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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Actually, it's not that unusual. There are other confessional/insider books written by people in the industry that are not promoted by their past or present employers, and that practice is sound. If Catalano were to make some anti-semitic remarks in his book, and Harmony Gold actively promoted the book on its website, then it might appear that Harmony Gold endorses Catalano's remarks. Conversely, if Harmony Gold were to expressly promote the book, and Catalano were to write nothing but praise for Harmony Gold, then the authenticity of the book would run the risk of being jeopardized. As for the use of the trademarked name and licensed artwork on the cover, it's understood in the industry that it's simply a business arrangement and that it doesn't constitute an endorsement. Sorry guys, no conspiracy here.
  2. To the best of my knowledge, the only Macross related book that was ever released in the English speaking world was Haruhiko Mikimoto Illustrations by Books Nippan. Though it's mostly artwork with very little text, with most of that text focusing on Mikimoto and not Macross. Books Nippan was planning on following this up with Macross II Illustrations Handbook (sp?), but that ended up being cancelled, presumably due to the poor sales of Haruhiko Mikimoto Illustrations. The Macross II manga was published in English by Viz and can still be easily found today, though I don't remember it burning up the sales charts. On a somewhat related note, Books Nippan also reprinted Macross Memory Perfect in the USA, but it wasn't translated into English. I heard that they planned for an eventual English translation, but it never happened, presumably due to lackluster sales. A lot of people like to blame Harmony Gold for the dearth of English Macross books, but even before Harmony Gold got involved in the scene, these types of books just didn't sell well outside of Japan. In today's age of scans and torrents, I think they would fare even worse.
  3. When I first heard about Robotech: Love Live Alive, that's the first thing I thought too. When Macek was forced to blend the old Southern Cross animation with the newer Megazone 23 animation in Robotech: The Movie, he openly stated that it was a visual disaster. It makes no sense for him to want to repeat the greatest regret of his career for a second time, with eyes wide open. If Macek was serious about incorporating Mospeada: Love Live Alive into Robotech, he had plenty of opportunities to talk about it in the past 25 years, especially when Harmony Gold invited him to help revive Robotech for it's 15th anniversary in 2000. Why now? What I think happened was that, shortly before his death, Macek and Yune were probably having a very informal converstation where Macek said something to the effect of "You know, Love Live Alive would've made a nice epilogue to Robotech back in '85." Macek passes away, and Yune declares "Robotech: Love Live Alive is what Macek wanted TODAY." That's one helluva marketing tool. And if the project is a success, Yune can put a feather on his directorial hat. If it fails, he can throw Macek under the bus.
  4. Heh, that'll teach me for actually doing work at my job and neglecting the internets.
  5. I'm not surprised by Miyamoto's "retirement." After working on so many big budget titles with impossibly high expectations, he must've found himself longing for the old days of simple games and smaller staffs. For Miyamoto, returning to smaller games is the equivalent of a well-deserved, and long overdue, sabbatical. I've got a feeling that he'll "unretire" if Nintendo ever comes out with some slick new hardware that he won't be able to resist.
  6. Nintendo probably wants to include Twin Snakes in an upcoming HD MGS Collection for the Wii U or its online store. If Nintendo lets Sony and Microsoft have the first crack at it, then no one will buy up their own set. It makes good business sense. LOL! That's the best explanation behind MGS2's story that I've ever heard. I now hate it just a little less.
  7. While DYRL is a movie with Macross, I highly doubt it's because of Macross 7's script. Macross: A Future Chronicle actually came out about two months prior to Macross 7. And IIRC, Macross: A Future Chronicle featured some preliminary designs for Mylene that were ultimately scrubbed, which tells me that it was made while Macross 7 was still in preproduction.
  8. Glad to hear you managed to get the BRD swap to work! And having two PS3's isn't necessarily a bad thing. You can jailbreak one console and use the other console to safely play PSN games. Got any plans for your dead pre-60GB? If not, I'd be interested in buying it off you for spare parts.
  9. Yes, the judge never declared TCI's "rights" invalid because neither party had asked him rule on that. However, in his background summary, the judge did note that the court had no proof that TCI had ever entered into a licensing agreement with Tatsunoko. "FASA claims to have acquired the rights to these model kits and images from Twentieth Century Imports ("TCI"), which allegedly acquired them from Tatsunoko." Evidently, finding proof of any licensing agreement between TCI and Tatsunoko is as elusive as finding any proof of the Loch Ness Monster. Though I'd expect to see Nessie make an appearance at the local aquarium before I see proof of any model kit license between TCI and Tatsunoko.
  10. If you read Harmony Gold et al v. FASA Corporation et al, the court could not confirm that Twentieth Century Imports had ever entered into a licensing agreement for model kits with Tatsunoko. If Tatsunoko denied involvement with TCI, and FASA wasn't able to prove otherwise, then I don't believe a licensing agreement ever actually happened. Moreover, Big West's 1982 merchandising agreement with Tatsunoko specifically excluded Macross model kits, so Tatsunoko never had the model kit license to begin with. If you have any pictures of old TCI/Battletech "Macross" model kits that bear the Tatsunoko seahorse sticker, that would be an earth-shattering revelation (at least to me). About Nichimo, you're right, they were only the product supplier, and it looks like TCI was the actual distributor. While the 1996 settlement is indeed confidential, FASA's attempt at burying the Warhammer/Destroid Tomahawk immediately after the settlement speaks volumes to me.
