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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Yep. Not simple like the VF-1. I'll add the VF-1 transformation too since I already posted it in another thread. Enjoy!
  2. Well, when ppl say "Plus all the way" I think theyre talking about Isamu's helmet. I see the reason why Guld's helmet is big but why is Gamlins big? Hahahah... another great aspect of Mac7.
  3. if thats not official... theres always this.
  4. Doh, ur right. I did forget. I was thinking of the game and totally forgot that the anime. Another idiot moment on MW for me... this is like my... 983,372,817 time now? hmm... something like that.
  5. I didn't say that Isamu was the only one that looked like a bobblehead. hehe, good point. Gamlin is super bobblehead! Its interesting that Gamlin and Guld has similar helmets...
  6. Got you covered Ido.
  7. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    Tell me about it! Haha, looks like all of us needs to go into rehab. First step is to admit ur problem. "Hi, my name is Andrew and I'm a Macross junky..." Hahahah...
  8. Since this is already non-anime, I'm going to bring this slightly more off topic. I've always like this. Its my last name. Its not an ego thing... seriously. I just thought it looked cool. OMG. Take away the right part and thats my family name! We're so related AlphaHX. Hahahah!!! Awesome! I found myself a long lost Macross cousin! Sweet... I wonder if we got anymore family here Neova.
  9. AlphaHX

    Who spends more?

    Hahahha... so true... soooo true. This hobby is like a drug. Its so damn addicting! Wow... looks like the poll is evening out.
  10. here are the faqs http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=142 plus, no need to double post and add pictures to every post either. talk to us here vistali1. thats what the thread is for. maybe after we get to know you better we can move some conversations to AIM.
  11. Wow, watching this is like Christmas present to myself. Its that GREAT! Here we go again.
  12. True... imo still would look cool as an emblem on a mech tho. I dunt know the meaning. Its my last name "Hsu". Thats it. I'm sure there is a meaning but I just dont know it.
  13. Since this is already non-anime, I'm going to bring this slightly more off topic. I've always like this. Its my last name. Its not an ego thing... seriously. I just thought it looked cool.
  14. Doh... i need to win the lotto. I want this but dont think I can shell out the funds for it at the moment. Ask again in a couple of months.
  15. last time i checked, i think the club m one was the most accurate. someone plz correct me if im wrong. you can get a recast here: http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?c...roducts_id=1847
  16. hey, welcome to macrossworld. nice picture of minmay btw. feel sorry for the 56k people. hahah... anyways, for music, i know theres some in the imacross server that MW is nice enuf to setup for us. theres also plenty of videos and other macross goodies in there. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=244 check it out. dont hog the bandwidth tho.
  17. well, onto macplus stuff.
  18. Thanx! More cockpit pictures: Hey AlphaHX, the two cockpit pics on the left of the picture are of the Legioss cockpit. hehe... whoooops again. damn people always mislabeling their pictures.
  19. nah man. we didnt mean anything by it. we're just informing you why things are, u kno? seriously tho, dont u think we all dont wish rare resin kits were cheaper? it isnt like everyone on this board wipes their butt with money. we'll all in the same boat. but its just some of us are willing to dish out the money for the things we really want. its all just a matter of priority and for some us... its macross.
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