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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. What? Lol there's nothing to translate! It just says wonderfest summer 2013 arcadia exhibition news.
  2. it's not so much what is lost in translation, because, as you said, they are very vague to begin with. it's what gets ADDED to the translation that messes everything up. case in point: back when it wasn't revealed that the VF-1J 30th was a transformable toy or not, they hinted that it was transformable by saying it had "a lot of gimmicks." very vague, because they presumably couldn't announce yet that it was a transformable toy. however, on MW that has somehow morphed into this idea that the 30th VF-1J will have "new gimmicks" that other 1/60 v2's don't have. this was never stated or even implied in the original japanese. i wouldn't know until it's released but i am pretty sure aside from having a clear stand included the VF-1J 30th is gonna be identical to all other 1/60 v2's. edit: as far as the YF-19 goes: オプションパーツわんさかです! option parts wansaka desu! translation of "wansaka" http://www.websaru.info/%E3%82%8F%E3%82%93%E3%81%95%E3%81%8B.html as far as what those option parts are? that's anybody's guess until wonderfest happens, but what's the harm in speculating? we'll know more in a month anyway..
  3. lol c'mon man it says in the original post 7/28 sunday.
  4. wow according to the text not only will it come with fastpacks but TONS of option parts! can't wait for wonderfest!
  5. a ball joint in the neck would be awesome as well! does the vf-19 series have that?
  6. yeah but no one calls the 1/48 vf-1 "v2"
  7. this gimmick asking for too much?
  8. wow that really does look a lot better. addresses a lot of the complaints i had with the v1's battroid mode. ball joint hips and ankles make a huge difference.
  9. YEEEEESSSSS YES YES YES YES YES i am officially back in the game!!!!! really? people are still saying this? it says quite clearly 完全変形=perfect transformation
  10. i'm really not trying to insinuate anything or disrespect anybody, and although i don't post much i've actually been a member here since '00 so i know all about you and shawn and graham and respect what you do. Just as a japanese citizen who's spoken japanese all of my life and not just 15 years, i don't like it when non-japanese try to correct my japanese assuming that i'm not japanese and their japanese is better than mine, just because i type good english. That is all, don't take it personal.
  11. stickers of markings you can add=additional stickers. so that's really semantics. btw yeah i've heard one of the podcasts before but don't see how that's relevant to anything.
  12. yeah there it is. i read that too. 基本のカラーリングに追加出来る、マーキングステッカーとそれと同仕様の水転デカールも付属。機体中央の統合軍マークの意匠が分かるだろうか。translation: aside from the basic coloring there is a sticker sheet and water slide decal sheet of the same thing included for additional markings. can you see the technique of the UN logo in the center of the fuselage. so call me crazy but i interpreted that to mean the UN logo is not a decal or a sticker. why? because why would they brag about the technique of the UN mark if the buyer themselves are the ones that have to put it on? japanese can be a very vague language, how you interpret this really depends on how you define "basic coloring" and "additional markings." basic coloring sounds just like the non-graphic colors in english, but in japanese it could mean that or it could also just be there to distinguish that there are "additional markings available aside from the basic markings you already see here." it's vague so it could go either way, but i would not say this is definitive proof that the UN logo is a decal you have to put on yourself. i was certain that the markings we are seeing are not decals, but reading it again i realize the wording is so vague there's no telling either way until they release it.
  13. um.. no offense but a gaijin living in tokyo is the final say in all translations? sorry if i'm a little skeptical but i'm pretty confident in my bilingual ability, and i followed all those threads as they were being posted. i'll be convinced when i see the japanese text that says or even infers that most of the markings are stickers or decals, but i haven't seen anything that would suggest it's as renato says. eh, whatever, i'm not gonna buy one of these anyway.
  14. sorry but i've read all those thread multiple times, gleaned all the info from the original japanese and they never inferred such. All i remember is a bunch of guys who don't know japanese panicking when it was mentioned there would be a sticker and decal sheet included. Honestly people here get there translations wrong all the time so i never go off the english translations. Kyekye is one of the only ones here who seems to be able to get context right.
  15. No, it's been announced that there will be a decal and sticker sheet with additional markings, not that all of the markings are decals.
  16. VF-9! if only he could completely ignore profitability, he says. sounds like he really wants to do it but it's really unlikely. with how much valks cost i must admit i wouldn't buy a VF-9, but if it does get made it'd be really cool to see members post their pics of it on MW.
  17. special stand is confirmed:  30周年として特別に「専用簡易スタンド」を同梱します。
  18. this is a really good idea. Mw completeists can get their uber rare vf-3000s and vf-14s and arcadia can minimize the risk.
  19. Ok the only renewal i've gotten was the 25g at a mark up. Do i have to stay up and go through the preorder madness to get this at regular price?
  20. HAHAHAHA this thread is too good! Who was the one that said "the background looks legit" or something like that? Looooool
  21. you're right, i can't see the question. based on the response, probably went something like "can you make a new yf-19?" ご返信遅れました!yf-19!なるほど!開発に伝えておきますね!(。・∀・)ノ translation: I'm responding late! yf-19! i see! I will let the development department know! (。・∀・)ノ doesn't really reveal anything.
  22. ummm where can i find the entire conversation? been looking on their twitter account.
  23. All these complaints about the price are making me feel really stupid for panic buying a 30th anni roy for $200...
  24. well to each his own. i'm personally very satisfied with the 1/60 v2s and any valk made after that, and would definitely not dish out money on something i already have for minor improvements, especially considering how expensive valks are.
  25. ...rainbow tint to match the rainbow paint scheme?
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