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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. *Bump* Any progress? I'm starting to miss my Q-Rau kit.
  2. Looks like Minmay Guard may have his hands full.
  3. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell YEAH!
  4. Rob just put both the Fan Racer and Cat's Eye up in the sales forum: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13656
  5. Yeah, the first pose does looks weird. Haha, I gotta admit tho, I wasnt trying to hard. The nose coming out the chest got in the way and I was like, eh... whatever... I'm just testing it. Thanx. Being my first custom, I'm actually liking how its turning out. I thought it would be a lot lot lot worse.
  6. That's what I'm hoping for! Anyways, here are some body pose tests. After the putty dries and if all is well, I'm going to attach the legs/cod piece next. The main base is almost done! On to the pictures... Pose 1:
  7. AlphaHX


  8. AlphaHX


  9. Yeah, the back of the head is still the Hasegawa kit. I still have lots of work to do to make it look more like the YF-19 head. All I've done so far is flatten down the fire valk's chin and gave him visors. Like I was saying before, I'm going to deal with the details after I get the main base down. You can see the visor and the flatter chin in this picture: Heres the back of the head. You can see that I puttied the Hasegawa partial head to the back of the fire valk head.
  10. Wow... as much pain as that guy caused you in life, MJ still stickin' up for Tanmen. You're a pretty admirable guy, MJ. Man, no kidding. I didnt even go through the Tanmen thing. I just read the thread and that was enuf to push my buttons. Serious, nothing but respect for you Jesse. But yeah, I must admit that getting the recast problem was probably a bad idea... even tho I was the one who brought it up. Go me. I tend to go after recasts if I feel its my last change to get it. Yeah yeah, I got no will power or patience. I'm a bastard. I know. But yeah, I gotta agree, try looking around for an original on sale from someone else first before going thru the recast route. I usually try for a bit before I finally settle for a recast... and even sometimes then, I would still get an original afterwards.
  11. AlphaHX


    Dont worry about it. It isnt like it was planning to built it the second it comes thru the door. A few more days or even a week shouldnt kill me. I can wait for the canopy. I've waited half a year or so for the IHP Koenig Monster recast. This wait is speedy fast imo. Thanx for the update tho. I appreciate it. Truthfully, I think the biggest concern for a project as big as a 1/72 Monster is the cost obviously. People like me will probably be in no matter the cost well... assuming its ~$500 and its damn sweet looking. But as for others, I'm pretty sure the only way to sway them will be a low cost. I hope it gets enuf interesting. I'm so excited I'm ready to send money to you for the hell of it. Hahahah...
  12. AlphaHX

    1/72 VF-4

    I truthfully can say I have never seen an original Club-M VF-4 sold yet. So I wouldnt know how much those go for. I got my Club-M recast from Hobby Fan and even tho its not the original, its a pretty good recast imo. Also I cant complain about the price. Its $60 plus shipping.
  13. AlphaHX


    Say its so Mike! Put me down for a 1/72 nicely detailed, more accurate Monster!!! Hell, I'm almost ready (as soon as I get more money) to get the 1/72 Monster that already exists. If you make a better one!!!! I dont know what to say to that other than TAKE MY MONEY!!!
  14. AlphaHX

    1/72 VF-4

    The only thing I've heard is that the Club-M has more detail. I'm assuming more panel lines, etc. If you dont mind vinyl and want a decent VF-4, I dont think the Hobbybase version would be that bad of a choice.
  15. I dunno about the Cat's Eye but the Fan Racer gets restocked at Hobby Fan semi frequently. I remember it being in stock a month or so ago.
  16. You should try searching around next time. Read the last several pages of this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...l=tanmen&st=140 In short, even if he does, I dont know if you want to. It took over a year if i remember correctly for his order to come thru. It might be a better idea to just get it off someone else or find a recast or something. What kit were u looking for?
  17. AlphaHX


    Hahaha... I would if I had way too much money and could dedicate a room to my hobbies. A 1/48 Monster would be the size of... ME. It'll be like having a statue in ur house. Craziness. Hahah...
  18. AlphaHX


    Good question. Too bad even a recast will cost an arm and a leg. Tell me about it...I'd need a year or two to save for one...how much do you think a recast would go for before shipping is included in the price? 400, 500 or 600 USD? Before shipping? Hmm... Last time I checked, I think it was 450ish... plus... obviously like 100 dollar shipping. Man, but a 1/72 Monster. Its like a dog. I can pet it and it can have its own dog house. Hahahah...
  19. AlphaHX


    Good question. Too bad even a recast will cost an arm and a leg.
  20. AlphaHX

    Low Viz 1S Heads

    Cool. Sounds good to me. I'll hold off on ordering then cuz I dont even have a Low-Vis yet. Hopefully. one day... If theres extras, I'll place a order.
  21. AlphaHX

    Low Viz 1S Heads

    Cool. So how much is it? Oh... and can we still get the normal color VF-1S 1/48 heads?
  22. AlphaHX

    1/72 VF-4

    If there is a way, I would definite like to know who knows how. I want to get the Wave 1/72 VF-19S/F but my biggest concern with it was that it was vinyl. If I can get it recasted in resin, I would in a heartbeat.
  23. AlphaHX

    1/72 VF-4

    I've always wondered if there was a way to recast a vinyl kit into resin or something. That would be pretty cool...
  24. Why would that offend you? There are some lego builders out there that do make instructions so thats why people were asking. Yes... it must've been a bitch to make instructions for a transforming valk... But this guy did it... http://www.foundrydx.com/store.html
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