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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. haha... i dunno if being "Guld's Anger Consultant" is something to be proud of. You could have some Macross 7 related title. Thats always funny. "Basara's Song Writer" We should have more character based titles. "Hikaru's Repair Man" hahah, i forgot who said that we should have our title based on the amount of toys we have but that person should have "I gave away my Macross collection and all I got was this lousy custom title"
  2. <--- Guld's Anger Consultant haha... i guess i was asking for that one. how about having "Isamu's Flight Instructor"? huh? huh? *nudge* nudge* admin? mods? anyone?
  3. we should add more zentradi and other non-valkyrie related stuff to the titles. how about a "regult cannon fodder"?... or Guld's Anger Consultant? I thought things would get better has you post more but i prefer being a cannon fodder than a bridge bunny. hahah...
  4. As much as I love how this looks as far as the fighter mode goes (great job btw), doesnt this cause problems for gerwalk mode? I dont know other people, but I already have enough trouble tucking the wings under the shoulder as it is in gerwalk mode and if the shoulders are lowered, i would think it would make things worse.
  5. I was surprised that Yamato didnt make the wings swappable.
  6. i think Pat S should work for Yamato. Keep up the good work!
  7. from the looks of the modded picture of the vf19a, it looks like he used gundam hands. the 1/100 models is about that size. it shouldnt be too bad since all u gotta do is cut off the ball joint and drill a small hole to fit on the yf-19 toy. heres where you can get the hand. from the look of this one that i found, it looks like this hand has individual fingers. (not positive) just looks that way from the picture. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BCL2125 from the looks of ur modded vf-11b yamato toy u look like a much better modder than me. im pretty sure u can think of something better. hope this helps! good luck!
  8. http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~hekky/toy/YF-19.htm this guy did a ball joint mod at the hip to make it more posable. since you got a bunch of wave joints im assuming ur doing the same thing. heres a picture of its posing capabilities. (he did it to his vf-19a too and added his own fast pack) its good to see other fellow mw members modding their yamato toys. truthfully i was never too satisfied with the 21 or the 19 so I've also been spending the past few weeks modding them too. i got the vf-19a since i plan on recoloring both the 19 and the 21 since im not exactly fond of the purple 21 and the blue vf-19a. i got the vf-19a since it was easier to mod due to the fact that it didnt have the shield gap or knee joint problem. anyways, gluck Pat S on ur mods. hope to see ur progress soon.
  9. nope. my pelvic joint is still waaaay too loose. i should fix that but i havent found a way yet. ill take more pictures as soon as i can borrow my friends camera again.
  10. http://homepage3.nifty.com/akd0070/Tenji1/Hy19.htm http://homepage3.nifty.com/akd0070/Tenji1/Hv19.htm
  11. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Bingo/.../kakunouko.html
  12. Julian McMahon (Nip/Tuck) is playing Dr. Doom. Found this info on IMDB.
  13. http://netaro0429.at.infoseek.co.jp/gallery_o/vf21/vf21.htm
  14. i for one would get one since ive been looking for it for some time now. one input i would have to add is that i would have to agree with Gundamhead with a conversion kit. I'm sure some of us would love to just own and make the dyrl and there would be others that would love to make the tv series version so by making a conversion kit, it'll please both crowds which would make more ppl to buy into this. as for the whole copyright issue, my morals that would apply, would be that when u recast it, you shouldnt make money off it. you should probably make some money off the conversion kit since you created it out of scratch and is completely original and i for one wouldnt mind rewarding you a bit for your hard work. but to recast someone's work and sell it for profit is just wrong imo. the people who make these models put hard and quality effort and time into making a great product for us fans and if someone else just takes their work, copies it and resells it for profit... thats just f*cked up if you ask me. i guess the reward for you is that you get the model that you wanted. i dunno about you but i would pretty happy about that! just my 2 cents... for whats it worth.
  15. I didnt really do too much to it. First off I added a clip to hold the back together just cuz it was always falling off. The next thing I did was that I added a hook device to keep the legs from rising up since his legs were way too short imo. I'll probably take more pictures later. Heres my yamato compared to the kitbashed hasegawa. Still nothing special but at least it looks a lot better IMO. enjoy.
  16. i dunno about you guys... but i say BRING ON THE FAST PACK!!!
  17. AlphaHX

    1/72 GBP?

    does this count?
  18. I posted pictures of the booster from the series in this thread for anyone whos interested in the color scheme. Theyre pretty bad grabs but theyre the best ones I could find of the boosters. hope it helps. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10572
  19. Thats great news! Well, not only for us who are getting the recast but especially for you since it'll save you a good amount of work. PM'd you Valkyrie. (I would like to contribute)
  20. thanx! glad to be here!
  21. here grayson, ive got the booster pics you requested. tower and booster max and hikaru's boosters (color) this was a combination of multiple screen shots so its a bit discolored max and hikaru's boosters (plain white) misc vf-1 boosters booster closeup (also a combination... obviously) hope this helps you with ur color scheme. i tried to clean up the pictures as much as possible. i have a good majority of the episodes so tell me if you want any other screen shots of anything else. i also have macross plus, zero, and dyrl if you want anything from there too.
  22. i dunno anyone from this board that has done it but someone kit bashed a hasegawa yf-19 to make it transformable. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...une02page15.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...une02page13.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...une02page14.jpg
  23. i've noticed recasts are semi frequent here on the boards and that there are plenty out there looking for studio halfeye kits so out of curiousity, why hasnt there been a recast of SHE kits yet?
  24. hey guys... its all good. toy, model... whatever. i hafta admit that i did mean models as in model kits as chris stated but the hcm recommendation was fine too. i knew that it was a toy so it wasnt like i was about to go off aimlessly looking for a hcm model kit. all recommendations were highly appreciated and helpful. thanx for the hcm recommendation and thanx chris for clearing up the model misunderstanding. no harm done. thanx again people.
  25. Wow, thanx a lot guys! I've been a macross fan for quite some time now but i just havent gotten into models until now. it seems that im quite behind in the game. I just recently got my hands on a studio halfeye YF-19 and i wanted to add to my collection with a VF-1, a VF-11, and a VF-21/22. I was considering kitbashing the hasegawa kit but summer is almost over and school is starting again and I dont think I'll be able to find the time to do any kitbashing. So can anyone point me to the right direction to find either the IHP Hasegawa Conversion Kit, S.H.E. VF-11, or VF-22?
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