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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. AlphaHX

    macross lineart

    I think he was asking for straight on shots...
  2. AlphaHX

    macross lineart

    You'll be surprised what you can find on the VF-4. I have more VF-4 pictures than VF-5000. Here ya go... So what are you using these for?
  3. Hahaha... hooray! More Macross fans.
  4. AlphaHX

    macross lineart

    What other valks are you looking for? I already posted the VF-0/1/19. Out of curiousity, what are you using these for? Hasegawa instructions usually have a top, bottom, and both side views...
  5. I've seen that too... in my picture collection.
  6. Thanx. Edited the YF-19 X-Ray.
  7. Update: From the looks of it, there seems to be a decent group of people for me to contact a recaster, so I did. After contacting a recaster I was informed that I'm going to lose my 1/60 head in the process for this recast. Anyways, the 1/60 head isnt put together like the 1/48 head and there isnt a seam down the middle so the recaster needs to look at it to see if things need to be changed or modded for this recast to work. This might also have an effect on the price of the head. So currently no one knows how much the head is going to cost... including the recaster. As soon as I find out more, I'll keep you guys posted in this thread.
  8. Hope this helps...
  9. Hahah, I know I know... Im actually in the middle of priming it right now. As for the sanding... yeah... its gonna take awhile. Oh well... I wasnt expecting to finish this over night. Its... umm... a long term project. I got some panel scribers... I gotta try them out later to see how they turn out on epoxy putty.
  10. I also beefed up his legs. You'll be surprise how fat his legs are in the linearts...
  11. It got around to drying so i was able to take some more pictures. Ive only made some minor changes. I changed the part above the nose like I said before, I moved the head closer up, I finally put those flap things on the shoulders, and I fixed the gap a bit below the nose.
  12. Well, I have nearly 400 gigs of HD space on my comp. Wanna take a wild guess?
  13. AlphaHX

    macross lineart

    Not too sure if u wanted the 0D too. Here it is if you do...
  14. AlphaHX

    macross lineart

  15. AlphaHX

    macross lineart

  16. AlphaHX

    macross lineart

    here ya go... as requested... the vf-0...
  17. vf-11
  18. Uh oh... him again...
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