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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. cyde01

    yamato's next move

    i'd like to see a vf-0d and some more obscure valks, but i get the feeling they're gonna focus on ver 2 vf-1 repaints, destroids and non-transformable gnus for the foreseeable future.
  2. with the way this thread is going, you'd think the vf-11 maxl custom was the all time favorite valk of mw.
  3. ack!!! yamato build it!!! i never got a yamato sv-51 just because i was holding out hope that they would release this scheme.
  4. i'm not making an argument, all i am saying is possible does not necessarily mean probable. anime are written by writers, and writers write scenes for specific purposes. if anew had amnesia, why wouldn't the writers write the scene to make it seem like she had amnesia? why instead do they make it seem like she is hiding something from lockon? serves no purpose from a screenwriting standpoint. regardless, both outcomes are possible, although i tend to think that my theory is far more probable. and i'm not against the discussion of alternative possibilities, but i'm probably a lot more likely to blow off someone's theory if they blow off mine. especially since i'm bilingual and this happens to be an english site. i was just trying to do u guys a favor cuz i thought the subs weren't out yet.
  5. yeah but how likely is that? this coming from the guy who thought mikhail was without a doubt still alive. if anew wasn't aware that she was a mole, after she got pinged she probably would've acted like, "what the heck just happened to me?" kinda like allelujah did after the transam stopped. instead, when lockon asked her what happened she tried to play it off by saying that she was nervous. she was obviously trying to hide something from lockon.
  6. *sigh* what i was saying was the dialogue made it clear that anew is an INNOVATOR mole. revive: (flies into asteroid field in ms) ok, answer me. marie: quantum brain waves? from where? they're not directed at me? who? revive: i've located the enemy base. send an encrypted message to the fleet. anew stares off into space. lockon: hey what gives? why u playin hard to get girl? so yeah, they make it pretty obvious that anew was the one giving the innovators the location of the CB base. of course, there's no telling what would happen in the future, she could end up being a double agent or changing sides. but as of now it is quite clear that she is helping the innovators. is nena an innovator?
  7. well i didn't know that they had a sub for this ep already, so i thought it might not be obvious for some, but whatever. whaddya mean? if she's a mole, of course they knew she was there because they're the ones that placed her there. why didn't they take out CB sooner? well apparently she was a recent recruit, so it's not like they had a mole in CB for a long time. they were prob waiting for the ptolemy to return so they could attack both the base and ship in one shot.
  8. wow what an episode. season 2 is so much better than s1. couple things: apparently it wasn't memento mori that triggered the newtype reactions, but 00's transam. anew is definitely a mole. marie says "brain particle waves!! where r they coming from? wait, they're not directed at me!" then it cuts to anew staring off into space completely ignoring what lockon is saying to her. i wud definitely say that the innovators were sending signals to anew for planning the attack. in the previous episode, it is revealed that wang helped build the memento mori, but the expression on her face when it is used seems to indicate that she does not approve of how it was used, which reinforces the idea that she is in fact anti- innovator. nena likes the laser but she doesn't like the innovators for working with her brother's killers. i get the vibe that she doesn't like wang as well. i don't think saji/louise is gonna end well either. can 00 make newtypes not just out of innovators and super soldiers, but regular people as well??
  9. whoa dude, without context that sounds really bad.
  10. i actually like the fighter mode better than the dx chogokin. the nose doesn't look as impotent, the engine nascelles sit higher, landing gear look better.. and for less than half the price you really don't expect a very high level of detail anyway. this one hits the sweet spot for me.
  11. i knew that we'd be seeing a revive revival clone soon!!! i called it!!! although i thought the revive revival clone would be male.. i guess livonze is spelled ribbons after all.. lol i wonder how setsuna would feel fighting against the 0 gundam pilot, seeing as he looks up to the 0 gundam so much.
  12. lol guys there will be no more postponements. the guy is commenting how the chougoukin despite going into development earlier than the model kept getting postponed and postponed but is finally gonna be released this december (both alto and ozma). michel and luca are waiting in the wings for a march release.
  13. geh, you gotta be kidding me.
  14. woah, SD vf-25 and vf-27.. i think this is like a collectors item. it looks like a giveaway prize more than a product, which may explain the price. edit: nevermind. i just saw the thread in the toys section.
  15. i wonder.. if regene regetta is the female version of tieria and healing care is the female version of livonze (ribbons), is there a male version of revive revival?
  16. only to blast off again. what is up with those innovator names? regene regen, or something like that, revive revival, healing care? and soma's custom ahead is nicknamed "smultron." apparently louise is gonna take over the smultron with soma gone. oh and healing care looks like a female version of livonze, kinda like regene/tieria.
  17. i liked soma better than marie.
  18. why would the production staff pronounce it any different then the katakana in that magazine? katakana in the magazine says AR-keh. i believe that's a katakana approximation of a greek or latin pronunciation.
  19. side note: i believe arche (pronounced AR-keh) comes from the word archangel. this would be consistent with the thrones. the thrones equated themselves with the Holy Trinity, something rather arrogant and blasphemous. lucifer's fall was caused when he did the same thing, he boasted that he was an equal of God and thus started a rebellion against Him (lucifer was the archangel before his fall). it makes sense, arche gundam = lucifer
  20. it'll start to lose the g wing flavor really fast. there'll be a few exciting action packed episodes here and there, and then it kinda starts to suck toward the end of s1. s2 has been good so far tho, although i don't like the mech designs either.
  21. can someone photoshop a "fixed" version in fighter mode?
  22. interesting, so the innovators are also the thrones faction. so if you continue going by the zeta analogy, katalon/cb -> aeug a-laws -> titans innovators -> jupiter empire?? (or whatever it's called that scirocco was from)
  24. i won't go so far as to call it ugly as others have. in fact, i think it's a really good looking toy. i can even live with the "urkle ankles" and the hips that are raised too high. but the droopy nose and too low engine nascelles in fighter mode make the dang thing look like it's mistransformed. so i don't think it looks ugly. it looks like a really good looking mistransformed toy.
  25. if his brain waves are gone, how did he telepathically communicate with sumeragi
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