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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Now that's very interesting. Even though we still don't know who the real-world author of "Minmei's Last Message" is, the Chronicle has now made it admissible. It's also significant that the Chronicle's most recent revision removed the "According to one theory" portion, reinforcing the implication that the content of "Minmei's Last Message" is factual.
  2. Keep up the good work!
  3. How about this for an idea. Use the more natural sounding translation in the main body of the page(s), but in the footnotes, show the accurate/awkward translation and the reasoning behind your modifications. I've read historical books where literally half the pages are nothing but footnotes explaining the translation variances and context, and I positively loved it. To me, it demonstrates the translator's appreciation for the original source material, and at the same time, I feel like it treats me as if I'm a sophisticated reader. Obviously, there will be some who don't care for the footnotes, but I don't think it would mar their reading experience since they can just skip the footnotes and carry on with the story.
  4. Back in the day, I never dreamed that these novellas would ever be translated into English. Thanks, Gubaba! I did notice a very minor typo. "Misa could that the Admiral’s room had sustained critical damage." I assume it's supposed to be: "Misa could see that the Admiral’s room had sustained critical damage." And thanks for the footnotes. I can never get enough of them.
  5. The 360 slim is built like a tank. I keep a dust cover on mine when it's not in use. But one day, my cat accidentally turned on the 360 while the dust cover was wrapped around it, trapping the system's heat. It stayed like this for over an hour until I noticed that my controller was turned on. When I threw off the dust cover, the system was as hot as a barbecue. I turned it off and let it cool off the rest of the night. Fast forward a couple months later, and the 360 has survived several marathon sessions since then without a hitch. M$ has finally learned how to build a console. As for the fat 360's, if you've got one manufactured on or after the 4th quarter of 2009, then you'll be fine in the long run.
  6. I think it'll just be a rerelease of the old USA PC version. I had that back in the day and it was pretty much the same thing as running the PS version through an emulator. I guess that's good enough to call it "HD" And the old PC FMV's were encoded in standard def, so they're probably just upscaled in this version.
  7. I just played an indie demo on the XBL Marketplace that might've inspired by Macross' own Ichiro Itano. It's called Itano Alpha Flight. It's pretty much a crappy version of the old After Burner arcade, but with buttloads of missle trails.
  8. I would suggest contacting Otakon and Katsucon, as they may be interested in them for historical purposes.
  9. From an ethical standpoint (not a legal one), I'm okay with scanlations if the criteria below are met: A) The work is currently unlicensed in the USA. B) There is a reasonable chance that the work will never be licensed in the USA. Obviously, no one can predict the future. But I think if the work is part of renowned franchise, such as Gundam, then there's a reasonable chance that it could be licensed. Likewise, if the work is completely original, but done by a renowned creator, such as Hayao Miyazaki, then I believe it also has a reasonable chance of being licensed. C) If A and B are met, then I'd be ok with a scanlation, just as long as it's released no sooner than 3 years from the series' conclusion. If a scanlation is released too soon after a series' release, then it may chill the market for possible reprints/compilations. I realize that primarily niche, or obscure, titles would be released under my guidelines. But, I think that niche and obscure titles are the ones that stand to benefit the most from the added exposure that scanlations would bring. Yeah, my beliefs aren't very fun or popular, but when it comes to other people's intellectual property, I like to err on the side of caution. Under my guidelines, Macross the First would actually meet B's requirements. Even though Macross is popular and Haruhiko Mikimoto is a renowned artist, the series has no reasonable chance of being released in the USA due to legal conflicts with Harmony Gold. The only obstacle would be C, but if you waited 3 years...
  10. Can we make this change permanent?
  11. Awsome work, can't wait to see more!
  12. That actually makes a lot of sense. I was wondering how the RT.com store was able to restock Rand after the toy had been out of production for so long. With all these "new" Rands hitting the market, it might be time to release some more bazookas and saddlebags. Just sayin.
  13. I don't think that's a fair comparison. The market is flooded with VF-1's of nearly every variation. Ride Armors are far more limited. I guess I'm just confused by New Generation/Mospeada fans lamenting the lack of quality merchandise, when quality merchandise is languishing on the shelves.
