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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Sniff... I'm gonna miss this thread. What a great great thread and kitbash... Cant wait for the painted thread!!!
  2. Thanx. I'll draw a picture when I get the time. Ive been extremely busy. Hopefully I can get something up by this weekend.
  3. Sell? You mean the CG model by assaultor? I wouldnt mind having a copy of that CG model. He did one hell of a job!
  4. HG can't use Macross design for robotek without permission right? Didn't Big West say anything for this?. Thats probably the reason why they end up not using it on the final cover.
  5. Your humor aint amusing.
  6. ...and vice versa.
  7. Oh... I've seen these kits on Yajoo Japan atleast a half dozen times. The two together I think usually go for over $500. However it's been a while since the last time I saw them but on the same token I don't keep near as close an eye on Yahoo Japan as I used to. If you keep your eyes open long enough I bet you could find them. Actually even better then keeping an eye on Yahoo Japan might be to ask Noel or Seiichi. Carl Wow, I'm surprise it comes up that often. Thanx for the tip! I'm glad I got another job now. Too bad college + job = no time whatsoever. Sigh...
  8. Yeah, I just saw it. It looks REALLY nice for a resin kit. Geez... quite complex. Very very nice. Seeing a complete picture might make me cry. So... yeah... anyone know where I can one of these kits? All I want is the VF-1S version. Hahah... I think I'm wishing too hard again. Thanx again Carl. Hopefully Shawn can find the time one of these days to find those pictures. Sigh... if only I knew more Japanese... and knew how to type in it too...
  9. Thanx Carl! That looks nice! Too bad I'll never find one in my lifetime...
  10. Cool... that may be more rare then the original. I've seen several originals but to be honest I don't think I've ever seen this kit recasted. I'd love to see what you got. Could you post a pic? Carl Carl, do you or actually... anyone here have a picture of it built? Ever since it was mentioned sometime ago I've been looking for information on but have found none. Could anyone describe it? Is it fixed posed?
  11. Hehe... a 19 with its wings swept back.
  12. Heres the info from rcMart.com... one of the links that Nanashi provided. Mech: Technical Data: Model Scale: 1/35 Height: 224mm Width: 140mm Control Range: 5m Operation Time: 40min Power Sauce: 6V MAGNA TRACTION Unit: x2 Tank: Technical Data: Model Scale: 1/35 Length: 212mm Width: 213mm Height: 93mm Control Range: 5m Operation Time: 40min Power Sauce: 6 or 9V High Speed Motor: x 6 Thrustor Wheels: x72
  13. or a VF-1.
  14. My take on the psuedo 19 head.
  15. OK, so your phone does polyphonic ringtones, not MP3. You need something like this... LG Data Cable With that, you can connect your phone to your PC via a USB port, and with the correct software, upload JPG's to use as wallpapers etc. For more info, go here... Howard Forums - LG With a little perseverance, you should be able to hack your phone and upload your own ringtones etc. Hope this helps. Heh, someone else in here reads howardforums too? Nice.
  16. Hi-jack away. You're a great artist. I'm not going to get in your way. I dont want to be trampled. Dont hurt me. Seriously, hes has great designs. But dont count yourself short strider, I like your designs as well. So much talent in this forum. Geez... Anyone would like to share some with me?
  17. Sweet... its like the VF-11's older brother.
  18. What phone is it and whats ur provider? Certain phones take certain formats of pictures. Mine can take jpg so I just shrink down pictures and put it on my phone.
  19. Oo... take pictures... plz.
  20. I would love to see the 3 Bad Man kits. I heard so many great things about them but have never seen them or even know anything about it other than the fact that they made some great VF-1 battroids. Good to see youre working at least. ...and good to see you still have time for us MWers.
  21. Man... so angry. Maybe Maybe Apparently a thread started by you to complain more about MW. Jesse is updating the site little by little. I assuming the contents is a tad more important than the aesthetics of the site...
  22. I cheated. I smudged a lot cuz the picture allowed it.
  23. Looks good to me... But what do I know? You probably know more than most of us anyways. Btw, Jesse, will those decal pictures do?...or do you even want higher res?
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