  11. FASA obtained permission from Nichimo to repackage their models kits under the Battletech label. However, Tatsunoko and Harmony Gold were not involved with that deal, directly or indirectly, and that's where the problem began. After the district court ruled against FASA, they privately settled with Tatsunoko and Harmony Gold. The terms of the settlement are confidential, but from my experience, settlements for losing parties usually involve paying out X amount of dollars as a penalty and an agreement to cease the infringing operation. In 2008, Jordan Weisman foolishly told Piranha Games that it was ok to use Warhammer/Destroid Tomahawk in their game, and the rest is history. I say "foolishly" because even if Weisman genuinely thought that FASA had secured the rights to the Warhammer/Destroid Tomahawk in their settlement, then one would have to wonder why FASA spent the past 13 years actively avoiding the Warhammer/Destroid Tomahawk design, especially considering how popular that design is with fans. A little bit of thought can go a long way.
  12. Sorry to hear that the BRD swap didn't work. As you've found out by now, the only to tell which model BRD you have is to take it apart. I'm guessing the reason that your 60gb BRD is jammed is because the loading mechanism got misaligned when you removed the disc that was in there. The same thing happened to me when I took apart my PS2's DVD drive. When I put it back together, all the gears and rods were snugly back into their original positions, or so it seemed. Took me nearly two hours of trial and error to get them back into their original alignments. You can probably find some online guides for the PS3's BRD alignments.
  13. Yeah, most likely your CPU/GPU is shot. You could try taking the system apart and reapplying thermal paste to the CPU and GPU, I've heard that sometimes works. Paying Sony to repair it is another option, though Roy's experience with that wasn't encouraging. There's always a miniscule chance that your hard drive is dead, so you could try swapping it out and see what happens. And for the BRD, you could try swapping it out too. Your PS3 isn't tied to the specific BRD daughterboard that your system came with, but rather to the daughterboard's model number. Since there's a set number of BRD daughterboards out there, there's probably like a 1 in 20 chance that a blind swap will work.
  14. Last I checked, it looked like JManga was just fancy website for piracy. That, or their legal counsel had no f'ing clue how US copyright law is supposed to work. Either way, don't expect much from them.
  15. Short answer: "Mac-ross," not "Muh-cross." Long answer: All of the official English dubs that Big West has licensed have all pronounced Macross as "Mac-ross." Even the English dubs that were actually marketed towards the Japanese, such as Super Space Fortress Macross and Macross Plus International Edition, have all pronounced Macross as "Mac-ross." Since these releases were approved by Big West, I'm going with "Mac-ross" as the official English pronounciation. I realize that ADV's English dub pronounces Macross as "Muh-cross," but since it wasn't approved by Big West, it's not canon in my book.
  16. Why would Yamato want anything to do with Mospeada after Beagle's Ride Armors crashed and burned?
  17. Very very nice artwork, keep up the great work! And a belated welcome to MW, the finest troll sanctuary on the Internet
  18. Agreed. Lots of folks forget that Macross Plus and Macross 7 both debuted in the same year in Japan. Macross Plus was 1/2 drama and 1/2 hard-hitting mecha action. Macross 7 was 1/2 whimsical parody and 1/2 power-of-music fable. When you combine the two series together, you have all the elements that made up the original SDF Macross. I'd be willing to bet that this is exactly what Kawamori had in mind during the preproduction of Macross Plus and Macross 7. LOL! But Isamu loves women and Basara loves...bioweapons? Yup, that member would be me. And yes Duke, I can confirm that the dub that Keith's referring to exists here (see second attachment).
  19. While I also love Macross Plus dearly, I don't think it fits in very well with SDF Macross because it lacks the cheesy humor and sense of parody that was abundant in SDFM. On the other hand, I thought Macross Plus fitted in perfectly with DYRL because neither productions had much humor and focused more on drama.
  20. How about we get this thread back to MII? All this bashing on the MII English dub strangely makes me want to watch it again. The one thing I fondly remember about it was that they actually spoke Zentran. I think that's the first, and only time, we've ever heard Zentran on an English dub.
  21. Nope, the Shadow Beta never came out and I'm pretty sure it never will since the previous Betas sold poorly. Sadly, that's the one Beta that I was really hoping for since the Shadow Alpha is the only Alpha that I didn't sell off due to it's robustness.
  22. I'd imagine that the concept of featuring several different alien races in The Sentinels was born out of the need to expand the existing toy line, unfortunately it was poorly conceived. While Macek did a decent job editing three anime series into Robotech, he's not a writer, which The Sentinels made abundantly clear.
  23. Animerica 4:9 (1996) contains an interview with Noburo Ishiguro where he modestly downplays his involvement with SDF Macross. He said that he was too busy working on other projects at the time to focus on SDF Macross and credits the show's success to the young staff. He confessed that when the show's sponsors would ask him for status updates, he'd lie and say that everything was going well. In actuality, he didn't know how things were going because he spent most of his time working on other projects. Sorry isamu, but a published interview trumps your anecdote. As far as Ishiguro's involvment with DYRL goes, all I can say is that we'll have that answer soon.
  24. Bandai may have held some exclusive merchandising rights in the past, but that exclusivity would've expired by now. After all, CMs released an Ishtar toy 6 or 7 years ago. I think the reason that we hardly ever see Macross II toys is due to a lack of corporate interest or that no one else is willing to take the financial risk.
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