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Everything posted by gilermo

  1. Must...buy..every..Megahouse
  2. For whom ever is looking for a very good gakken cyclone. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...&hl=cyclone Or a set of CM ride armors. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26013
  3. Look what i just won off Ebay I can't believe i am the only one that bid on this item Only $199 dollars (128 euro's) should be here in 2 weeks 100% complete, stikers still on sheet. and finaly i have one that shoots the little rockets, sweet
  4. "The Beagle must be bought, no matter the cost" ps: is it just me or does the beagle also need help to stand up? Not a deal breaker for me, but i know some guys here are pretty religous about that sort of thing. this is what i call a perfect ride armor, the rest is second banana's. Hoping the'll make more.
  5. Thnx robodragon, for the amazing pics .
  6. Me too, i'll get the green one first
  7. That megahouse Lancer is Soooooooo tempting. I'm getting 2 for sure.
  8. it was leaked on the net.
  9. playing the 360 version right now. looking good so far.
  10. A friend of mine just called, he is playing it already and says it the best game he has played this year. I can't wait to try this puppy myself
  11. The toynami beta is turning into an urban legend . If they came out with this 2 years ago, they would be breaking in all that cash CM getting right now.
  12. It is super tight now and it lines up alot better. notice how the arms dont drop down because of the tailfins. much better like this..Zooooooom
  13. That is the only reason i am still doubting, couse i might be sorry in the future.
  14. PM about the treads
  15. I'm still thinking if i should get the green and red versions too, They are quite expencive not completely worth the money. I had to get one though becouse of the tread.
  16. The CM legioss & tread topic seems to be closed, so i'll post this here. My legioss & tread arrived today. The tread is an amazing toy, good size, great quality. The legioss is not that great, especially in fighter mode. The link-up is terrible , i was warned by all of you, but still the shock was big. Not being able to swoosh it around was a real turn off. So i took some good old tai-rips (dont know the correct english word fot it) and fixed so its nice and tight Here are the pics. The rips in action.
  17. They are resting on it's arms. and the wheels can point outwards
  18. By popular request (ps: is standing on its own)
  19. Do i need my MH to do this?
  20. Once you have the ideal mesurements, any change you could put them in some sort of "how to" instruction? Still i would not mind buying one from you if you could produce more. A good link-up it worth a lot to me
  21. I can't wait mine arrived on saturday but i was not home when the mailman came, i wont be able to get it untill tomorow . I hope that link-up you're making is reproducable cause i would not mind buying one
  22. Thnx for the pic . Do you have a shot from the side? i want to know how they allign. thanks in advance .
  23. For us europeans the dollar is super cheap 60 dollars is about 37 euro´s 3 hours work max. That´s why i got 3 with a forth one comming
  24. The CM requires the removal of 4 pieces (front&back) panels. So it's not perfect and never can be, (that was just anime magic). If i can remove 4, than i don't have any problems with 2 or 3 more.
  25. I AM a transformer fan. It doesn't bother me, It's a diferent interpetation, i'll leave the perfection to my Gakken and soon to have Beagle version. I'm glad MH also did one.. Oh, and i'm not kidding about the fan part.
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