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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Thanx Carl. At least now I know where to dig. I'll post here if I find anything.
  2. Why are you posting pictures of the VF-1 and the YF-21 in a SV-51/52 thread? THIS is the SV-51:
  3. I STILL dont get it.
  4. I dont get it.
  5. Is there anyone who has a big scan of this picture or own the YF-19/21 Fast Pack and can scan it for me?
  6. I guess 4 should get an honorable mention for: -Fuel tanker exploting -We see DD Trashing Skull-1 -Weird old guy freaking Sara Up -Roy cussing for being shot down! -Roy trashing up some enemy mecha with what left of his VF-0S -The bombing of Maya Island you forgot to add -Norah's scar scene to Shin -Norah beating up Shin -Norahs superb sniper skills -Roys anti personel mine skills -Shin not noticing hes about to walk off a cliff at night u forgot to add... -shin and sara riding... uhh... yeaaah... a umm... big hard rock -something something something sara goes coo coo -no storyline/action scenes that lasted for long periods of time -mao going into shock and killing more useless time -random mayan ppl dancing and singing to kill some more time -sara going medieval on shins @$$ wow... what a useful episode. i liked mzero and all... but geez, after watching episode 4 i felt like i wanted my money back... and i downloaded the damn thing.
  7. Yeah, there are some people that take it to the ultimate extreme (those fools who carry a small sack on their waist at all times, ready to game whenever)... I enjoyed it for a while, but it got uber expensive to keep collecting EVERY new set that came out. hahah... in the dorm? i must say, if u were a "hardcore" player in college, that mustve been pretty dorky. i played in middle school and thankfully i was never ran into anyone dorky enuf to carry a waist sack and was ready to play... and we were little kids too! hahah... well, because of the rarity of my cards, i never brought them to school. just like Skull Leader, i enjoyed it for a bit myself but just like everyone else it was too expensive and pointless to keep collecting every set that wizard would pump out every 2 minutes. those money grubby bastards. JELEINEN is right. magic became a game of money than anything else. oh well, good thing i quit. now to sell off my cards... you still know those dorks Agent ONE?
  8. from the wizard website... yay... im not going crazy. they did change it then i guess... that was so amusing too.
  9. im about 95% sure the alpha version says that. are u sure u didnt collect the beta version? theres alpha and beta. alpha and beta have black borders but alpha cards are more rounded around the edges than normal cards and they have really simple and in the case of time walk have really screwy wording. or maybe they changed the wording in another batch of alpha. weird... i couldve swore... ur probably right. nevermind... im just confused now.
  10. US $307.00 (Reserve not met) reserve not met!?!?!!? I said more because yours seem to be in way better condition to those in auction. hmm... true. mine doesnt have as much yellowing. i wouldnt be surprise if the reserve for that one is around 500. haha, one of the first tournament that i won, i got a fallen empire box. i sold that the second i got it. good thing too. it was still relative early and no one really truely realized that it sucked yet. you collected the alpha set!?!?!? daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn... that thing must be waaaaaaay more than my lotuses. so u have the "time walk" that says "target player loses next turn". hahahahhaha... greatest wording for a card... ever!
  11. US $307.00 (Reserve not met) reserve not met!?!?!!?
  12. ... ... ... ... ... ... 5... 0... 0... to... 8... 0... 0... ... ... ... ... ... $_$!!!! i was thinking 200, 300...
  13. HAHAHA!!! HOLY $#!T, you heard that too??? man... that rumor travels LONG and FAR. one of my friends was telling me how he heard some guy who insured his lotus and was saying that i should do it too.
  14. thats always good to hear. when i got them in the "good ol days", they were prob $150 max for each lotus. the mox pearl was $50. my brothers and i almost pissed in our pants handing that kind of money over. im assuming its worth more than that now so im glad it paid off. its good that we won several tournaments or else magic wouldve harassed us financially. we won several boxes from our tournaments and sold them for mucho $$$. in the end, even with out selling our lotuses, i can actually say we broke even from the beginning since we sold off other stuff like shivans, multilands, etc.
  15. you tell me. haha... 3 unlimited ones. the one in the hardcase is the most mint one. theyre all pretty much near mint condition. quite good imo. i know black lotuses are banned from type 2 tournaments. last time i heard there are still type 1 tournaments here and there. edit: oh hey! u can see the mox pearl too. left and behind of the lotuses. i just noticed that.
  16. heh heh... lets just say i played... a LOT... truthfully, i dunt even know how much a black lotus is worth now and these days. u can shoot me an offer if ur actually serious. the reason why i had multiple black lotuses was cuz my brothers played and we always argued about who gets to use it during the next tournament so after we wona couple of tournaments, we sold the prize and bought/traded for a couple more. sad thing tho is after that we argued over the time walks, ancestral recall, and the moxes. the first tournament i ever won, i was 11. how embarassing is that to get beaten by a little 11 years old kid? i feel sorry for whoever played me during that tournament now that i look back on it.
  17. im assuming too many noobs starting playing and got confused so they decided to make a "Second Main" as shown by RichterX. magic has made a LOT of minor rule changes due to the confusion and arguments that a lot of newbies started. theres no interrupts in the game anymore. all interrupts became instants and they have a new ruling on instants. oh yeah, the "Second Main" doesnt change anything. back in the day where there was "one" main u could split it using ur combat phase so its the same concept. but the only diff is that theres a name for it now. i wonder if magic is still popular. i still have black lotuses and moxes that i should sell... along with hundreds of revised rares. multilands anyone?
  18. oooh... the summon phase... when i played, u could summon anytime during ur main phase and ur combat phase was somewhere during ur main phase. so in some ways u could... i guess... have "two" summon phases. so you could summon a creature, attack, and then summon more creatures before ur main phase ends and then continue on. theres only "ONE" main phase but you can "split" it up using ur combat phase. hope u understand that. i played in a good amount of tournaments so hopefully i havent been playing this wrong all this time.
  19. i stopped a little after mirage... but yeah, i dont remember there being a limit either. its pretty much restricted to how much mana you have. if u have a billion mana... summon away.
  20. How About one with VF-9 Cutlass and/or the VF-X-7 Ghost. Nice work BTW. i could make another vf-9 cutlass or a vf-x-7 wallpaper if i can find a good picture of them. know where to find one?
  21. exactly...no amount of clearcoat/sealants is gonna prevent that thing from looking like an accident after a couple of transformations. i'd really prefer to have 3 different models too. those transformable models in magazines are more of a showcase for modeling prowess and exercise in technical challenge. it would be very interesting to build one, but in the end i can still only display in one mode at a time. so, if someone can just build a perfect proportioned vf-19 battroid i'd be happy. there's no need for transformation for me. i can leave that to the 'toy' people. i just want to see someone attempt to make a transformable yf-19.
  22. Thats pretty cool, just wish it was in a higher resolution. i hope IIymij doesnt mind but i made it bigger.
  23. to the white drew carey & IIymij: those are GREAT! you guys should submit more and this can be the semi official wallpaper thread. people can come here and have a different wallpaper for each day of the week.
  24. so umm... striderhiryu, u still doing this?
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