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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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  1. Ah, here is the rare kit you don't ever see much of that I have. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models.../retppu_34f.jpg It's a nice kit! Too bad it wasn't a 1/72, I thought it was... been a while. I need to really get my in box kits on a display shelf....
  2. Well, it's been nearly 3 years I think since I've been on here. The Macross II stuff is what started me on Macross in general (well, Macross Plus first actually). But I love the VF-2SS and the metal siren. I think one of the few guys that has every kit including a super rare battroid of the VF2 made by Retpuu I believe it was (I'd have to look it up again). I've always wondered, based on the Battroid kit and Fighter mode kit I have (made famous by MW Cheng I'm sure) what type of transforming kit you could make. I'm sure by kit bashing both, and using another transforming toy for it's skeleton, with enough time, you could make an AMAZING piece.
  3. Thanx for the pictures! Now I really know what it looks like... hmm. I guess they do suite the original color scheme better, but those black/yellow painted boosters would look really great!
  4. Hello Macrossworld! Long time no post for me (but I've been lurking). I was wondering if anyone could post some pictures of the new yamato YF-19 25th Anniversary version WITH the fold booster and fast packs installed? If you can, I'd love to see what it looks like. Thanx!
  5. Oh, someone said VF-2... On the 1/72 musasiya being around, I have one (and currently not selling this one), but I did sell another one that I had a little while ago to ChristopherB. That went for 250US just FYI (he did pay a little premium for it since I held on to it for him for some time, but non the less, I think this kit is worth a lot of cash). If you guys are looking for Macross II stuff, I have all the kits (except for no original of the VF2JA Figher Mode). I have everything else - originals. If you have any questions, or are looking for something, drop me a line. Everything is for sale at the right price as one of my best friends always says. There's a small chance I might sell all my macross II stuff one day if I don't get to building it, so keep your eyes open... though I'd cry to see these beautiful kits go... Later.
  6. Ok, So if I work with a Tamiya acrylics I'll be fine with just some good venting? That's good to know.
  7. Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to airbrush (using acrylics) in a house/apartment? What's the best way to do this? I think I've seen venting systems as well to help with the paint fumes....
  8. The VF2 is the $#!+
  9. Nice Job Jesse, about time the B-club section got updated... I remember searching for these kits when I first started my Macross addiction... have all the Macross II stuff now, but off the start it was difficult to know what existed and what didn't. This is much better.
  10. Andy, that was funny.... damn... I'd say when it comes to painting, you should do the peices individually, but first you have to have them ready for fitting... or you're gonna end up sanding and glueing over the paint. Not all peices have to be painted first, but things that you can't mask should get paint.
  11. That's a thought... I find that my wire cutters are near perfect, leaving very little extra on the part. The thing is, it takes a long time to perfectly trim them afterwards... I guess even with the right tool, I will either still be trimming, or I will be filling....
  12. Ok, so I've been doing some kits lately that come on sprues... Usually I use a really sharp pair of wire cutters (small ones for delicate electronics), and then use a scalpel to shave off the tiny bit of left over plastic. Now, is there a tool that anyone has used that will save me from this process, and just be able to cut and be done with it? (I've seen tools for sale that look like they might work for modellers, but do they _really_ work?). thanx
  13. Can anyone tell me how much of a difference there is between .005" and .008" copper sheeting? Anyone have any experience using different thicknesses (gauges)?
  14. Is there anything like the copper sheets that I could get in a Chrome like finish? Thanx for the help guys, I'll check my local hobby store... I swear I've seen it before, so that must have been it.
  15. Anyone know of anything that would come as a cutable metal sheet that is thin enough to bend with simple tools and by hand... but isn't so thin that it crumples like Tinfoil? I know there has to be something like this out there, I just gotta find it. Cheers
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