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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Oops, I forgot to specify... 1/72 scale. Having it to be a variable kit would be nice too. For those who dont like variable kits... at least you can build it in fixed pose in any mode.
  2. Nope... unfortunately not...
  3. Welcome to the MW... As Phyrox said, unfortunately, we dont get to choose kits like that. We cant say we want so and so and voila, someone comes in and builds it for us. Theres usually an interest check by the model builder themselves and if theres interested, then its built. Also as Grayson72 said, most of those are Southern Cross and Mospeada units. A model builder here has gotten in trouble before making a "Robotech" unit. So I'll doubt seeing any of those being made anytime soon. As for your Macross requests: 1. 1/72 VEFR-1 Electronic Warfare Valkyrie - 1/60 or 1-72 resin upgrade for the yamato variable or hasigawa kit. 2. Destroid Defender,Destroid Tomahawk, Destroid Spartan, Destroid Phalanx 1/72, more detail, options and in resin. Variable kits are very hard and difficult to design. It'll be very costly and it would need a lot of interest for it to be made. Being that the VEFR-1 isnt one of the main valks, interest might be scarce. I would love to see better destroids myself... hopefully a modeler will be willing to take that job one day. There was already another thread about this. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5111&hl=
  4. How's going with the kitbash? I have been waiting for more progress for over a month. Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been extremely busy and havent even had much time to visit the boards. The last things I've done was prime the 19 and have been sanding here and there. I'll try to take pictures soon.
  5. Wow! Nice work! What do you have planned next?
  6. Its late here so I'll try to take pictures later. I do have the strike picture on my comp tho. I found it awhile back before the book was even announced. As for how much text, how its presented, etc... someone already posted a picture of the layout on the first page. For now, heres the strike picture... I'll try to find some time later to take pictures.
  7. Most of us know what this baby is made of. Graham already told us... Heres Tenjin's site. It shows a good amount of the Hasegawa box arts... http://www.studio-tenjin.com/gallary/index.htm I could take pictures but I dunno what exactly youre looking for. All I can say is that there isnt a lot of new pictures. A good majority of it is just the Hasegawa box arts... which was the main reason why I wanted this book.
  8. AlphaHX

    Mac Zero

    The search engine is fine. It all depends on what you put into it to make sure you get the right results. We dont need a thousand threads asking the exact same question. Thats the exact thing we're trying to stay away from and the reason why the search engine was created...
  9. AlphaHX

    Mac Zero

    When searching, make sure you change the "Search posts from.." from "30 days ago and..." to "Any date". Hopefully that'll bring up some more results...
  10. oops... I dont have all those writing around the regult but heres a picture of the regult with the decals on...
  11. I think its dark blue...
  12. here ya go...
  13. AlphaHX

    macross lineart

    Straight on shots are always hard to come by. Last time I checked, there arent even that many pictures of the FL-200 or the Dragon II. Maybe a handful... Here are some of the better pictures of them...
  14. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14213
  15. I agree. IMO, we're extremely lucky to have such talented people who share the same interest in Macross. The scratch builts on this board is just getting better and better. I hope it stays this way. I would probably be in for at least one if this happens. I remember reading about this awhile back and wondered what happened to it. Well, now I know... and I'm glad its back.
  16. Left...
  17. Hahaha... miss me?
  18. here ya go... I would've posted earlier but I was out of town all weekend.
  19. Just backin you up with some facts my boy, in case people forgot that the YF-21/VF-22 carries 2 gunpods. Guld lost his gunpod, then he pulled out his other gunpod. Yep, see... just a few more confirmations. It doesnt hurt. Its always good to know someones got ur back...
  20. AlphaHX

    SDF-1 1/8000

    Ooo... neato. I like. What model did you use for the 1/8000 SDF-1? The Imai one?
  21. I noticed azrael likes to reiterate and make certain distinctions about obvious things or when things have just been pointed out. Oh well, a few dozen confirmations could never hurt I guess. Like this. Is it necessary to tell someone to watch it in slow motion when I posted... literally right before him screencaps of the scene? But yeah, whatever floats his boat. Like I said, a few minor corrections or a few dozen confirmations of the same thing cant hurt I guess. No harm done. Btw, yeah, a few seconds earlier Isamu actually punches OFF the YF-21's hand and Guld loses one of this gunpods. You are correct sir... Pow! Bye bye hand...
  22. Twich is right about this one. Heres some pictures...
  23. During the battle the gun does disappear from time to time...
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