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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. i've been trying to track down a VF-17D but they're selling out everywhere. tried to save some money and bid for one on yahoo auctions using kuboten but it didn't go through in time. don't wanna pay $320 for the FP version on hkcollectibles but i'm starting to panic...
  2. damn this thread's got me worried now. i've got a 1st issue 1/60 yf-19 that i pulled out recently from storage, been sitting in a box in fighter mode for years. transformed it for the first time a few days ago and it's floppy as heck, can't even stand and hold a pose in battroid. could this be related somehow?
  3. graham, any chance you can confirm that this is in fact a production sample that was once owned by you?
  4. seller messaged me back. apparently he got it from graham lol. he even linked the thread where graham put it up for sale. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35437 i guess it's legit.
  5. everything seems to be painted...
  6. how could i even tell if it were a real production sample or not?
  7. caved into panic and bought a used yf-21 with fastpacks on ebay. probably not the smartest thing i've done but hey that's why they call it panic. the item was advertised as a "production sample" and did not come with a box or any kind of instructions or stickers, kind of a dubious claim but the guy had 100% positive feedback and i was desperate. as far as the condition of the toy it was advertised as in close to mint condition with the only issue being the yellow fin (head laser?) being bent. well, i received the package yesterday, and it looks like one of the tail fins broke off the hand and was glued back on. it seems like a very well done repair job as it didn't brake off again when i put the fastpacks on, but i'm pretty bummed. does it look glued on to you guys? or is it just a crack? another angle: the other side looks fine should i take this up with the seller? is it enough damage to file a complaint to ebay?
  8. it just says that if you look at the yamato vf-1 line up they have all but completed the entire line up appearing in the original series and dyrl. right around the time they released the vf-1j the thought occurred that they had done all the major valks with not much else left, and where they should go from there. but after doing non-canon schemes like the cavaliers, a strong feeling came to mr k wanting to complete the entire vf-1 line. however, the company can't make something that has a low probability of turning a profit. so the outcome was a one unit prototype of the alaska base unit in the pic. if it were to be released it would be called 1/60 "alaska region type." whether or not it is produced is up to feedback, so if there is feedback then you'd better take responsibility and buy it to complete your vf-1 set! so no nothing about the macross line after the arcadia name change. read into what you like.
  9. yeah and that's not even a toy it's a model. i've sworn off transforming models as they are too fragile to handle the multiple transforming. and i don't have time anymore to make/paint models.
  10. the text in the scan says the YF-29 is a prototyped that used the VF-25 as a base, so there you go. still looks ugly imo.
  11. 1st half of episode 10 is hilarious. i think ep 7 is my fav so far, reminds me of going on adventures when staying at grandma's house in the summertime.
  12. curious, are you still watching this show? at the risk of sounding like a total otaku i absolutely love love love this show, but that's because it takes place within walking distance from my mom's hometown. i think it's hilarious but the humor seems like it would get lost in translation.
  13. it actually says both
  14. is giggitish gonna be another macross world euphemism like hory froating head and yoshinol?
  15. cyde01

    yamato's next move

    so you mentioned there were 3 valks on a short list of possible next releases in 2010. how many on the list would they make in 2010? just one? or possibly all 3?
  16. macross 7 TV had a black VF-17D with blue trim, not white.
  17. really crossing my fingers for a dobber scheme sv-51...
  18. looks like overdrive is legit. you can count me as a loyal customer. *thumbs up* Sir It seems we have made a mistake. Please let us confirm everything but we will send the remaining item to you as soon as possible. We are extreamly sorry but as we have just finished moving our offices it may take a little time before we are able to confirm and senf you the correct figures. Sorry for the trouble.
  19. Just in case anyone is wondering, I sent the following email to Overdrive to see if they can rectify my situation. This will be a good test of the quality of their customer service. Hello, I recently received my order for a Banpresto Ichibankuji Macross Frontier - Super Deformed Macross Frontier Mecha Set. On the advertisement on your website, it states: "This set will include all five of the figures. The five mecha in the set will consist of VF-25 Alto Ver., VF-25S Full Armored Ver., VF-27 Luficer, and two different colored Queadluun-Rea." Thus, I was surprised when I received 3x VF-25S Full Armored Ver, 2x VF-25 Alto Ver, and NO Queadluun-Rea, NO VF-27 Lucifer. I have included a digital photo to show you the contents of my delivery. Any chance you can correct this situation? Please let me know, thanks. Somewhat puzzled customer
  20. hey guys, i ordered a set of the SD valks from overdrive, but i didn't get a complete set. instead, i got 3 ozmas, 2 altos, and no q-reas or vf-27. does that sound right? i thought i was paying for a complete set, not a random assortment of 5 figures from the set.
  21. it'd be nice to have a japanese language online community like this then having to post in macross threads in 2chan or the macross.co.jp bbs.
  22. it actually means "fast virgin"
  23. cyde01

    yamato's next move

    YES!!!! YES!!!!!
  24. any chance you can at least confirm or deny that something besides vf-1 repaints, destroids, and the vf-11 are coming to the 1/60 line?
  25. seems like everyone's stuck on the notion of an OAD instead of a theatrical release. i wonder, is there a chance that there will be an OAD and a theatrical release? the japanese in that article is rather vague..
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