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Everything posted by gilermo

  1. I put my broken mospeada + garland+siant saiya+gakken cyclone box stuff up for trade In the for sale/trade section -Mpc brooke Stickers applied, hand broken -Mpc Lancer Stickers applied, hand broken -Mpc Sue Graham Stickers applied, arm broken -Megazone Garland The arm comes off easely -Cyclone box -Saint seiya figurine check it out if you are interested LINK
  2. I consider myself extremely lucky, I think it is the fact that it had to be shipped from Europe, not many Americans want to take that chance. I live in Europe so no problem for me shipping was about 15 bucks. The show hardly aired here, only in england and france. I Had to watch Superchannel (an an englisch channel) this was pretty expenceive back then so hardly any Dutch youth saw the show. Consider myself lunky again I possed some picks in the stike-a-pose mospeada version...
  3. All tohetger now... Come along now son... Tell the teacher we're surfin... David VS goliath... Guess who won... Why can't we be friends...
  4. Still waiting for my stick from maybang But my gakken cyclone arrived today bought it off ebay from some Italian dude voor about 65 bucks.. It has amazingly tight joints stickers unaplied as if it just came out of the box. Never had such a good one. I got my gakken, i am getting the rest of the MH and the beagle versions, maybe the toynami versions to, then my ride armor hunger is finaly satisfied (after 15 years)
  5. I had that same problem, but you have to push it as you are bending the seat back (just like in the manual) not after you've bend the seat back.
  6. Mosepeada is not the only cursed toyline made in China, have you seen the new encore line from takara (getting worse and worse). I saw a documantary on dutch TV about the trouble of finding skilled workers to assemble the parts correcty and with care. At this piont it's a rush job for as little costs as possible. Many Dutch companies had QC issues with stuff made in China these days, they just can't properly cope with demand.
  7. I'm with him on this one
  8. Is this thing finaly comming out or are they going to string us along for 2 more years..
  9. I started saving up as soon as this tread started
  10. Still holding out untill the first member review, it's either this or the toynami beta.
  11. I loved this show so much, it was my favorite of the robotech series, never could get a toy when i was a kid in The Netherlands. After all these years companies are making alpha's, beta's and cyclone's again. (legioss, tread and ride armor for you purists). These are good times we live in even with the flaws that some of these toys have . I am going to get all the MH versions, if the toynami/beagle versions live up to my expectations i'll be happily broke
  12. I'm falling more and more in love with the MH version of Ley, so many poses are possible Can't wait to get them complete the whole set and pose them together.
  13. My LEY arrived in the Netherlands today I must say the size is somewhat disapionting, so i'm glad i did not get the CM version. It's not extremly fragile, but defenitly not as sturdy as the gakken version. one of those "transform once, and leave it like that" Other than that i am happy and can't wait for my stick figure to arrive. passing on CM though, but keeping an eye out for beagle/toynami.
  14. I hope the size is bigger than the CM and MH versions. The cyclone/ride armor is to fragile for these petit sizes
  15. defenitly not a $200 link-up, i'm still hoping it's displayed wrong
  16. Nice pics, keep em coming MH=sold..
  17. That pic is not winning me over to CM's side, i going with MH on this one (all 4 figures).
  18. They both seem to be needing some form of support to stand, that's a stick behind the CM version isn't it?
  19. I had: 1xblue alpha (bad glue, broke appart) 1xblue alpha (broken hand) 1xgreen alpha (arm broken) 1xgreen alpha (broken hand) 1xred alpha (broken hand). I have send 3 emails to toynami about this and never heard from them. I really wanted these alpha's becouse i loved the show as a kid, but i am never spending money on a toynami product again. They just left me hanging...the alpha's kost almost twice the amount in the Netherlands as in the states. People defending toynami have definitely not had my experience with them.
  20. Good news, but i would have bought it annyways..
  21. HOLY S**T I'm buying!! gotta catch em all No disrespect to CM but mu money is going to MH.
  22. Thanks it sure is tiny..(i'll get it anyway thought..)
  23. Can you post a picture if it next to a transformed toynami alpha? thanks a lot..
  24. I am definitely not transforming this thing i was afraid it would brake just looking at it. I made that mistake with Lancer and Brooke both have their hands broke I bought it off Ebay nor refunds.. Never ever a toynami pruduct again !!!
  25. After taking a close look at both prototypes it's Megahouse all the way for me. It's overall look and feel just sits better with me. I might concider a Lancer cyclone from CM. I have already preordered Stick and am now concidering Rey too.
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