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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Toss up for DYRL and MACPLUS for me.
  2. Comparison Picture: SDFM, DYRL, MACPLUS, MAC7, MACZERO
  3. For me, I feel that hate and favorite are too strong of words. I can go from feeling indifferent about something to liking it a lot. But to hate it? Sure, it has flaws compared to the other version. But essentially, imo, theyre very similar. I guess I have a very distinct definition for the word "hate". Usually when I "hate" something, there isnt a thing I like about it. I dislike it all. So to me, I cant feel like I hate and love very similar things. Its just one of those personal preferences. I hope that makes sense. For minor changes to make all the difference, I tend to find that highly picky. Not saying thats a bad thing. Just saying... its picky. Its just how I intepret it. To me, its minor... small things. Nothing significant. But I can understand how it could be percieved to be a big difference to others... I just find those other individuals to excessively picky. My comment was in no way to offend you Radd or Keith. I personally do not see the "big deal" about it but I didnt feel that Knight needed to criticize me for it. Just venting. No offense.
  4. I highly agree. Still, I dont see how u can go from HATING the TV VF-1A and LOVING the DYRL VF-1A. So there you go Knight, more screen shots and the lineart! Just for you! I'm soooo sorry for the picking a bad screen shot. The differences are insane! For a second there, I thought it was a whole new head! Someone asked for a comparison and I gave it to them. One from the TV and one from DYRL. Until youre the one taking ur time to take screenshots, stop being so picky. I dont appreciate your remark at all. A simple, "that shot doesnt do justice to the changes, could you please take another one" would do.
  5. Hahah! How nit picky can you people get? Are you talking about the pitch black kakizaki lookalike in the end? How is that any better? Heres more. Still NOT that big of a difference.
  6. differences arent that drastic imo.
  7. I forgot to mention. I'm not too hot on the whole "fin" thing either.
  8. The other thread about best looking mech head got me wondering. What do you guys think has the ugliest head in Macross? My vote goes to Basara's VF-19 Kai Custom. I'm not big on the whole "face" features on mechs.
  9. here are my two votes.
  10. toss up between VF-1S and YF/VF-19 for me.
  11. you can see the screenshots of the subs here. the subs are pretty good. theyre similar to the ANBU subs.
  12. edit: took it down till i can fix it or find a larger scan to work with. it was just a double (no effects) of the nora sv-51 (above) for those who were wondering.
  13. the pictures that ive found online were way too small for me to work with. the only one i was able to work with was Nora's SV-51. Hopefully this will do until I can find larger scans of the box art.
  14. yep. this one.
  15. I still feel behind and I joined MW before you did. VF-1J At least you can still get to these before theyre all gone.
  16. which picture? the YF-19/21 or VF-9? the 19/21 are from the hasegawa box. i just edited them out. the VF-9, i got from some page I found on google. I can just send it to you if you want.
  17. any one in particular?
  18. VF-9 GUARDIAN MODE!!! Thanx for the compliment! and for that, your prize is...
  19. ooooooo, thats actually a really good idea. if they packaged 1 destroid with 1 type of regult(i think theres 4 different ones?), that would surely be guarantee sales. i know most of us have a love for the battle pods, probably more so than the destroids. and i know everyone would want to collect all of them...nobodys gonna buy one variant and be happy with it. this would get all 4 destroids sold as well as 4 regults. so 3 of the 4 destroids have the same legs, 4 regults all have the same body and legs, only need to make molds for the variants which should be fairly small, packaged in pairs, 1 destroid and 1 regult, yamato can't lose, they'd be making money hand over fist IMHO. now who wants to pitch this sales idea to Yamato?
  20. Excuse my ignorance, but what is OST 2? Original SoundTrack
  21. AlphaHX

    Macross PS2 Game

    We got close one time. There was this ancient system way back in the early 90's called Turbo Duo (the big brother of Turbo Grafx) that was call PC Engine in Japan. A game called Macross 2036 was only release in Japan but could be played on the US Duo without any need for modifications. That's about as close as we got though. wow, brought back a month old thread to answer a 8 month old question!
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