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Everything posted by gilermo

  1. I got my T-rex beagle saddlebags today . Finaly my stick ride-armor is now complete . Now were are those CM figures .
  2. I have been buying from him for years now. Never had a problem so far. The CM ley i bought from him arrived today.
  3. Man i wish i could. But i am no member of these japanese Yahoo auction and i don't use a credit card . Normal Ebay + Paypal would have been way better for me...
  4. Are you talking about those sadlebags for teh beagle ride armor? I'd pay some good $$$$$$ for a set of those...
  5. Is there something i'm not seeing, or is $254 (incl S+H) a bit steep for a CM ridearmor? Check it out
  6. Just let me (us) know when you are planning on selling, ok? I would like some to complete my CM riding set one day. Due to a lack of new mospeada collectables, i've decided to start collecting them. I must say even though the'll never hold a candle to the Beagle ride armors, they are not without their charm if you have few of them together. (helmets on though because those face sculpst are ugly). The figure set is my chance to show some faces
  7. I cant find any of these on Ebay. is no one selling these ?
  8. I have ordered tons of stuff from this guy. Super fast shipping. And if you want to order new macross toys from ebay. A hongkong seller is almost the only way to go. $133 + $45 = 178 bucks. The blue CM legioss en tread i bought back them costed almost $300 smackaroos . So that is a big drop in price .
  9. Some dude is selling them on Ebay right now for US $132,80 + SH (3 left). That is cheaper then when i bought the original. HERE
  10. Nice collection. A big CM and MH fan i see. Still not sure on getting those, maybe later..nice gakken cyclone though
  11. My Mospeada collection is starting to shape up. Still need some stuff though . - Large Red gakken Alpha - Large Gakken Cyclone x2 - Some more toynami/aoshima alpha's - Doubting on getting some CM and MH ride armors
  12. Is this tread dead or what? When is the Shadow beta comming out?
  13. Why do i get the feeling that after the MPC shadow Beta, it's pretty much over for new mospeada toys? (not including many clear and metalic versions of CM's ride armor's) Is there anything down the road ?
  14. I was hoping for: - Scott - Rand - Rook - Lancer - Sue - That That cononell with the blue hair and the mostage (limited edition ) - The super cyclone (s) I would have paid $300 a piece for these. Too bad will never see them
  15. Give me one of those Marcus Cyclone's
  16. Improved huh? Knowing meself i probably will be getting both of these too . I hope the mold has been greatly improved and that they will knock out the rest of the Scott Bernard Alpha's.
  17. I actually bought it, but just because i'm such a Robotech fan. As far as merchandise goes. I saw a SC messenger bag on EBAY
  18. I was very interested, i remember almost wetting my pants when they anounced it. Then came the lame story and medioker 3d animation, and i was disapointed. Add to that the lukewarm reception by critics and you have an instant miss. I think they should give it an other (better) try. What else can they do? interest won't pick up out of nowhere. They might as well close up shop then, or be satisfied with what little we still bring to them. Witch won't be for ever by the way...
  19. If HG can't affort a new series they are in big trouble. Isn't a full feature live action movie much more expensive? It won't be easy getting investors interested if mechandise sales are so low. They are going to have to involve the whole macross thing into this, and tell investors it's big in Asia. Could't they redub one of the many Macross series there have been sinds? The did it once right ?
  20. What they need is a new series that will apeal to new fans and old ones alike. We are all 30+ or something, how long will we be collection? 5 years tops? The numbers will decline. If they don't bring in a new generation of fans Robotech is doomed. They got this following via the TV series. What's wrong with doing an other one? (i know they did not do this one them selves).
  21. the problem would be, you still have to vacium suck all the air that is inside. Once taped shut i would not be able to open the cabinet easly. I open that thing 2 times a day .
  22. You can't seal anything from dustmite, unless you seal it airtight. The cabinet prevents most of the outside dust form getting in. Not all of it, because you'll open it from time to time. (i know i do) And because there is not much for the mite to eat inside, the wont stay/survive there very long. Resulting in less dust.
  23. I know, But it won't be as bad as leaving them on the closett. This will be much better. It was hard finding one with the correct dept for combo. This one was perfect.
  24. finally foun a glass cabinet that could house my alpha/beta combo. No more sitting in the dust for these babies .
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