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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. hi AlphaHX. That transforming sv-51 is yours ? its an amazing work . And if I have saw it before , it could helped me a lot on my gerwalk . do you have other images? thank you for the post Heh, I wish it was mine. Heres more pix.
  2. Hope that helps.
  3. Then with a touch of anime magic... GONE!
  4. Folding...
  5. Heres the nose folding away.
  6. Here are the back stabilizer on the arms in battroid mode.
  7. The arms are like the YF-21. They just go back among the side of the plane. The legs obviously is similar like the 19 and 1 and just go back. The head is located where the 11 and 19 head is located on the fighter mode. The only odd thing is the nose of the plane. It folds like the YF-19 but in the nose of the plane is actually under the the "cod" piece. <- Big anime magic on this part imo. Anyways, thats how I understand it to be. I'll see if I can find clips from the anime or pictures models to help show you what I mean.
  8. If anything, I think UN_MARINE and striderhiryu should go ahead and post a new thread in the fan section anyways since it deserves its own thread. But yeah, I think we should just leave head designs for this thread. As cool as the MW valk would be, we havent even found a sculpter for the head... let alone an entire Valk.
  9. Thanx Rodavan, I like your CG VF-1. Cant wait for ur VF-19.
  10. Last I heard from Seiichi, he should be going.
  11. Unfortunately, I would have to say Robotech. I'll admit that I first saw Robotech when I was young and that was what first got me into Macross. The cool thing was that I watched it so young I actually dont even remember the butchered storyline. I just remembered it was in english and I understood but didnt care whatsoever about the storyline. As long as there were awesome looking planes changing into robots I was jumping for joy. It was only after Macross Plus that made me intrigue to watch the original Macross again. At the time that I saw Macross Plus, I was in middle school and already Ive figured that most dubbed anime just didnt do justice to what was really being said. So when getting back into Macross, I specifically looked for the Japanese version with subtitles... and boy was I glad to have done that. I didnt even realize how butchered Robotech was until I went back searching for Macross stuff. I was always under the impression that Robotech was ONLY the Macross show brought over to America, renamed and dubbed. Geez... I couldnt have been more wrong. Basically, getting back to the point... being Asian, I saw my fair share of movies and even anime that I didnt understand... at all. Even tho they seemed cooler to me, for some reason I just couldnt like it as much as the shows that did I understand such as Transformer, TMNT, and Batman. If it hadnt for been for Mac Plus, I dont think I would have ever gone back to watch the original Macross. Just my 2 cents. Oh... and I would definitely go for anime first... then toy. I remember when I was pretty young and my older brothers were playing with Transformer toys and I didnt think anything of it but years later when I finally saw the cartoon the first thing I did was hop out of my chair and started to dig thru my brothers old toys looking for their Transformer toys. Plus with toy being after, you can use it as an excuse to give it to them as a birthday gift or something. So when they go, "daddy daddy, I want a cool plane like that *points at Macross on tv*", you can just respond with, "oh, really?... I'll buy you one for your birthday cuz I'm a cool dad."
  12. He also doesnt allow the typical right clicking to save images which I dont understand. I was still able to get it but seriously, why the keepsafe on the pictures? If the pictures belonged to him I could see why but theyre just scans. So I would like to know as well... whats the deal?
  13. Heh, first time I saw the pic of the uncolored version, I thought it was a resin kit, not a CG image. Graham Yay, I thought I was the only one who was fooled. Amazing CG model isnt it?
  14. Wow... cool site. Quite expensive for certain models. Geez. Well, I guess it would never hurt to ask. He tends to post more at cgtalk.com than here. Hes only posted twice here. If he sells it to you, post here and let us know. I'm sure there would be more that would interested in buying his model.
  15. Seriously, I wish I had a partner that was as romantic as yours. My girl paid some money down on them so I dare say you are correct. Wow. I wish I can find a girl that would do that for me. My gf paid for a good majority of my Macross kits actually... resins and all. Nothing says "I love you" better than a few hundred dollars worth of Macross resin model kits.
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