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Everything posted by Phadeout

  1. LMAO, I must be lucky, my GF has no willpower in my hands In reality for me, the situation would be reversed. Maybe it's cause we arn't married? http://www.ebaumsworld.com/beforeaftermarriage.html
  2. Wow, an original D&D Red Box, that is still in the shape of a box?!? Wow.... I have my old red box, and let me tell ye, you'd never know it was box lol. Sorry, just had to post that. Nastalgia rising.
  3. Original Pic 2
  4. Original Pic 1
  5. Yeah, I know... I had to upscale them A LOT... Ran about 5 rotations of photoshop Despeckle and Sharpen on them to try and get them smoother and sharper without loosing detail. I think it was the best I could do without a lot of hand touch ups... If someone else can do better (which I'm SURE someone can), go for it, and then let me know
  6. I just threw this together and did some photoshop touches... I just like the 2 pictures and needed something that would make a nice 1280x1024 desktop... These 2 fit together perfectly.
  7. If someone made a model of you, and they forgot YOUR "pea shooter", you'd be pretty damn upset too
  8. Phadeout

    My First 1/48

    Thanx guys.... I would love to get a VF-1J w/ Fast Packs (complete box) too, but man.... these things are killer expensive... I never thought I'd pay more for a toy than for a rare model kit. But hey, I'm sure it will be worth it
  9. Phadeout

    My First 1/48

    Well, I just had to post my excitement. I just purchased my first 1/48 Yamato, a Roy 1/48 VF-1S 2nd Ed w/ FP's. Lucky for me, it was Neova's LAST Roy 2nd Ed! Whoohoo, talk about good timing.
  10. Phadeout

    Almost there...

    The VF-19A Yamato was the first Macross toy I ever bought too. Sweet.
  11. Thanx guys.
  12. Question about the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru, is it the "equivalent" of buying a 2nd Ed 1/48 with the fixed QC issues? Or does it suffer from the 1st Ed flaws. Thanx
  13. Let me give ye some advice on getting chix to watch anime. IF you can get them to sit and watch, you need to try all different kinds of stuff on her. Not just the stuff you like, but try all different kinds that might seem interesting to her. IF you can get her to watch a bunch, and she suddenly finds one she likes... MISSION SUCCESSFUL. From then on she will appreciate it and prolly go out and try to find more that she likes Only gets better from there. You just gotta find one that she likes and it's sunny skies after that. (I think this thread is starting to turn into our local "Group Thing", Bad Boys II comes to mind
  14. Well, I can see it as a judge of how cool a chick is to me... If she looks at my Macross stuff and thinks it's cool, then I know I wanna keep her If she looks at my DVD collection and picks out an Anime to watch, I wanna keep her. I'm a big kid, and find life more enjoyable when I hang out with kids my size if you know what I mean "We don't stop playing because we grow old, We grow old because we stop playing."
  15. Are you saying... VF-19S Blazer 1/100 with boosters i.e. SHE kit?
  16. Nice trick for the Resin... I have a bent on a kit that I can fix now! Sweet!
  17. I love the coloring of that custom blue/low viz valk... The decal/paint job around the cockpit is truly sweet. (Just had to say something about it since I think it is feeling lonely next to 1st and 2nd prize winners <_
  18. Captain Planet??? What about Captain Power!?
  19. Yeah.... Still waiting on the Yf-19 too... When was it suppose to be released?
  20. I like the vertical "hanging" wires... Coat Hangars? Nice 1/60 collection anyway.
  21. I thought of doing the same thing... I'm sure someone you know has a digi cam... even a crappy one. Heck, maybe they have a digi-cam-phone?!
  22. Keep us up to date... That makes me drool! I was going to ask why Yamato wouldn't take the time to make an add-on like that! Like we don't want it??? Lol.
  23. Hmmm, is there anyway to implement a "subscription" to a forum, so that everytime a new topic is created you get an email notification? That would be kew.
  24. My fav's: #1: T-38 (F-5 basically but with 2 seats, and it's under a million dollars!) #2: toss up between the Mig-29 and the SR-71 (the SR-75 sounds sweet though)
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