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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Oo... I like it. I was doing the same thing but just with the 19. If anyone wants to see how a color schemes will look, just ask and I'll post it up. Check here for my "Midnight Max". Hahah... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13208
  2. heres one of them... front: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1108102927.gif back: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1108102955.gif
  3. WOW! That is a HUGE size difference... geez... Nice kits Lonnie. I have the club m vf-11 myself. Really really nice kit. I should get myself the repptu vf-11 battroid. Which one are you planning to build first?
  4. AlphaHX

    Kids and your toys

    I am the kid... and I let myself touch my toys all the time.
  5. I would love to help... too bad I dont have any of the kits on the list. While we're at it, we should review the kits for MAHQ... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=0entry252626
  6. I think we need help from the experts... Wheres Carl or Chad when you need them?
  7. Welcome back. Good to hear your life is back on track. Take care of yourself.
  8. The model section is finally going to get updated? AWESOME!!!! That model section was actually the sole reason why I came to MW in the first place.
  9. so do you mean like this? this a VF-1A head with literally 1J lasers mounted on the side of its head... This was just really rough to get an idea of what youre talking about. Would you prefer the middle laser to be facing forward?
  10. should this belong here? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=2993 edit: Gimp is pretty good. Its what Linux users usually use. I use Photoshop and I'm used to it so I'll stick to that.
  11. You mean like the Robotech Jack Archer VF-1R? Yes. Now moving on from the flamebait... Imagine if it was done RIGHT instead of making it a VF-11 ripoff(and a bad one at that). Just because HG made a poopie head doesn't mean everyone would. What is it that you want to change about it? IMHO, it looks nothing like a VF-11... it really does look like a VF-1A head with side lasers... Heres a drawn picture of it... whats "wrong" about it?
  12. AlphaHX


    ??? Isn't that a pic of the 1/60 scale Yamato Monster? You can see the rest of the Yamato Valks on the sid of the pic, most notably the 1/48 Roy... this pic is pretty famous around these parts. is it? i didnt label my pictures so i mess them up a lot. ill look around my pictures again and see if i can find the 1/72 monster... i swore i had one...
  13. heres some more... all by wmcheng...
  14. some vf-2ss colored pictures as requested...
  15. I have a few. I'll post them in the VF-2SS thread that you started. I dunt think it belongs here.
  16. You mean like the Robotech Jack Archer VF-1R?
  17. AlphaHX


    Here are the other destroids that Patemori Soba made. All 1/72 scale. They also have very little detail from what I just recently learned and are fixed posed. Oh yeah... and this should be a picture of the 1/72 monster. edit: wrong picture
  18. AlphaHX


    I guess it was mentioned here and there in random threads. I remembered it was briefly mentioned in the 1/72 list thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...%20monster&st=0 I dont know too much about it... lets see... It was made by Patemori Soba (the same people who made the other 1/72 destroids). Last time I checked, it wasnt posable and was fixed posed. I also heard that its not too detailed. Its quite big... almost like a little statue and I think consists around 15 pounds of resin. Last time I checked, only a couple of people here in MW has one. If you dont know about the other 1/72 destroids, I'll post up pictures in a sec. The phalanx was really popular since its the only one made in the 1/72 scale.
  19. Thanx for the info Lonnie! Cant wait for the pictures. I'm convinced! I'm gonna go find myself one now.
  20. Once this makes contact with the Doom movie, the universe will implode. But seriously, read the comments on the bottom of that page; Uwe Boll is now officially the world's scapegoat. Hahahah... if I was Uwe Boll I would actually fear for my life. He sure is pissing off a lot of people.
  21. How is the Repptu VF-11 Battroid? I was considering getting one but I've never seen one built before so I dont know how accurate or even what it looks like. Is it posable? Does it use poly caps? Hows the details?
  22. You shouldnt need to post a new topic for this... But... yeah, Ken is usually very busy. Give him some time and he should eventually get around to getting back to you. Was there something that you needed to ask him specifically?... cuz you could always post here if you have a question regarding misc stuff.
  23. You know whats the scary thing, hes making FarCry the movie... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0400426/
  24. Heres my custom color, "Midnight Max" for the YF-19.
  25. Hahah... fair enuf.
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