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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Happy Chinese New Years! Hahahah...
  2. Because for the last FIVE pages those in favor have been fixated on photoreal CG valks! Even back in the 80's with models, puppets, and bluescreens...the SFX technology has been there to make a visualy impressive live action Macross film....and we all know modern CG tech is up to snuff...WE ALL KNOW THAT! GET OVER IT! and put some frickkin thought into the other 90% of Macross...don't just say the story has to be "good" or "right", tell us what that means...put as much, if not more, energy into describeing that as you do enraptured in the fanboy wetdreams of CG valk eye-candy and you might be able to convince some folks! I think its someone's nap time...
  3. Are you two just bored and need to find another thread to trash since the other one was closed? Seriously, as amusing as I find you two are, you two need to stop hi-jacking other threads. Go start a trash mac7 thread and hope that you can convince a mod to sticky it.
  4. edit: Dont want to hi-jack the thread. Go here for more monster information: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13232
  5. AlphaHX

    Yamato SDF-1

    Well, if you really really want a SDF-1... no matter the price, you could always get this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5954057169&rd=1 Starting at $350 with BIN of $460? Ouch... Yeah, its a lot... but at least you're paying half of this one: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10719 and still getting a SDF-1.
  6. TWO ultimate detail strike valk kits??? You're my hero... Hahah... well, gluck with the Monster search.
  7. That looks a lot like a VF-2SS head to me. Nice head btw... and nice drawing. Good stuff. Haha, yeah, I hate it when that happens too.
  8. AlphaHX

    Yamato SDF-1

    Well, if you really really want a SDF-1... no matter the price, you could always get this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5954057169&rd=1
  9. Adobe Photoshop. Try not to wish too hard. You might hurt yourself.
  10. I got around to brushing up on the details...
  11. damn... makes me want a 1/55 now. An assault weapon valk sounds pretty cool right about now.
  12. hahahahahahhahaha...
  13. I pretty much agree with every part of this but I would like to add a few more. Best resin kit: (Non-Transformable) Club-M VF-1 fighter/battroid (Transformable) IHP conversion kit for the hasegawa VF-1 Also a new category Best VF-1 toy for a poor adult collector: yamato 1/60 those are my preference.
  14. ...or it could be something totally different and unrelated to the DYRL timeline. Macross Plus was fine as a movie by itself. Theres always the possibly Kawamori can come up with another storyline that fits within a 2 hour movie limit. and just cuz you guys dont like FFVII or whatever doesnt mean u guy shave to hate the CG animation. IMO it works quite well in terms of animation and cging. I also dont know why a lot of ppl in MW seems so afraid of a remake or a cg movie on Macross. I really dont get it. IMHO, Macross has pretty much hit close to bottom with Mac7 in terms that a lot of people already hate a Macross series. I dont think a movie, if done well, could be any worse. At this point, I'm for anything Macross. New series, movie, whatever... What is there to be afraid of? Why be so against it?... just cuz Kawamori didnt suggest it? Its nice to hear what people have to say about what they would like to see in terms of where Macross goes. Keep an open mind people...
  15. get ready to dish out like... 4, 5 hundred dollars.
  16. The same people who made the 1/72 wonderfestival destroids made a 1/72 monster a while back. Its not available anymore.
  17. Thats cuz its too bright. I'll changed it.
  18. Instead of live action, why dont we just CG the whole thing like Final Fantasy? If the animation looks anything like Advent Children, I wouldnt mind.
  19. Definately inspiring, I'm gonna have to hit you up for some tips when I finally start my 1/72 Monster. Right now I'm mired down with a 1/32 F14 project, ugh what a nightmare. Doh, I'm still saving up to get my 1/72 Monster!!! Cant wait to see yours tho!
  20. or... how about a dark tone with Max colors? Midnight Max! Haha, I think I'm having too much fun with this.
  21. Heres the light blue scheme if the YF-19 kept all the same designs and patterns.
  22. I'm only coloring the picture. I wish I got my hands on the actual model! Thanx. Yeah, LOTS LOTS more to do. Like I said, I just started. This was just a quick color to get the base colors down. I also like playing around with it cuz I make it any color I want to test out to see what would look good. But yeah, I'll post more when I get around to working on it more.
  23. YF-21...
  24. Here are higher res ones of the cockpits. Nice wallpapers btw DA. I was planning to make a cockpit wallpaper myself but never got around to it. I also cleaned up the 21 a bit more so there wasnt a strip of it that was brighter than the rest. I cant wait for more DA. Exellent wallpapers! YF-19...
  25. My colored version still isnt finished and I'll probably add more shading, details, etc, later but heres what I have so far. Colored version:
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