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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. Haha, too bad you did all the work and it takes two seconds with the hue command to change it to any color he wants. For example... voila... two seconds with the hue command.
  2. AlphaHX


    Another look at Graham's RX-19.
  3. AlphaHX


  4. and lastly, heres part of the shoulders on the body...
  5. Heres the gun. I might end up using the Bandai gun cuz the Hasegawa one might be too small. I also hallowed out a bit of the cod piece.
  6. Got a few more pictures... Heres the wing on the leg finally...
  7. Yeah, I got that too. He glows bright green right?
  8. Heres the Kaiyodo one. I didnt know whether or not you wanted the shadow or not so I made both. No Shadow: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1109471738.jpg Shadow http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1109471753.jpg
  9. Theres one stupid special thing called teleport that takes you 2000+ meters or something ridiculous. I got it several times. Hahah... edit: I heard the highest score on this game was something crazy like 290,000+.
  10. Haha, well yeah... he is missing arms and a head. I'm using Apoxie Sculpt.
  11. Okay... so I couldnt help myself. Heres a picture I just took. You can see the mini joint on the side of the leg where the wings go. I'm waiting for that to dry. But yeah, heres the progress so far. Tell me what you guys think.
  12. Quick update. I just got the joints on the leg for the wings so I'll be taking pictures of that as soon as it dries. Also I'll be attaching the shoulders pretty soon. I'm so close to getting it put together! Just a few more parts. Shoulders, arms, and cod piece (still deciding to make this posable). After that its all sanding and detailing... Hopefully I'll have more pictures by tonight.
  13. I agree! Thats awesome! Keep us updated!
  14. Heh, I have so many its not even funny. I've collected way too many pictures... and its only been half a year or so.
  15. Recast!?! I didnt think people would want this! Honestly, if people want it and someone wants to recast it, I'm all for it! It'll be an honor for me!
  16. Nah, more like $120-$130 in resin, AND unlike the plastic model, I can even make a detailed cockpit with one side half in clear resin to show off the internals. and this is why Capt always wins... no matter how "good" a recent model already is.
  17. I suspect that he could take out atleast half the league over the course of several nights. Lets face it, Batman would NOT let anyone get word back over what was going on. Once they found out it WAS him the rest of the league would likely be in a panic over Batman not only wtfpwning half the league without so much as a superpower to his name, but the fact he undoubtedly did it in an overly brutal, calculated method.. He's also undoubtedly target the original 6 first, to help damage the chain of command and further spread fear and panic. Given his level of paranoia, as previously noted, he'd undoubtedly have contingency plans for how to take down the big guns and make sure they stayed down. For the lessers.. well, lets face it: who needs a special plan to kill the lessers like Booster Gold? With the amount of effort he's put into plans for taking down Superman alone, imagine the dirt he's got on everyone else.. After all, he's not getting any nicer with age, as the time travel episode showed. You know something's wrong when Batman is having to play GOODCOP with his older self.. Batman is bad@$$. Nuff said.
  18. heheh...
  19. I'm cool with that! The more the better. I vote 19th too! Hopefully I can find a ride.
  20. I got the joints working on the legs. Heres the legs in action.
  21. Waiting for the putty to dry is a pain! It takes pretty much an entire day for it to dry. At least it dries as hard as rock tho. Anyways, heres a picture update. Heres the head and the body. I added a ball joint for the neck. It came out a lot better than I thought. Its not too noticable.
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