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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Being that its a 3 dvd case, we cant have TOO much on the spine. Most dvd cases usually have very little, if any designs on it. Most of the important artwork is on the front and back cover. Like I said before, I did what I could with your suggestions but unfortunately not many people voted on your design. I dont think the desert picture on the spine is going to happen and if it is... its most like going to be superimposed. The dark pictures and the colored desert picture is just too much contrast.
  2. Edit: Made Isamu and Guld smaller. I sorta works imo. They look a bit out of place with the planes there too. But like I said, up to you guys. Hopefully others will like it too. Edit: no title. moved isamu and guld a bit up.
  3. I whipped these up just to give you guys an idea of how the superimposed Guld and Isamu would be. IMHO, it seems cluttered again. Its a bit busy and looks like Isamu and Guld was forced into the picture. Just my 2 cents. Its up to you guys.
  4. Sure, I have their heads as well as their back to back pictures. I'll see what I can do. We should first decide which 2 of the 3 is going be made and like I've said before, I'll deal with tweaks later. I have no problem making a billion revisions after we decide the final 2. I liked the superimposed Myung too. But the reason why I kept the designs so clean is so we can add things like Myung in later if people wanted it. I wanted to start off simple and then working our way up from there.
  5. Hehe... revision 432... and much more to time. You guys should check out my computer. I have every revision that was made and every box design. Hahah... I'm just glad I have a big hard drive. These photoshop images are huge! The reason why i didnt put the yf-19 right side up or on the bottom is cuz the plane is actually facing the sides and isnt even flying in the same direction as the yf-21. With it upside down, it actually looks like theyre flying towards the same direction at least. Btw Isamu has flown it upsidedown above the Guld before. At the start of the "test" fight, Isamu flew it upsidedown above Guld and then Guld changed into battroid mode and hit butted him. This is what I mean, if people like it better right side up, ill keep it this way but imo, it looks even weirder this way.
  6. I'm just glad you guys like them! Glad you like the triangle box. I dont think it was getting enough love from other ppl besides spooncivicR and MrDisco. I'll deal with tweaking it around later... if it even makes it into the final two. Thanks. I shouldnt get the credit tho. You were the first to have the cockpits placed like that. I just simplified the design a bit. You can always link it like the other high res pictures. If you want me to, I'll PM you my email address. Is it at least 300 dpi quality? If you have any other high res pictures, please let us know. The more the better. It'll give a lot more to work with.
  7. Noel, Seiichi, Rob, are you listening...!!? One of you guys must find this item for me! Hahah... Okay, me go back dreaming now.
  8. Please let me know what you think. With two boxes, I feel that I should make it as good as can be. The more people like it, the more people will buy. When it comes down to it, Paul is doing us a HUGE favor by letting us have two boxes. I feel that we owe it to him to show that his decision was not a mistake and that we will buy the boxes and make it worth his wild. Lets first choose 2 out of the 3 designs and we'll start tweaking from there. Hopefully everyone could benefit from this and will end up getting a box!
  9. and lastly, to not leave out the triangle people...
  10. Next, for the cockpit lovers. edit: removed smaller cockpits
  11. After giving some thought, now that we can have two boxes I decided to simplify some of the designs. Since before with the choice of one box, I felt like I needed to cram as much as possible into the design. First up, a cleaner version of the desert scheme.
  12. I made a design specifically for you that met every one of your specifications but it just didnt get enuf votes. I think it was #14. We cant get everything that we want. I even made a new design with the two triangles on both sides to see what people thought. That is GREAT news. I actually still havent heard back from him but wow... I for one am really happy that hes doing two boxes! Btw, which 21 are we choosing? we should see vote if we want the character triangle or not...
  13. Well there are at least 2, maybe 3 different kits on the drawing board for the next release. I'll have to confer with Monkey-sama to see which one we'll tackle next. It won't be for a while though, since the Tachi will be keeping me quite busy. Be warned, though. 2 of the 3 projects are Macross items Sweeeeeet... I've been slowing saving up. I didnt even have enough money to get the booster and launch arm from you guys last time. Grr... i knew i shouldve sold my arm and leg when i had the chance! Great great job. If I was a bigger gits sac fan, I would buy these things in a heartbeat for $75 and even $100. For RESIN kits, imo, rob and john's prices have been crazy cheap. Not cheap in the sense that I have money lying around all over the damn place to buy them. But compared to the other resin kits... hell yeah theyre cheap!
