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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. i was reading a post about megaroads in another thread and it got me thinking about the population of macross. i noticed that in DYRL, supposively almost EVERYONE on Earth was killed. but when watching macross plus, no more than 30 years later or so... there were a bunch of people living on earth... AND eden. i know zentradies also ended up living on earth too... but isnt it a bit much still to inhabit two whole planets in 30 years?
  2. oh shoot! its Pat S. doooont dooooo it!!! listen to haterist!!! man, i really hope its not a scam. gluck to Pat S.
  3. Thanx for the compliments guys! By all means BoBe-Patt, please do! I would love to see some of your designs and I'm sure others would love to see them as well. Hahah, thanx again Mechamaniac. Well, if you want me to stop, pick a design so we can get these designs made! Now... if only we can get Paul to make several of these...
  4. well, cross your fingers and hope taht everyone else likes it too.
  5. I dunno when u started to follow the thread but I cant use the cg work cuz i dont have the original hi res version of it. so using those pictures would be useless since we cant use them in the final design. I replaced the other picture. Check it out and tell me what you think.
  6. i tried to implement sharon back into the background of the desert picture and was just messing around and came up with this so far. it looks REALLY simple... but i just wanted to see what u guys thought and what you wanted me to add. ive been having a lot trouble coming up with new ideas since my imagination blows and im running out of pictures to use.
  7. another variation on the desert layout.
  8. here ya go. the desert spine stands out a lot. MrDisco, did you want the cock pits where the macross triangle and trio is?... or did you like this one better?... let me know. edit: cockpits added to top.
  9. btw, dont feel afraid to SUGGEST anything. I can switch it up in couple of seconds or im sure another photoshopper will do it. You can even suggest it even if u are just curious how it would turn up. just let me know. this is for everyone so itll be nice if whoever is buying one would give their 2 cents. plus, i might not even get one since college books just took a fat bite out of my macross funds. so yeah, since its for those who are paying for it, chip in. let us designers know what you want.
  10. like this?
  11. no harm done. i like the criticism. i know i cant make everyone happy but ill do what i can. see if u like this one better. its kinda rough but im hoping everyone will get the gist of it. ill clean it up later when i get the chance. school started and i got some reading to catch up on. hope you guys like this one. enjoy.
  12. maybe two boxes? you can choose between the 19 or 21 in front. which one... which one? the choices... yf-19 in front:
  13. Thanx for the kind words Mechamaniac. I'll keep them coming if people are liking it. Here are some more. yf-21 in front:
  14. here you go Mr. Disco. keeping the macross plus to a minimal. one on the front and one of the side and now added with the desert image.
  15. gradient. i know im posting the same layout over and over again but im doing it just for the lineart panel obviously. i just want to throw in more ideas. im assuming in the end, we're going to pick panels from all the designers and more or less make up a whole new box since most of the layouts so far have been pretty damn good imo. so yeah... im just letting the ideas flowing. please tell me if its getting annoying and that i should stop.
  16. both blue.
  17. same thing but with a blue 21.
  18. i decided to go back and read some posts of the impressions of the old layouts and i realized a lot of people liked the lineart so in this layout i tried to implement back in for people who wanted it. also i wanted to use the layout since i knew you guys already have hi-res scans of it. enjoy.
  19. i dunno about other guys but whether small, big... the cockpits will probably still look damn nice anyway you put it. let your imagination run wild people. my 2 cents is that i would think it'll be better for our mockups to be different so can get some more ideas in. as great as TLW's cockpit layout is, we'll leave his great design to him. i dunno if we need to see 50 copies of his design. also as far as his layout goes, i think TLW's design is pretty darn top notch. i dunno about other people's designing skills but my non-imaginative mind says i cant do too much more with that. with that said, go buck wild... lets try to get a design that all of us will love!
  20. Thanx! I'll do that. Can we get some help on that? anyone willing to volunteer? anyone who knows Japanese and is willing to help, plz see if you can get in contact of the owner of the site to get these pictures. from the sounds of it, i think people here in MW wouldnt mind having those fighter pictures as a choice for our box. I guess in the meantime, I'll try to come up with some designs with our current scans.
  21. oh sorry... mustve missed that. heres the webpage that i got it from. maybe we can get someone who knows japanese to email him to see if the person is willing to give us a full size picture of his works. http://www.01.246.ne.jp/~eri-shun/gall_macross.htm
  22. i have a lot more but im not gonna post anymore since we seem pretty indecisive as it is already. so i guess if anyone wants me to implement some of the new pictures ive posted up, let me know and ill see what i can do.
  23. touched up hasegawa 19 & 21 covers:
  24. another 19... just... becuz... its cool:
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