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Everything posted by gilermo

  1. I'm still waiting for mine , Keep feeding us pictures (and online movies) please
  2. Thank you very much, keep em comming please
  3. Has anyone posted a Beagle movie on the net yet? All i can find is this old one:
  4. I'm getting all beagle ride armors, keep em coming !!! I't would be nice if they made high quality deluxe 1/35 Alpha's (Legioss) and matching Beta's (tread). It would cost an arm and a legg but i would surely save up to buy them
  5. Mine got shipped today. it should e here in 4 to 10 days. Can't wait I the meantime i'm enjoying the pictures everyone is posting. Any idea when the toynami version is getting out?
  6. The Toynami version looks like one of those drag-queen aliens from Project A-KO. Guess it's gonna be helmets on for this version
  7. Here's the mid-air transformation everybody loves so much
  8. They got my money Love the way it folds together to fit in the Legioss, now if they only make a big enough legioss to fit it in.
  9. The nek is starting to freak me out, can't they put some cloth on that too?
  10. Is/are there no new Beagle news/pictures out there?
  11. Forget Elmo live, im getting a Beagle
  12. Now i know what the cloth is covering up. Hope they change the face sculpt though, the MH rey has a beter looking face.
  13. Got to get me 2 of those.. asome.. Looking at the pictures from page 1 it seems that getting a figure with ride armor to stand by its self is a hard thing to pull off.
  14. Glad this tread is back up had to go without some mospeada news for far too long now
  15. Hahahaha, Amsterdam Noordholland in da house (and loving our selves)
  16. Did not see this one yet, yes i am from The netherlands, Amsterdam. There are not many macross collectors in The netherlands. One guy is trying to sell his 1/48 yamato collection for 3 years now (asking too much money to too little collectors). Dutch collectors UNITE!!! (all 5 of us)
  17. Nice pics, i like the MH cyclone's. Can't wait for the beagle to arrive.
  18. I'm getting the Beagle regardless, it's still the best out there and the cloth does not bother me one bit. I'm hoping they'll make a Rand/Ley.
  19. Why can't i find the new Beagle pictures on the overdrive site? Some help ? *Nevermind found them
  20. @fifbeat for me the Toynami 1/55, it's a crap toy, but i love the sculpt and the colors.
  21. You left out the part about their ugly mugs, my god those are some bad head sculpts.
  22. Give the hungry masses more pictures ....please?
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