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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Holy $#!T... Jay-Lew owes me a new pair of boxers.
  2. I guess I'll add to the fun... edit: added w/o template versions
  3. DyNo's wallpaper reminded me of the x-ray VF-0S battroid picture I messed around with several months back so I decided to make a wallpaper out of it. Hope you guys like it.
  4. shoot... sorry. i'll add you right now.
  5. I beleave thats the Studio Half-Eye 1/100 Resin Model kit. Hmm... I starting to think its not the SHE kit. It looks like the Wave YF-21 battroid kit... Its hard to tell from this angle. wolfx, where did you get that picture from? Got any more? I'm pretty sure its the Wave kit. If it was a SHE kit, it should have screws left and right on it. Also the part flap things on his legs should be huge on the SHE kit... just like the 1st edition Yamato.
  6. It's lilcris's avatar. Its making us access a webpage with a password prompt to see the picture.
  7. I got my custom title when I had like... 30 something posts. I thought that was weird... Edit: 36 posts... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st=60&hl=titles
  8. Hahahah... I got mine the same way Gaijin got his. I posted some suggestive titles and bam... I got one of them. Me and my fat mouth... geez. I would rather have something that fits me. Problem is that something tells me that if this works out the way it does someone like promethuem5 or shiyao will make me "Macross Image Library" or a title closely related to that. I guess I could care less either way. Titles are fun and all but as long as no one gets all annoyed that they dont have one or want a better one, etc, etc. I guess if the mods can keep everyone satisfied I would definitely like to see how this works out.
  9. http://photos.yahoo.co.jp/horton1485
  10. lets not hijack this thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=0entry298893
  11. fighter...
  12. gerwalk...
  13. Someone kitbashed a vf-0d fighter kit to become variable. I wish it was a conversion kit or an upcoming kit. Anyways, heres another picture. Its pretty old, there was another thread where i posted a kitbashed variable sv-51 and vf-0s.
  14. last one...
  15. These two pictures were really small. So this is all I have for now.
  16. thanx. too bad i havent had the time to do more.
  17. WOW, this is awesome!!! As are you other sweer baqgroundz. Would you mind making a version of this with the positions of the yf-19 and yf-21 swopped, and with no missles in the baqground and no macross plus text? Nice work keep it up!! here ya go...
  18. I didnt even know he had an account here! Nice job on the Macross Compendium Egan. Good stuff. Im surprised you never saw egan do the smack down on nash. Sounded fun. Too bad I missed it.
  19. I didnt even know he had an account here! Nice job on the Macross Compendium Egan. Good stuff.
  20. Glad I can help.
  21. Well in that case... got a cleaner scan that's even bigger? :Dat I changed my first post. Thats the biggest I can make it. The original scan is much bigger but MW doesnt allow an attachment to be bigger than 1mb.
  22. I told you to ask me if you need it to be higher res. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1116032135.jpg
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