's currently being used on an official BattleTech or Mechwarrior site? I'm not trying to sound rude, but I don't really follow BattleTech of Mechwarrior.
  22. I believe that the Robotech comics/novels are akin to what the Timothy Zahn Star Wars novels are: official non-canon stories. In other words, an alternate universe. I 've always believed that the only Robotech canon is the animation (excluding The Sentinels and The Untold Story).
  23. The VF-1S and VF-1J heads are custom heads sculpted by Rob. As for the legs on the Max & Milia VF-1J's, they use custom metal connectors/joints that were machined by fulcy. The custom connectors are attached at the hip to allow the legs to spread out. These VF's are also equipped with fulcy's custom ankles and feet. The ankles feature a ball-joint to take advantage of the extra versatility offered by his custom hip connectors. Finally, all the paint jobs were done by Jung. His work speaks for itself. Emerson is still selling some of these over here. Be sure to check them out.
  24. No, Big West has never done such a thing. Since I don't know what is and isn't allowed under Japanese copyright law, I couldn't tell you why. But if I had to take a guess, I'd say that a) Big West recognizes that the Legioss is an homage to the VF-1, and b) Big West knows that no one will ever confuse the Legioss with the VF-1.
  25. Thanks azrael, that's good to know. Even though the Compendium doesn't associate Ohnogi with Frontier, I was willing to believe that he was one of Frontier's writers because I thought that piece of information was accidentally omitted from the Compendium. It's challenging for a reader to know whether information is omitted because it's simply untrue, or just that no one thought to include it.
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