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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. the 19 from my last cover:
  2. another 19, same view.
  3. another 19 just to fit the 21 view.
  4. the other 19:
  5. here are the other cg fighters if you guys like these better. the other 21:
  6. just another variation. for people who werent feeling the cg art. lookie! its the YF19 from my avatar.
  7. i have some other ones. should i post them up too? personally they dont fit too well into a box design but they are fun to look at.
  8. oh yeah i forgot to mention. those are the original size of the pictures. as for making them tifs... are you talking about the fighter pics? tell me what to do and ill gladly change it accordingly.
  9. now for the 19:
  10. hi guys, i can change the format of the pictures to whatever you like. here are the original pictures, heres the 21 first:
  11. same thing. just the sharon apple logo instead of the characters.
  12. heres another one guys. just for variety. Personally, this is my favorite.
  13. Heres my contribution guys. Tell me what you think or if I should change anything.
  14. "Wow, lookie! my knees are bent and my face isnt flat against the ground!!!"
  15. "whee... lookie me slide!!!"
  16. Not enuf love for mac plus. Here are some 21 and 19 pix.
  17. sorry for the TERRIBLE pictures people. its not my camera and im not much of a photographer. i do have quite a talent of making people look a billion times uglier tho. anyways, hope the pictures help show you what i did.
  18. GASP!!! AM I ACTUALLY... POSING? Wow! My knees are bent and I'm standing!!! Damn those pelvic joints. I recommend everyone to just tighten them the way I did. If its not enuf, you can unscrew it, put some nail polisher on the joints and then screw it back on. After that... it should quite tight.
  19. LOOK! IM TALL!!!
  20. Heres a picture of the screws on the pelvic joint which I found out that you could just easily unscrew it a bit and just tighten it and voila! its actually surprisingly tighter. Also, as you see where the leg rises up is a hook where i pretty much fused/hinged to the back of the 21. it folds up in fighter mode so the legs can slide back up to fit.
  21. Here are my clips that hold the back in place. I just leave it when transforming since surprisingly they dont get in the way of the legs when in fighter mode. It can still come loose but its a LOT harder for it to fall off like it used to. If you do it by hand, for example when transforming, it comes right off. Its simple... but hey, its works.
  22. ahh!... someone just peed on my pants when i was looking at the pictures! love the SV-51!!!! the pictures are fine. the grainy look could be from the dialup dying half way trying to load all the pictures. thats how it was for me when i had dialup. you definitely shouldnt count urself short. at you least u can even say "im no wmcheng"... i dont think even half of us here at MW can even say "im a Dobber"!
  23. could you add me to list? edit: oops, sorry. i sent you a pm chris but i didnt say how many. just put me down for one plz.
  24. Haru's a cool guy. I've been talking to him here and there. Anyone around Toronto should definitely get in contact with him. If I'm ever in Toronto for whatever the reason may be, I'll definitely drop you a message!
  25. It's "Dekarucha". It was discussed in some other thread. It was subtitled in some Macross game or something. I forgot. Dont think its actually Japanese tho. But its still fun to say! "DEKARUCHA!!!"
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