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New Edwards Test Pilot (9/15)



  1. 50 backers have managed to raise about $21,000.00 so far? That's not suspicious at all.
  2. Looks great! Put me down for a finished set.
  3. Lots of people mistakenly label the HMR line as "1/100" scale. It looks like the HMR Fire Valkyrie might actually be 1/100 (in battroid mode at least) and now everyone's complaining about scale. 😄
  4. Because FlyingDog has the worldwide exclusive rights to the franchise's music on CD format. If anyone seriously wants the soundtrack on CD, official copies are on eBay for less than $20 sealed.
  5. What an incredible work, congratulations to you and Tony on a job well done! As an HMR fan, I'd love to have one. Around $200 is the most I'd be willing to spend on a professionally built version, but like Mommar said, I don't think that price is practical. As for other schemes, the only other one I'd be interested in is a Roy scheme. And a downpayment sounds perfectly reasonable considering the labor involved.
  6. jvmacross is right, Prometheus's flight deck is supposed to be dark blue. Also, the UN Spacy kite has been claimed by Harmony Gold as a trademark. Not surprised Noel is using it anyways, he doesn't care about the law. But hey, if he keeps using it, it'll weaken HG's trademark claim 😆
  7. Absolutely incredible build, the wait was well worth it!
  8. Thanks for the words of encouragement, I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open for it.
  9. That's strange, I have this laserdisc and it's not subtitled.
  10. Got this great genga of Sylvie! I know it's a longshot, but if anyone has its matching cel, I'd be more than happy to buy it off you for a good price 😀
  11. 🙄
  12. On a more helpful note, note the "MADE IN TAIWAN" on the box cover.
  13. That's fantastic, then it really is selling out 😀
  14. Udon's own page is showing it as sold out too. But the description still says "COMING SOON FROM UDON ENTERTAINMENT" https://store.udonentertainment.com/collections/books/products/hidetaka-tenjins-artistry-of-macross-macross-frontier-films-macross-delta-archives Probably just another publishing delay.
  15. So I tried playing it on my PS3 and got the same error as you. Even tried it on my Series X and PC and none of those could play it either. I guess it's an authoring error. I just think it's hilarious that this is the first time anyone's ever mentioned this. I guess we were all understandably too focused on DYRL 😆
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