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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    yeah... but thats why toy collectors buy 5 of each. so that >1K will equal closer to 5k. but yeah, I see what you mean, thats why I'm leaning towards model collectors right now...
  2. AlphaHX


    agreed. what a skinny looking gundam tho. hehe...
  3. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    heheh, I expected this when I made this poll in the toy section. Someone should start one up in the model section and see what modelers have to say about this.
  4. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    Funny, I spend a lot on both too but I find models to be more expensive... Where are you getting your cheap models at? I MUST KNOW. heheh.
  5. Indeed. In some shots he looks like a bobblehead. then what does gamlin look like?
  6. AlphaHX


    cool... where did u get the pewter hands? does each finger have articular posability?
  7. hahah... what head? Go for it. I thought about it but theres a LOT of valks to list.
  8. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    hahahahah! its alright, we're all kids at heart... umm... mind... umm... hmm... whatever, its all the same. heh heh heh... now we all know why you come home to interventions...
  9. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    Resin kits costing over $100 is very common and easier to find than you think. I joined MW only this past summer and already I have 5+ kits thats $200+ each and several other kits thats $100+ each. I must admit tho, toys are easier to find since theyre all over the internet. But unless you collect multiples of 1/48 like a mad man, models can give your wallet a pounding just as easily. I should post this over in the model section and see what they say.
  10. we would all obviously like resin kits to be cheaper but until the material to recast a resin kit becomes cheaper, thats not going to happen. the material cost for the molds, resin, etc is just too expensive to mass produce a kit that sells for 20, 30 bucks each.
  11. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    I was just curious since I've been spending a LOT of money on Macross collectables right now and just wanted to know who do you think spends the most money? Model collecters? Toy collecters? Both? Also, I just thought it would be fun to see people complain about losing their retirement funds to Macross.
  12. The Club-M Q-Rau is actually a pretty easy resin kit and I can probably figure it out if I just sit down with it but it'll still be nice to have the instructions to it. Anyone have a copy of it and can scan it for me?... or know where I can get a copy? edit: (Didnt want to post and bump a useless thread) Thanx Jesse!!!
  13. They needed some place to put their guitars? j/k i wish i had a valk to put my guitar in. hahahha...
  14. got a lnik?
  15. sweet mother of...!!!! THANX! got anymore pictures? is it just me or do these guys look as/more threatening than the gdp-1?... and they can transform!!!
  16. i found the fighter mode for the vf-x3.
  17. No. Scrambled Valkyrie featured only one model of variable fighter, the VF-1SOL. yep, this guy.
  18. cool! so... yeah... anyone else have better or more pictures of the VF-X3 or the SDP-1? whoooops. sorry.
  19. hahaha, ur not the only one confused.
  20. no its not. this is the sdp-1 stampede valkyrie. man, these pics are horrible. i got to find REAL pictures of these. these were puny to start with. i had to enlarge it and fix it as much as i can.
  21. Maybe VF-X3? Is this even official?
  22. wth? really? i want to see that too! someone please post it! what did it transform into? See it yourself link to the fan works section in the forums http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...0destroid&st=20 wow, thats pretty cool... i wonder if WDC has a bigger scan of that.
  23. wth? really? i want to see that too! someone please post it! what did it transform into?
  24. wouldve fooled me too. looks like a vf-1a. i wouldve jumped onto the bandwagon too thinking it was the vf-0. definitely cant blame them.
  25. No prob. Anytime. Ive been wanting to make wallpapers with characters in them and found out that i had a set of wallpapers of the skull squad. If enuf people wanted me to, I could enlarge them so they could be used as wallpapers since theyre pretty small. I DID NOT MAKE THESE. I wish I did. Theyre pretty cool. EDIT: P.S. I have pictures of the characters in these wallpapers so I can make my own wallpaper too. So up to you guys, do you want me to just enlarge these or make my own? I was thinking of putting the characters next to their valks. Just some brainstorming.
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