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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. interesting artwork for an animation error... its in japanese too.
  2. I really do not get these statements. Dunno but they should come with a "definition" of Macross.
  3. Haha... so it really is "cowboy hell" as Penguin put it. Thats cool. Well, glad we got Macross fans even out there!
  4. Nah, its cool. There were just some mishaps that occurred before with a booster on ebay incident. I'm sure everyone has gotten it out of their system. I for one aint too worried. I just posted to give a heads up to not spark anything. Anyways, moving on... NICE WORK CAP! When are you going to start working on the base vehicle? Cant wait to see the whole thing finished!!!!!!
  5. Hahah, good job Gundamhead. I think you just made Viceland bust something. If captain is there and you do go. Be sure to show some respect. You know, a little and little more of and u know... maybe some . Hahahha...
  6. Whoa... you guys are making this place sound like its in the middle of nowhere... Cant be that bad... can it?
  7. Hahah... wouldnt "mind" eh? Hahah... more like wishing. wmcheng can do any of my kits for build up! I'm so tempted to buy him kits just so I can see a true master build them!
  8. Whoa oh... More advertisement for the Cap. Lets not argue over this again please. It doesnt help anyone.
  9. Do you have a higher resolution version of that scan? It's hard to make out the text. I love the DYRL-style controls and am interested in knowing more about what each part of the control is supposed to do. And what exactly is a "tapet"? no, but i can make it bigger and clean it up a bit.
  10. Another shamefull and lame aspect of M7 would be a more accurate selection of words hahah, I was being sarcastic. I like ur description just fine.
  11. edit: Larger res for NB4M. Took it down cuz it was too big. More suggestions and requests plz!
  12. I'll see what I can do with this too. Got a preference what mode theyre in? Do you want them in the same picture?
  13. Unfortunately, this is the biggest I can make the skull squad. The pictures that I have were just too small to work with.
  14. Not very. But I can definitely enlarge some of them and clean it up a bit. Which one in particular were u planning to use?
  15. Yay. I'll continue making them then. Definitely dont mind at all. Tell me if you need it in higher res. I'll see what I can do.
  16. slightly larger scans. hope this helps.
  17. Sorry whytwolf for knocking things a bit off topic. I'll try to bring it back. Here ya go.
  18. I hope I'm not making these wallpapers for the fun of it. Hopefully you people are using them. Suggestions and requests are welcomed.
  19. Special thanx to joseph for his beautiful VF-0D. Hope he doesnt mind that I used it.
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