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Everything posted by gilermo

  1. That's good news, means the rest can't be far behind, hopefully i'll get mine next week. Any change on sharing some pics with us?
  2. Don't worry my friend they'll fade over the years
  3. I like the cloth, althought they could have made it a bit tighter though. Also the color just jumps out to much, they schould have toned it down a bit. I'm still going to get it though, i'm just a mospeada sucker like that.
  4. But 144 euro's i can live with
  5. Me too I'm sure the CM version will fidly and fragile again. MH all the way, can't wait for yellow to come out.
  6. 'why grandma, what ugly head you have' better not put that next to the Megahouse.
  7. What? you the 'old' new pics, or did you see some 'new' new pics? I'm still hungry for some more news.
  8. i's be one o dem Megahouse all the way. the CM Yellow looks too much like a repainted Ray/Stick.
  9. Same here , go Beagle \0/
  10. selling off part of my mospeada collection check out the link here
  11. That is gooed news, Now..if we can only get that release date
  12. It cant be worse than toynami. Even if we don't like it we'll still have an extra choice, i see no wrong in that. Sounds like win/win to me.
  13. This is the best Ride armor/Cyclone ever created. Can't we petition these guys to make a legioss and/or Tread? *special thanks to the_foul_fowl for the update*
  14. Basically all you need
  15. Mh too small, beagle too big..I have to give it to CM on this one (only this one).
  16. I can dig the leggs, a little bigger would better but now it can sit on the bike corectly. I'm loving the design, but i wonder if it can stand on it's own or if it needs a stand or spread it's legs wide and lean over. It can't be long untill it's in stores right?
  17. Megahouse all the way I preordered 2 lancers/yellows already. They just ooze more anime (and sturdiness) than the CMs.
  18. hahaha, I'm still paying the same as you guys only Euro's. Surely you can affort 1? maybe another trade? It's still some way off so everybody can safe up some dough. I'm still hoping it's here sooner rather than later. hopefully they'll make a legioss too .
  19. I agree with you on the Cm's i sold both becouse i just didn't like them. my MH on the other hand are looking quite handsome . I would never compare the beagle to the Cm, it's just too small and fidley for my taste. I'm going for all 4 MH's (x2) and all beagles (x2). skipping on the Cm's. good to see that one picture can turn this tread back to life
  20. Finaly!!!!! new pics!!!! Thank you sooooooo much.. 20,000 yen? thats around 120 euro's... SOLD!!! i'm getting 2 that's for sure!!
  21. only the small legiosses are spoken for. i'm waiting for everything to arrive before selling. I'll let you know as soon as they are here.
  22. I've seen these before, but only on websites, never seen one in person. They don't look that great, lack of detail, but they are old end still mospeada collectables for whomever is looking for all gakken stuff.
  23. Thanks for the kind reactions everyone. I'll answer all your qustions as soon as they arrive. In the mean time, keep em comming I still can't believe almost nobody wanted this
  24. You mean the diecast one?
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