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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. uh oh... that contradicts with my thread title. oh well... still cool. dunno, i just found it that way. it could be. i wouldnt be surprised it people miss and match things for the fun of it.
  2. Thanx! More cockpit pictures:
  3. my present from me to you guys. have fun.
  4. Fast Packs and Hand:
  5. Strike Fighter:
  6. Engine:
  7. Head:
  8. Battroid Mode:
  9. Gerwalk Mode:
  10. I wanted to make a thread of linearts for any CGers or anyone else who has use for them. Feel free to contribute. I found pictures of the inside of the VF-1 and thought I'll share it since its pretty damn cool. Fighter mode:
  11. Links? Sorry, I dont remember where I get half my pictures. I just use google and find whatever I can. Do you want the character pictures? I have em, I can just post them.
  12. sweet! I'm only two people away from a threesome!... oh... waaait a seeec.... DAMN! hahahha! ambidextrous? ambidextrous? I can use my left hand as well as my right? Theres your two people. Uhh... yeah... I'll pass.
  13. sweet! I'm only two people away from a threesome!... oh... waaait a seeec.... DAMN! hahahha! ambidextrous? ambidextrous? I can use my left hand as well as my right?
  14. sweet! I'm only two people away from a threesome!... oh... waaait a seeec.... DAMN! hahahha!
  15. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    I think a lot of toy collecters forget that model collecters buy resin kits which are usually just as or even more expensive than 1/48 valks. Resin kits are easily between $100-$200. IMO, that should be able to hurt you just as easily as toys. Not to mention theres a lot more different models than there are 1/48 valks.
  16. I really liked the first sketch of the VA-3 in Kawamori's Macross Design Works. It had a more humanoid figure to it compared to how it is now. I wonder if theres a scan of that anywhere. hmm...
  17. HAHAHAHA!!! I want a VF-1YXV Joe Blow!!!
  18. One hell of a good price might I add.
  19. ugh... who pushed him off the ugly tree and had him hit every branch down? what did animefriend do anyways? did they draw in their own scenes?
  20. Cmon, everyone now.
  21. Really? I never minded the head. I just thought the whole package was just fugly.
  22. You know, all this big helmet talk got me thinking... Shouldnt they be using different helmets in space as opposed to on Earth? Kind of like today... big for space and small for sky...? I just thought it was kind of weird that all the helmets in macross, sdfm, dyrl, macII were all relatively small until it got to macplus, mac7 where the planes started to have both sky/space capability in the sense that they can launch from the ground but was able to go into space. Then in maczero, the helmets got smaller again. I dunno... was just thinking that maybe kawamori decided to do this after dyrl/flashback.
  23. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    Yeah, I thought about that too since I'm a model person. But I thought more model people would come over to the toy section than vice versa.
  24. eat? rent? bills? gf? overrated... now go give Kevin all your money. hahahahha... j/p.
  25. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    Funny, I spend a lot on both too but I find models to be more expensive... Where are you getting your cheap models at? I MUST KNOW. heheh. I get mine just like everyone here at HLJ but their overpriced (after shipping is included) and I'll probably look somewhere else since the dollar has been undervalued against the yen. I recently bought 2 Hasegawa kits the SV-51 low viz and the price tag came to be $75 not including shipping. oooh... non-resin kits. oh okay. that makes sense. gotta love hasegawa. now only if we can get them to make all the cool resin kits out there. hmm... they gotta make battroid/gerwalk everything, fighter vf-11, vf-17, etc etc, sdf-1, and transformable kits for the fun of it. oh... and keep everything in 1/72 scale except the sdf-1 of course. hehe... boy am I dreaming too hard. I'm gonna hurt myself if I keep this up.
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