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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. I'm not Mike so I wouldnt know but this kit hasnt even seen the light of day on paper yet so I can expect you have some time before this kit comes around. Most of the plans and ideas are still being planned in Mike's daydreams. So I think its a safe bet that this kit is going to be a while before you need to start coughing out money. Let me know if you want to be added to the list. This thread is more like a half official count to make sure there is even enough interest for Mike to even start on a 1/72 Monster. Like I said in the first thread, we need a least 25 people to be commited to this before this project can even take off the ground. Mike, if you see this thread, please shed some light on the ETA. Thanx.
  2. I'm making a new thread for mslz22 (Mike) just to draw more attention. After some discussion in this thread, Mike has considered to scratchbuilt a 1/72 Monster that has more accurate dimensions, more detail, and on top of it all CHEAPER than the Patemori Soba 1/72 Destroid Monster that already exists. So as Mike said, this is what we need... At least 25 people to be interested for him to start on this kit. Price: $240 (Kit) + $10 (Decals) + Shipping But be warned that ~6lbs of resin isnt exactly super cheap to be shipped. Even tho we had an interested count in the other thread, I'm going to start an actual list on this one. So those who were interested please post again in this thread so I can add you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Kits : 48 Current List: AlphaHX Myersjessee jorawar_b (2) Grayson72 Robert S HWR MKII THOR Berttt azrhino 007-vf1 Viceland ChristopherB Ranger565 onezero xstoys hirohawa flash Asthexiancal Gabe Q Jasonc goldenboy_forever RT junkie shdwfx2000 jipe Kylwell UNSpacy jadefalconguard Dwindling Gravitas nightmareB4macross Sdf-1 Ghadrack jardann neptunesurvey JoLe727 Neova Mr Jones cool8or bryan_f_davis@yahoo.com Valk009 specr0101 jipe guncross2 kyatsu thesheep vaporvr6 SILVERDRAGON kyatsu
  3. AlphaHX


    Shouldnt we make a new thread about the resin 1/72 Monster just to get it some more attention?
  4. That YF-19 isnt quite exactly the same. He kitbashed it to make it posable. Having those pictures in the model section might be a bit misleading. Looks great Jesse, cant wait to see more. I think any modeler make modification to the model he built, and the finished product is unique, there isn't just one way to finish a model, a finished model pics just give you an idea how the model may look when finished. Imo adding a note with the modification is sufficent, the external look don't change so much from the fixed-pose version, he did an excellent work in making it posable. I totally agree... but a posability mod imo brings a whole new thing to the table. Thats not about uniqueness anymore. Hes actually adding new physical parts to the kit. If Jesse doesnt feel like it wont confuse anyone, by all means have it. IMHO tho, I think the box picture is enuf to tell us what it looks like. I liked the guys posability mod so much, I got a B-Club YF-19 myself in plans to do the same mod. Great stuff. Too bad he never built the B-Club YF-21.
  5. Heeeey... I think I remember this. Didnt you make a thread on this a few months back? Oh well. Nice job. I hope Hasegawa makes a VF-0 Battroid.
  6. That YF-19 isnt quite exactly the same. He kitbashed it to make it posable. Having those pictures in the model section might be a bit misleading. Looks great Jesse, cant wait to see more.
  7. Nope, sorry... I'm not having any problems. Hope you find out whats causing that.
  8. Heres a pic with red & white missiles...
  9. AlphaHX

    VF Girls

  10. Look at the birdie!
  11. Heres my frankenstein gun.
  12. Oo... let us know if you get the direction.
  13. Heres the B-Club YF-19/21 boxes. I wish I could help you out with some of the Hasegawa boxes but my scanner is also too small. YF-19 http://us.share.geocities.com/alphahx/BClub_YF19.jpg YF-21 http://us.share.geocities.com/alphahx/BClub_YF21.jpg
  14. The yamato gun seems a bit too curvy compared to the lineart. I'm semi working on the gun now just cuz I'm waiting for everything else to dry. I'll see how my frankenstein gun works out. If it still doesnt look right, I'll add more to it to make it look more curvy like the yamato gun.
  15. Looks fine in battroid mode...
  16. Heres the Yamato 1/60 toy. See, long cockpit...
  17. It doesnt get shorten. The chest plate moves down and covers a part of the cockpit.
  18. Heres the quick frankenstein gun that I was talking about. Front of the gun is the Hasegawa and the back of the gun is the Bandai. I just did a super quick photoshop. The top is just the Bandai back on top of the gun and the bottom is a quick put together to give you a idea of what it looks like.
  19. Oh yeah, the other problem is the back part here that I circled green. It needs to be slimmed down a bit. Even tho its probably closer to the lineart, it gets in the way when my battroid tries to hold it. You should notice that Yamato simmed it down as well. The problem when I tested it out was that the back park forced the back of the gun to tilt upward making the gun point downward.
  20. I've even considered combining the bandai and hasegawa guns. I still havent thrown that option out. If its easier for me to work with, I'll probably do it. The biggest problem with the hasegawa gun was the fact that the back was too short. Other than that it was workable... If you just want to putty it, it shouldnt be too hard. I like the details from the Hasegawa gun so I might just try to create some frankenstein gun to preserve some of the detail.
  21. Heres the lineart if you want to compare.
  22. The front isnt too bad, it just needs to be fatter. Heres a picture of the bandai gun super imposed on the Yamato. I enlarged the bandai gun to size of the Yamato gun just to show you want I'm talking about. I'm probably not going to bother to make the bandai one longer but I'll probably make it fatter in the front... and a bit on the back.
  23. Yeah, I plan to correct it. It was one of the last to do things tho. I was probably going to model it after the Yamato gun. Its not too off from the lineart. Heres all the guns together.
  24. I was pondering whether or not to make the legs fatter and I realized that I probably need to since the Hasegawa legs definitely werent made for a Battroid. Before I permenantly attach the cod piece, I'm still working on a way to make the legs more posable and now to make the legs fatter. Blah, and I thought the legs were the only part I didnt have to work on. Sux for meeee... Anyways, heres a quick update picture. A quick idea of what it looks like all together. Hehe... and yeah, I gotta attach the shield.
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