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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Nor drawn well. Thats one opinion. IMHO, I like some of it but overall I respect their style. But when it comes down to it, I'm for anything that could bring in Macross fans... even if its through Robotech. No, that's a LOT of opinions!!! They really aren't drawn well. The coloring is flashy, which makes them look much "better" than they really are. Sadly, this is a trick many comic companies use these days to cover up shoddy artwork. Look at this image and try to tell me that it doesn't have terrible perspective isseus, not to mention laziness when they finally got to the stabs and whatnot. I used to collect a lot of comics and trust me. It could be a lot worse. Obviously the work isnt the best but I must say that by saying its not drawn well, you made that comment to every artist on that page and I must disagree with you on that one. For example, this picture: This was drawn by Long Vo. He's a pretty well known artist and a very talented one. As far as the other drawings go, I'll admit, they have their flaws and could be considered not drawn well. Long Vo imo, is a very skilled artist so I would have to disagree with you that all the people on that site cannot draw well. ...and btw, its still one opinion. I have my one and you have your one. Be nice to less talented artists. Not everyone can be as good as you, u kno.
  2. I've been having the same error. I'm assuming Shawn is working on more updates. I actually havent heard back from TheLoneWolf so until we do, I guess we have to wait on the cockpit pictures... Thanx for the help.
  3. Yeah, pretty much. there was a vote before this one between cockpit design and the triangle design. The cockpit design was ahead by 4, 5 votes so I went ahead and brought up the cockpit design w/ diff spines for people to vote. There were pretty much only 2, maybe 3 votes for the triangle design as opposed to 6, or 7 for the cockpit design. Sorry Gaijin. If you would still like, I could continue to work with you on the triangle design.
  4. Nor drawn well. Thats one opinion. IMHO, I like some of it but overall I respect their style. But when it comes down to it, I'm for anything that could bring in Macross fans... even if its through Robotech.
  5. w00t... we're gonna meet the deadline!
  6. I PMed TheLoneWolf about the cockpit pictures. Hopefully he'll get back to me and we'll have that settled soon enough. I have a quick update for box #1 for anyone whos curious. Paul is already working with me to get this progressing. I wanted to speed things up so I've been working on the necessary editing and cropping of the hi res versions for Paul. Hopefully we can get another update on that soon. Tomorrow will be the last day for votes but it really looks like box 2A is going to be the winner. Its like 6 votes to 2 I think. Anyways, I'll be spending some time this weekend helping Paul to move that along as well. I didnt want to rush this the way I did but I personally needed this to get finished since I just got a new job and I have midterms right around the corner. College is harassing me good. Hope you guys enjoy the boxes!
  7. For me, it'll be Roy since the yellow scheme is more common and Hikaru's red VF-1S only appeared in DYRL. Thats just me tho...
  8. I definitely agree on the sharon picture. Its very neat. Well, obviously my pictures are just for show but Paul was saying that I might need to brighten up the pictures a tad since when printing on chrome, it comes out a bit darker. But besides that, he didnt say much about it. So I'm assuming it'll come out as shown.
  9. I certainly can, depending upon the sizes we're talking. Regardless, you'll have to wait until I get home later this afternoon. Maybe someone else can host for you sooner. I'll check this thread as soon as I get home and if you still need hosting, I'd be more than happy to help you out. Sweet. Thanx! Now we just got to find out whos the one with the cockpit pictures... Hmm... well hopefully we'll find out by the time you get home so they can contact you and have you host them. Thanx again!
  10. Can someone host the hi-res cockpit pictures? From the looks of it, its going to be the 2nd box made and I have to start on editing it for Paul. I'll end the deadline for tomorrow. It looks like box A is still ahead.
  11. I've got it isolated but only my PSD files. I'll see what I can do tho. Hey Toonz, do you still have the isolated picture of the 19/21? Yours looks much bigger too. Post them up if you still have them. I wouldnt mind having a bigger copy myself.
  12. Hey, that rocks! Revision number 4322! Hahah... I would actually have no problem having another revision but that spine doesnt work with the cockpits... at all. Oh well, we didnt NEED it... it'll wouldve been nice to have around tho as another option. Its cool Keith, it isnt like the boxes are coming out all hell terrible imo. Thanx tho. Still a nice picture and I could always use it for something else. You'll never know, I'll make a wallpaper for the wallpaper section in MW. Do you have any other hi res scans of anything? I would definitely love to have some more just to use for other projects. If you can, plz post them up or send it to my email (pm me). Thanx again for contributing.
