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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Does anyone have a cleaner/hi res copy of a the VF-11C Armored on the top left corner of this picture? I've never seen it before and I thought I got every picture from VF-X2...
  2. From this angle, it looks a LOT like a YF-19... with an extended chin and an extendable side panel. From how things are heading, it looks like the "official" mw head is going to pretty much be a psuedo YF-19 head on a VF-1. I always did like how the YF-19 head looked.
  3. AlphaHX

    Fast Pack yf-19

    You could also get the studio half eye YF-19 if you dont mind it being a model. IMO, its the best looking variable YF-19 out there to my knowledge. If thats the case... which I wouldnt mind too much I guess... then I hope they make it fast before their VFX2 license runs out as well. I dunt think I can even start to describe how much that would SUCK!!! Oh well, if thats the case as well... it was fun while it lasted.
  4. AlphaHX

    Fast Pack yf-19

    Hmm... good point. I wonder if that could be possible with Hasegawa as well. I think we can safely say we havent seen any Mac Plus products for quite some time now...
  5. Ooo... nice drawing. I like. It kind of reminds me of the Metal Gear Solid Ray head. I dunno why... I cant quite put my finger on it...
  6. Its like a 1S that wants to be a YF-19 head. I like it... well... since my favorite Macross heads are the 1S and the 19 heads. Heheheh... I'm getting the best of both worlds now. Forehead looks a bit empty tho... maybe put the square on it like the one on the 19?
  7. Yeah... what he said.
  8. Thats just awesome. I was never big on the battroid mode for the SV-51 but I definitely liked the fighter and gerwalk mode. I wish hasegawa would make more battroid and some gerwalk models... I want!!! More images!!! Plz take bigger and more detailed images! Oh... and yeah... me like.
  9. AlphaHX

    Fast Pack yf-19

    Imo, the current design aint too bad. Its based off the SHE model and that one looks fine. I just hope they implement the foldable legs in the fp version so it'll sleaker in fighter mode. The design isnt terrible... its just not excuted correctly imo. With some tweaks here and there, I think it could look pretty damn good. I dont think it needs to be totally changed... just... umm... altered... quite a bit. If they make it look anything like the SHE version, I would be happy with it. My biggest complaint of the current version is the fatty fighter mode and the hunchback of notre dame battroid mode. Obviously the gerwalk mode aint exactly too great but I cant see it being fixed too much. The anime magic on gerwalk mode is just too crazy and I dont think theres much we can do about it. Posability will always be a plus but due to durability and from the history of transformable Macross toys, I dont expect too much in this department.
  10. What episode is that from?
  11. whats with the funky poses?
  12. imo, few of the photos can be fixed just by applying some basic photoshop skills.
  13. heres another one with some editing.
  14. heres also the sharon apple one a bit cleaned up for anyone who wanted that one too.
  15. cant help you with the other pictures but heres a cleaner version of this picture.
  16. Ooo... that gold one sure is shiny. Nice job. We dont get to see too much non-valks being made. Good to see more Q-Raus showing up. I thought the Bandai 1/144 Q-Rau was a decent size... but geez, compared to the 1/60 Yamato Q-Rau, those things are midgety.
  17. Unfortunately... no. I've been actually looking for a higher res scan myself. I might actually resort to scanning in my own hasegawa box and reedit them. If I do, I'll let you know.
  18. sorry. ive been really bizzy with the macross plus dvd boxes. here ya go.
  19. Heh, I think we should pretty much end this. It looks like box 2A will be our winner. Thats the one with the triangle on thes pine and the macross title on top. I dont think we have a hi0res scan of that but thx for the suggestion. Well, looks like everything is good to go. We just need TheLoneWolf's hi res cockpit scans and I can get started on the second box.
  20. Jim Lee did one of the covers? Am I missing something? Jim Lee is a pretty damn good artist imo. I would rather have him draw Robotech if anything...
  21. I agree theres nothing wrong with American style comics but these guys arent drawing it this way cuz it sells. Thats actually how they draw. I've been following Long Vo and a few of his fellow workers and since they grew up in America but favored Japanese art, they all end up having a psuedo japanese manga style look to them. Street Fighter the comic is also drawn the same way. I truthfully dont know how often you run into people trying to imitate other styles but as for these guys, that is their style. Thats how they draw. Theyre not imitating anything. Actually to think about, I know a lot of people who draw pseudo japaneseish just cuz they were influence with manga when they got into drawing and not cuz it sells or appeals to more people. Heheheh... Rob Liefield. I didnt even know people still know or talk about him. I thought he pretty much died off after making Youngblood. I stopped caring about him so I kind of never knew what happened to that guy. But I agree... imo, that guy sucked that drawing. Perspective problems, body muscles disfigurements, etc etc... it was just horrible. Hahah... kind of sad really.
  22. As an artist myself and knowing many other artitsts far better than myself, I would have to disagree with the spoting rushed or bs'ed art. I'm not saying that these robotech comics werent rushed or bs'ed. But just by looking at a peice of art, you could never guess how long someone took on it or whether or not they were bsing it. Thats all relevant to skill level. Also compared to other comics, trust me, these guys arent that bad. Theyre from Wildstorm which is a branch off Image comics. If you've seen your share of Image comics, you'd know that this is definitely nowhere near the bottom unfortunately. Wish it was... but its not. I think for you, it was too hyped up and you expected too much from an American comic. Unfortunately, American comics come nowhere near the quality of Japanese manga. I've actually stayed away from these comics just because they have the label Robotech but I have had nothing against the art. I understand WDC's arguement when he says its not drawn well because of perspective and such. But besides that, you cant argue lets say... what Hikaru's face should look like. Its the artists intepretation and as much as we could like or hate the change, its his decision to do what he pleases. Some may like it and some may hate it but that doesnt make the art terrible. I dunno if I'm explaining myself well, its like for example someone could hate the way the Mona Lisa was drawn and the style it was drawn in but still respect the skill level of the artist. All I'm saying is to me its fine to hate the "style" but its another thing to claim the art sux BECAUSE you hate the style. Art sux for various reason but imho, style and interpretation arent among those reasons. Art has always been quite a debatable subject so until you can actually stop the artist from drawing or step up youself and replace the artist, theres no reason to get so worked up.
  23. If you do finish the triangle box design I would love to get one. Even if it is not an official Macross World box... I dont know if the triangle design is going to be mass produced in any way. Gaijin was planning to make it his own personal custom box and was basically asking me for the design layout. So yeah... I dunt know if you can get one. If you can, I'll be sure to let you know.
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