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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. I dont have the strike version but I'll try to help. As for the fighter mode feeling floppy, be sure to lock the legs in where I circled blue in the picture. I have a hard time locking that in myself and it feels floppy. When it actually locks it should "click" and it should be quite sturdy. As for the gunpod, I personally think it looks fine. You can use my picture as a comparison. Hope this helps.
  2. I'll bet you $389 it does!... haha... and then I'll buy it!
  3. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13494
  4. Hehe... my two projects...
  5. Hahahaha!!! When I die at the age of like... 80 and youre 76... I doubt you'll be laughing. Hahahha... I wasnt bragging. I was just... informing kiririth.
  6. haha.. nice!! me too!! i have an 8am final tommorow that i should be studying for but instead i'm on these forums.... GOOO FELLOW POOR COLLEGE COLLECTORS!! haha.... are there a lot here??? i was always curious to how old everyone is on these forums.... Hahah, I thought I was one of the youngest here till "promethuem5" came around. Hes gonna be 16 in April. I'm 20... and employed. Its the only way I can fund my hobbies. Anyways, heres a comparison shot of the fighters to give you an idea how much it more it sticks out...
  7. Read this: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=226
  8. Wow, thanx for the compliments guys. I did this mod for kicks. I didnt think you guys would actually want it recasted. I was actually two seconds away from considering to sell my 1/60 VF-1S just cuz I just got a 1/48 VF-1S... my first 1/48 too. But I must admit, I'm starting to like it more now. I might keep it. Like I said before, if someone wants to find a recaster for this, I'll be more than willing to lend my head out. Just let me know. I'm still relatively new here compared to some of you guys here and most the casters I know are already doing their own thing. Yeah, actually I did. You can tell that I did by looking at the odd antennas. I just used some 320 grain sandpaper that I think I bought at like... Sears a bunch of years ago. I do have a dremel but I didnt think it was necessary to use a electric sander on such a small head. I did use the dremel on my 19 battroid project tho. As for the VF-1S head, I just sanded it with plain sand paper. I just gotta find a higher grain sand paper and this head will be ready to go. Oh yeah, if anyone wants more pictures of the fighter mode or any other mode, let me know. I actually have some free time! My finals are over today! Well, I have one more tomorrow but its a paper and I'm pretty much done. YAAAAAY!!! IM ALMOST FREEEEE!!!
  9. Isnt the winner "jorawar" a member here?
  10. Flattering. I dunt know how to recast tho. If someone is up to doing a recast, I wouldnt mind sharing the head. Let me know. I obviously still have some work to do on it still tho. I gotta finish sanding it and then paint it. Just a comparison shot... I dont miss the stubby head at all.
  11. last one...
  12. i was afraid that the mod would make it difficult for me to transform it into battroid mode since the head might be a tight squeeze thru the hole but it turned out fine and i had no problems at all. you can see at the bottom of the neck where i added an extension. thats teh only thing that makes the head pertrude out a bit more in fighter mode.
  13. gerwalk...
  14. last fighter...
  15. more...
  16. It dried enuf for me to screw the head back on without too much worries. I think it looks fine. I'll let the pictures do the talking. fighter mode...
  17. Wanna know the sad thing? I followed the given jaw line from the original sculpt. Hahaha... but yeah, I know what you mean. Maybe I should draw lines into it like the 1/48... hmm... I've got only one thing to say about the progress so far. I like it sooooo much better than the original head already. Damn that stubby squash head.
  18. Yeah, I gotta agree with Graham. I dunno if theres much I can do about it but I still might try sanding the antennas a bit down to see how that looks. Its actually not dry yet so I cant attach it back on and pose it in different modes. I managed to just balance his head in battroid mode. I took pictures of those. I'll take pictures of it in the other modes later after the putty dries and I can screw it back onto the toy. Heres the battroid mode pictures...
  19. Thanx guys! I was actually planning to narrow the face but I just didnt get around to sanding it cuz it was still drying. Thanx for the constructive criticism! I sanded it a bit but its still not completely dry yet so I'm gonna have to work on it later. I also decided to make his neck longer like the 1/48's head. I might try sanding down the lasers a bit later. They looked fat to me too. Whew, for a second there I thought I was weird or something cuz I dont remember it being mentioned ever since Ive joined MW. I thought it would come up at least once during the duration that Ive been here. Yeah, my putty is nowhere near the color of the head. I'm planning to recolor the entire head after I'm done. Heres a pic of it semi sanded. You can also see that I've extended the neck a bit to look like the 1/48s head. But I dunno how it will turn out in fighter mode so I'm gonna have to see if I can keep the longer neck later...
  20. From the anime.
  21. side view.
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