  13. man, i wish we had this earlier. imo, it wouldve made for a nice spine.
  14. Thats actually not a bad idea. What do all the people who voted A think about that?
  15. Haaaaaaahahahahahah! That case is great. Its definitely a keeper. Anywaaaays... enough messing around. The cockpit design is ahead by like... 2, 3 votes now. I kind of lost count since Mr March changed his vote. So lets get down to business cuz this has dragged on long enough. THE FINAL VOTE!!! *GASP* Choose em people! A) B)
  16. I have a 1/60 yamato but probably plan to get a 1/48 eventually. I truthfully dont know about the VF-1 yamatos since I've only transform mine a few times but I transform the living hell out of my yamato yf-19... and I must say, its quite sturdy. Just to let you know how much I dont care about the yf-19, I got it for like 20 bucks, its blue and I plan to mod the living heck out of it sooner or later so I play around with it every once in awhile and it holds up quite well. The biggest problem imo, is that the paint gets scratched up really easily even if you transform it carefully. Its really up to you for what you want. IMO, you can play with any of them a hundred times a day, it just depends on how aggressive you are. Obviously if I hammer my yf-19 from fighter mode to battroid mode, we'll going to have some problems. My biggest warning to you for yamato is that the paint gets scratched quite easily on the diecast parts. If this doesnt bother you, yamato should be the choice for you. Hope this helps...
  17. Hahah... someone needs to buy a poster of the desert picture for you one of these days.
  18. You asked for it!
  19. Some clarification on pricing for those that are concerned... As it was established on the SDF project, the M+ case will be $35 + shipping. This is a discounted price for a custom and numbered release. Those who bought the SDF will benefit from an extra discount and be able to buy the case for $30 + shipping. This is also a price established by Paul based upon those who voted interest in the case, and not those who actually bought the case which was significantly less. . Paul is still honoring his prices despite the turnout of the SDF project. So to sum up... $30 - $40 bucks or so. Give or take a few dollars if you live somehwere that requires extra shipping. That's a reasonable price for a very low product run of a custom. I’m sorry to hear about the poor turnout for the Macross box set. However, I believe I posted at the time that the biggest problem with a custom Macross box for the 9 disc set was finding a use for the original box. This is the reason I never considered involving myself in the first custom sale. I would have liked to own the custom designs since they were far superior to the ugly official box, but that leaves an empty box which I refuse to discard. I didn’t like the idea of filling the official box with non-Macross DVDs and I simply don’t have enough miscellaneous Macross DVDs to make the box useful. Regardless, I’m definitely willing to purchase two Macross Plus boxes for the price provided in this thread. I’d prefer if we could close the design voting soon. Who knows how I’ll feel about spending money on these boxes if a month or so goes by. Good point! Its pretty much coming to a close. With your changed vote, the cockpit design is actually ahead right now. I'm hoping to to wrap this up by this weekend cuz I have midterms coming up. sigh... Anyways, IMO these are great prices for a custom box. Leave it to Paul to hook us up and let us have two designs!
  20. Also for anyone curious what the other design may look like.
  21. I can't help it, I've got to go with #2 now. The final design of the cockpits with that great spine is just too much! Sorry triangles...I do still love you, but I got to go with the cockpits BEHOLD!!! BOX #2 IN ALL ITS GLORY!!!... as a teaser. Paul made us this mockup to give us a better idea of what it'll look like as a box so people like me dont have to strain my brain too to imagine what it may look like. Its nothing final... just a little taste of what it may look like. THANX AGAIN PAUL!
  22. Yeah, me neither. I'm not big on the techie or colored spine desert myself. I'm just pumping out ideas. Feel free to chime in some more! Like this? No, no, I mean the big words in vertical. I do like the triangles, but I like the big words "Macross Plus" with that blue glow outline on the spine of the box. The Macross Plus logos on each of the side panels is nice, but somehow I like it better without anything put the cockpit pictures on those sides. Nope, I still hate those minature cockpits on the spine. I prefer the black and white, Isamu desert scape on the spine. well, before I go make several hundred more tweaks to the design, we gotta settle between 2 and 3. So Mr March... I know you were a bit torn between the two. Have fun choosing.
  23. The votes for 2 and 3 pretty much ended up to be a tie. Please vote people. Lets settle this! #2 #3 The final designs will look smiliar if not exactly like these pictures.
  24. After looking at all the designs, the faded cockpits on the spine is starting to grow on me some. I'm probably just being biased or something. Dont mind me. Just thinking outloud...
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