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Everything posted by gilermo

  1. i am selling mine becouse i am disapointed in them. the green and the red one are ok but the blue one was poorly glued.. i can't get a new one from toynami becouse i don't live in the u.s.a. so one of you can get a new one.. for 80 dollars or a good megatron,shockwave or omega supreme transformers. all three are yours!! i accept paypal gilermorodriguez@hotmail.com (+shippping and handeling)
  2. just like at mcdonalds
  3. got my alpha today. #03604 not perfect but not crap either.. fairly good quality... here is one of the few pictures i could take before my digicam died out were are the rest of you guys? show us some pics
  4. YES! YES! ME TOO!
  5. finally the first picture of the red alpha "in hand". thanks for posting it. keep em coming guys i hope to get mine this week (or the next). i see that this alpha also has the back problems. i'll just have to wait and see what i will get.
  6. pictures of the new alpha (rook) are popping up all over the net, aparently some guys already have them in stock and are selling them via auction sites. i have not seen a official release date/statement from toynami yet. but they are out there. I wonder who is the first to show us some home made pictures and a review on the new alpha.
  7. i'm also getting al four alpha's, i like the toy, the sise does not bother me and i have one with little to no flaws.. this may all change if the red one is a piece of #%&*. when is it coming out? i am afraid that the red alpha is pushed back to 2005, i hope it is to resolve the qc issue..but then this is what we thought about the blue one.. as for the beta.. it's not looking well...toynami is not speaking so baldly about doing one.. and i'm also sceptic about seeing a cyclone.. let's hope i'm wrong..
  8. ??? what are you saying??? is yamato going to make ride armor toys?? if so where can i see the designs??? here's hoping for some competition...
  9. "i was just kidding about your friend back there....."
  10. i'm loving the alpha more and more.. it's almost like it's getting sturdier by the day.. and i transform it alot (carefully though..but not as carefull as in the beginning). bring on the second one!!! "you call yourself a fighter plane!!!"
  11. my alpha is really starting to grow on my After having my reservations about it for the first 2 days (don't get me wrong it's not perfect..at all) I am starting to warm up to it and am looking forward to the second one.. It transforms a lot easier than first and i have learned to be a bit rougher with it (so the legs are extended all the way) as you can see from the photo he lloks happy "uncle alpha needs you!"
  12. does anyone else have this problem? the front landing gear will not touch the ground (it 's missing 1,5-2 mm). the alpha sits on his belly
  13. After having the alpha for a few days now, It is starting to grow on me.. I am lucky not to have any major flaws, but i am starting to notice that after transforming it several time it becomes sloppy.. the arm held up fine in the begining, but after 6 transformations it wil only hang down now.. the left legg is having trouble staying retracted so alpha collapses to the left.. one of the missile doors on the arm is just plain crooked.. the hands are becomeing weaker every time i use them.. other than that it's fine.. ALPHA # 04406
  14. hi everybody, Here is some feedback from your ancestors over in europe.. The alpha just arrived in the Netherlands, i got so scared after reading al the negative feedback on this toy that i almost did not open it.. But i did anyway I got lucky i did not have the mayor problems that the most of you guys had, but some minor things did come up though.. -one of the landing gears is floppy -one of the missile doors on the arms is crooked. -the whole toy overall feels a bit breakable -the arms stand up fine though -the decals look great Overall i think i paid to much for this toy..it costs aprox. 144 dollars here in the netherlands..way too much for this thing it's in the box now i am getting an other one next week.. I can try to post a pic if anyone wants.. my alpha is number 04406..
  15. Even newer pics (2004 comic con) mpc alpha pics comic con 2004 Green alpha included.... Why aren't any posted yet?
  16. sorry for the many spelling errors and typs.. im a really bad typer and i'm not even english (or american for that matter). i'll check the message over better next time before pushing the add reply button
  17. if take a lokk on page 44 of thid thread you'll see a picture of a red alpha posted by wrylac, at the alpha's feet you'll see 2 objects..one is the pilot the other is a folded cyclone (cool!!!). As for the chest plate touching the ground.. when a take a closer look at the pictures it looks like the chest plate can be pushed and pulled in and out (i think that is were the little fold up cyclone comes). So matbe they have not transformed it fully yet at display and forgot to push the plate in. Then again i could be wrong, what do you guys think? take another close look at the pictures..
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