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  1. Sorry if this has been asked before but does the fast pack versions of the VF-25 come with the parts to make the ship without the armor?
  2. So I decided to finally pick up the GN-U after owning the Revoltech YF-19/21 for a couple weeks now. I didnt expect to like them to much since I wanted the dynamic poses that Revoltechs allowed. But I'm really glad I got them now. I dont really pose them but they look great in the classic lineart stance imo. After I stopped comparing them to the Revoltechs, I like them a lot more now. To me, I dont see them being good for dynamic poses, but just great true-to-the-lineart figures. One of the biggest thing that bugged me was the YF-19 cod piece. It looked kinda round around the edges. It was a easy fix and I sanded it down to make it look closer to the lineart. I also edited the top part of the piece to have that knotch the lineart has. Heres a couple comparison pics. I hope Yamato releases another set with fast packs and more accessories. I wasnt a big fan of the "gripping" hand for the GN-U figures. I had trouble getting them to grip their guns with it. I hope Yamato makes more; I wouldnt mind getting a GN-U VF-1 too.
  3. The head looking wide was never a complaint of mine. I wondering about the thickness of the visor.
  4. After editing it, its not the only problem. Eugimon could be right and the hips are on the wrong spot. Also as u can see in my PS picture that I posted earlier, even after moving the piece up, it still looks like the legs are tad too high. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=55375 Due to the lack of knowledge we have on the transformation mechanism that Bandai is using, I'm thinking they had to make that compromise on the cod piece. Not all anime magic can be solved. I'm still curious about the big visor. Does anyone know where to find a good straight on view of Alto's VF-25 head in the anime? I really dont recall it being that thick.
  5. I didnt know that was something to be concerned about. I hope its the translucent too. Both Alto's VF-25 toy and model has the wide head. I'm starting to think its either a design choice or it might because we've never seen the head from that angle in the anime before. Either way, I have faith that Bandai is aware of it. Even if it does get released looking like that, Kawamori does "okay" it. So who knows whats going on. I'm just hoping Bandai will release more colored pictures soon. We seem to be getting a lot of the grey prototype pictures. I personally didnt have too much faith in the beginning but after seeing the changes they did and the job they did on the Aquarion DX toys, I have to admit I was quite impressed. If they can get it looking as accurate as the Aquarion toys, its gonna be good day for us Macross fans. Have a little faith people.
  6. Cool, thanks. Ooo... gloss and ultraviolet coating. That can be quite promising.
  7. Really? Thats interesting. I wonder what specific changes Kawamori requested. Where did you find out about that? I wonder why he would make any changes. Maybe Alto gets his head blown off too many times and they redesign his VF-25 with a new fatty visor head by the end of the series.
  8. Its coming along nicely... But am I the only one who feels that the visor is huge? Also I guess this might just be an odd angle but is either the cod piece is too low or the legs too high? Heres a picture where I photoshopped a few changes to the visor and cod piece. Looks closer to the official art imo. I guess its not a huge deal but itll be nice for them to tweak the details. It doesnt seem like something that'll be that hard to change... but then again, I'm not positive on how the transformation works so I guess the cod/leg thing might be difficult. Who knows...
  9. AlphaHX

    Macross in Japan

    So very true. Still isnt stopping me from hoping for more tho.
  10. AlphaHX

    Macross in Japan

    Welcome to the board! I've always wanted Macross to be big enough to warrent more shows, ovas, or movies. It's sad to see Macross come up only every 5-10 years from its last series.
  11. The YF-21 got delayed and look at how that turned out! If a month delay is what it takes for them to release with no quality problems, I for one welcome it.
  12. That would be awesome.
  13. I dunno if these has been posted but these pictures make it look pretty good imo. I reversed the non-model to compare for the battroid mode.
  14. Maybe it should have a name dedicated to the VF-19. It kinda looks like it.
  15. Isnt the one on the right 1/100 scale?
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