  14. Keith, dont worry about the character triangle for now. Like i said, nothing is final. We can vote on it later. I have no trouble trying out that image at all... but then theres the obviously question of... do we have a hi res scan of that image? If not... unfortunately there isnt much point of using it.
  15. I just emailed Paul eariler today. I havent heard back from him but I asked him for suggestions and ideas. From what I've seen from his other designs, I definitely would like a second opinion from him. I'm all ears... especially someone as talented as him. I'll tweak around some more after I hear back from him and his suggestions on the designs. I hope this sells well. I would absolutely love #10 to get made too. It'll be a honor on part to see my designs being made and sold.
  16. I would kill for a Hasegawa Macross artbook...
  17. Since youre in contact with Paul, we should have you be in charge of the votes and counts. I too will go ahead with #21 and #10 if Paul is willing to do two boxes. Even with Mechamaniac getting me one box, I'll be more than willing to get the other box as well. I would love to have both my designs made... unfortunately, we cant have everything. As far as the SDF box not doing well, Im actually wondering if people were waiting on the Mac Plus box. I was considering on getting both the SDF and Mac Plus at the same time. Problem was that at the time that I found this thread, the Mac Plus box didnt even exist yet... and still doesnt. Im also just trying to get this thread moving along. Thats why I'm willing to change designs and even create new ones just to see what people like. But I think its time we finally settle a single design so we can start ordering!
  18. Good question. We cant please everyone so we should vote and get something final so we can order! Well, the votes support 21 by a large margin with 10 being right behind it. Given that, 21 will more than likely emerge the winner. We could in theory do two cases, but ONLY if enough people come forward, and actually order them. IMHO - Paul is very gracious in even agreeing to do this project given the abyssmal turnout of the SDF project. So, that being said, I am reluctant to ask him for too much. I agree that 21 is in the lead but Im willing to give the people who dont want 21 one last chance to speak up. I knew that SDF box didnt turn out as well as hoped but didnt think it was abyssmal. Knowing that now, I think Paul is being more than gracious and we definitely shouldnt ask too much from him. So Mechamaniac, lets have one more count so we can get this moving along. In regards of a second box. I think we should just have one design, see how that does. If it does well, then we can ask Paul to see if hes willing to do a second design for us since we pretty much have a good idea what the second layout is gonna be. Also itll be a lot faster getting the second box moving along since we already have the scans and the layouts are right in front of us.
  19. Good question. We cant please everyone so we should vote and get something final so we can order! Lets just try to find ONE design and I'll tweak the winning design. Since its between 21 and 10. We should just have one more vote on that and see where it goes. Basically its a light colored box vs a dark colored box. Nothing on these designs are final. We can decide what goes on afterwards. Just like the character triangle, the people who voted 21 didnt like it so it was removed... as simple as that. But lets choose at least one between the dark black design and the bright desert design. A few people wanted the dark design with the colored desert scheme but I dont think its enough for it to be the final design. So until enough people speak up, I dont think the dark design with the desert spine is going follow through. edit: new designs up.
  20. Yeah, might look better if you mirrored Myung's face so she was facing the same direction as Sharon.
  21. To me, it looks like ur just keeping the older ones... which usually are rarer. IMO, it has nothing to do with the boxart since they both pretty much have the exact same picture. If I had to choose which one was better, I would choose the bandai one since i like the touch ups and color scheme of the box than imais. But to me, seriously, it doesnt even look like ur collecting it for the boxart. You're just collecting the older one no matter the box art...
  22. Myungs back!
  23. I personally can go either way. Even without the character triangle, theres still isamu and guld on the box so it isnt like its characterless. But anyways, glad you like it Fulcy. Hopefully others will feel the same way.
  24. I dunt know why but the pictures I post here on MW always comes out darker than it originally was in photoshop. But to get the idea of the picture, theres sharon apple on the left, the cockpits on the right, the desert on the spine and isamu/guld on the top if youre having trouble seeing it. Ill try to make it brighter in a bit to help make the pictures show up. edit: alright, i made it a bit brighter, if anyone still has trouble seeing it, let me know. Edit 2: There ya go.
  25. I actually collect the kits for the models since I'm a Macross fans but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE HASEGAWA ARTWORK!!! As an artist myself... I'm just utterly blown away and completely jealous of how people can come up with such things. The artwork is just a HUGE added bonus to my collection imo.
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