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Everything posted by gilermo

  1. I cannot believe i won this lot on ebay for a measely $140!!!!!! look at the auction here I am keeping the 2 gakken Alpha's and maybe the giant cyclone, The rest i'm selling. Anyone interested?
  2. Sure no prob I'm watching the game right now, The Netherlands - France Euro 2008. but after that i'll make some pics.
  3. The pride and joy of my mospeada collection love the originals (japanese)
  4. Need...more...beagle...news...now...
  5. Thing is, i used to own 8 of them, sold the lot a few years back..been sorry ever sinds..
  6. Those were the good old days, i just saw this one on ebay. already 212 bucks with 3 days to go this wil hit 300 easy. And this is a henshin robo version. so $290 for a minty origal japanese version is not that bad in retrospective.
  7. Is it me or does the CM look like a cross between toynami normal and super poseable Alpha?
  8. Yeah i know, they just stand more firmly like this. And i don't have to bend the leggs/knees for an upright position. The joints are still so tight, i just want to use as less "clics" as posible to keep them that way. Thanks for the tip, but i was aware...
  9. My Mospeada collection is finaly taking shape . I'm not there yet though. On it's way: -Red Legioss&Tread -Gakken Large Cyclone -2X MH Lancer cyclone (preorder) Still looking for: -Green Gakken Legioss 1/35 -Imen Lancer(human) -Imen Lancer(cyclone) -Imen Scott(Cyclone -Invid shocktrooper And off course i'll be getting: -2x MH Rook cyclone -Beagle ride armor -Toynami Beta These things will be filling up the gaps.
  10. Recieved mine yesterday
  11. I hope these are "soon to come" toys (sold to the fool that loves mospeada too much..me)
  12. Many thanks I'll wait for it
  13. I can't wait to see some colored versions (and price+release date)
  14. costed me an arm and a legg, but i finaly got one The real deal, japanese version.
  15. Does anyone have a SCAN of the GAKKEN 1/35 RIDE-ARMOR/CYCLONE INSTRUCTIONS? It's for my buddy tuck2197 I used to have one untill my HD crashed. Thanks in advanced people
  16. As usual i'm getting 2 of these, i love the face sculpts from MH. Some new/colored shots of the Beagle would not hurt this tread either
  17. Maybe we should start a petition, letting companies know that the time right the start creating inbit-invid mecha. It should be a lot easier to create (it´s non tranformable). The first company that creates this has the whole market to it´s self.
  18. Why aren't any of these companies creating Invid/inbit mecha? I'd like some to complement my Mospeada collection, how bout you guys?
  19. If that's the case, the BETA is going the best toy ever
  20. Both my Toynami and Aoshima Alpha's/legiosses have a lot of problems, I transform them once in the shape i want to display them in, and then leave them at that. I have bought 7 toynami Alpha's all of them broke at some point. It is the best looking Alpha (and most afortable) alpha out there, so i don't have much choice. I'm hoping companies like MH will create a Legioss. (200 posts in nearly 4 years, now that's gangsta!)
  21. When the Euro was first introduced in 2001 1 euro was about $90cents. It was a really bad time for buying anything in dollars. For years fans like me had to pay way too much to get our fill The toynami alpha costed 120 euro's back then (that's $180 now). It turned out that the dollar was kept artificially high and the Euro artificially low. and when they converted the Florijn (our old currency) to the Euro, the Dutch goverment tricked by us converting our Florijn way too low (1euro = 2,20 FL). (we send them home off course). Prices went way up, stores just switched the Fl. sign for a Eu. sign. People stoped spending, lost their jobs and homes. The econy went south, the whole thing looked a bit like the one in the US right now, but things will change Buying Mospeada stuff really hurt my wallet , and man have i suffered for years collecting this stuff wishing i lived in the States. I am glad that i can now enjoy the up-side of things for as long as it lasts. It will even out eventualy, but untill then i am riding this thing like a rodeo.
  22. I paid about 600 euro's for all 3 still too much money if you ask me, but the strong euro makes it less painfull for me than for my U.S. friends. Buying stuff in Dollars have never been so much fun
  23. I am soooo glad i bought all 3 of them. Green and red should be arriving within the next 2 weeks.
  24. Funny thing, with my LEY i recieved 2 of them, with the rest only 1. seems like i have a spare
  25. 1)preaching to the choir my friend 2) It's the ride armor by Beagle, it's a toy and no price is known yet. check it out here 3)I believe it's roughly the size of Imai model kit. so smaller than the gakken, but larger than the Megahouse. That is if they are still releasing the version i saw on wonderfest 2007. When it coming out? whom ever can say for sure can come with me to vegas 4) you mean the guy making the MH stricker set? I don't know i just bought 2 sets off ebay though. 5) dito, i sold my CM's because i just could not stand how small and fragille they are. loving my MH though , But you'll find out some will respecfully disagree with me on this point. 6) you can get the toynami/aoshima or old gakken version. as for CM selling the alpha loose..i don't see that happening any time soon. maybe the'll create a new one (bigger/better). 7) i never really liked them, but that was because i was waiting for the tranformable alpha (for 2 years) and toynami kept j*****g us around for 2 years and then give us some super poseables to shut us up (thats how i see it). not me.
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