  14. I don't understand why the Scott MPC now goes for megabucks, while the Rand MPC is dirt cheap. Both toys are engineering marvels and both had similar production runs. Do fans just really hate Rand?
  15. Toynami did have a toy sculptor on their staff, but he was let go last year. Before he was let go, he did complete a couple of new prototypes for them; so Toynami could potentially release them in the future. Toynami has also licensed some Japanese products for release here in the US, such as Megahouse's Ride Armors and Kaiyodo's Revoltech VF-1's. So I'd say that as a company, they're a hyrbrid of the two.
  16. That's doubtful. Harmony Gold already has full legal access to the concept of a three-mode plane: the Legioss/Alpha. If Warner Bros. licensed the F-35 from Lockheed Martin, there would be nothing to stop them from applying the Legiss/Alpha three-mode transformation onto an F-35.
  17. Talk about forgetting history. So were Shoji Kawamori and Haruhiko Mikimoto "punks" back when they made their Gundam fanzine, Gunsight One? Or was Hidetaka Tenjin a "punk" back when he posted CG Valkyries on the fansite, Valkyrie Maniacs?
  18. Incredible work!! The VF's look good. And dare I say, the Zentradi actually look better than their anime counterparts! My only nitpick is that the Regults look a bit silly. This isn't a knock on the CG guys, who actually did a fine job in animating it. But the Regults just didn't intimidating in the original anime and look even less so in a live-action version. I doubt there are going to be any legal ramifications. The film's producer, César Turturro, said that he's already received permission from Harmony Gold. Plus, this is only supposed to be a short film, not a full blown movie or series. It's ironic that Harmony Gold allegedly granted Mr. Turturro permission to use the VF-1's, Zentradi, and Regults in his film, since Harmony Gold does not own the live-action rights to those specific designs. Big West owns those rights. But since Big West doesn't give a crap about what happens in the Americas, I doubt he has anything to worry about. More than likely, what Harmony Gold probably gave him permission to use was their "ROBOTECH" and "MACROSS" trademarks.
  19. I guess that's why these Japanese Blu-rays included English subs. Yamato 2199 Gundam Unicorn Gundam Age Gundam Seed remaster Haruhi Suzumiya Tiger & Bunny Library Way Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Mardock Scramble 2nd movie Patlabor movies (all 3) Akira Wings of Honneamise Jin-Roh Tenchi Muyo movies Garden of Sinners Baccano Fate Zero
  20. The reason this set won't include Manga's English subs is that Manga owns those subs. Translations are protected by copyright, so Bandai Visual would have to pay Manga to use those subs. Bandai could hire their own translator(s) and create a new English script, but that's extra money that Bandai probably isn't interested in spending. As for the English dub, that was bought and paid for way back in the 90's, as evidenced by Japan's Macross Plus International Edition. So the only money that Bandai has to spend on that is for its Blu ray authoring. That said, I'm definintely buying this set. I've practically memorized the script, so I don't need subs.
  21. Posted an interview with AnimEigo's Robert Woodhead on the main page. http://www.macrossworld.com/3640/an-interview-with-robert-woodhead-about-animeigos-macross-dvd-set/
  22. Just saw the trailer and there's only one scene that I recognize as being from the novel. Everything else looks to be brand new. Judging by the trailer, I'm expecting this movie to be 28 Days Later "Part 3," plus a global scale context, plus three or four key scenes lifted from the book. It could still be an entertaining movie, but just not World War Z. It's title is there primarily for name recognition. Hardly surprising in an era where Hollywood is afraid of spending big bucks on a new IP. I might go see the movie if it has favorably reviews. Though it's got to be something special, because at this point, I'm all zombied out.
  23. How's that? From what I'm getting out of that article, nothing in this acquisition blocks 20th Century Fox from releasing the original theatrical cuts on DVD/Blu-ray. In the past, George Lucas was the sole party who wanted to bury the original theatrical cuts, not Fox. With Lucas now out of the picture, Fox is free to release the theatrical cuts, if they so desire. The only problem that article brings up is the difficulty in obtaining a 9-movie "Ultimate" box set. In order to do that, Fox and Disney would have negotiate a deal. But that doesn't concern me in the least, since I hate Episodes I - III. I'd actually prefer to buy the movies individually, therefore I wouldn't have to pay money for those first three pieces of crap.
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