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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. wow the posability is fantastic. and i told myself no more valks too....
  2. I love my arcadia and yamato valks. I'm pretty much finished buying any more valks as i'm pretty happy with what i have, except for some fast pack parts for a couple valks. When comparing them to my bandai valks, they seem to be better all around, there's really only one thing that's on the bandai valks that i wish was on my yamato/arcadia valks: a ball joint neck. I guess this is not a big deal to most people but just adding a ball joint on the neck vastly improves the posability in battroid mode. look at how dynamic the battroid poses are on the box art of the bandai dx's. Mikhail's vf-25g with the sniper rifle would not work without a ball joint neck. The yamato/arcadia's are still able to pull off some dynamic poses but do look a little plain and stale compared to what would be possible with a ball jointed neck.
  3. i'm just glad that we are out of the phase where there were pages after pages of endless speculation about do they have or don't they have so-and-so license, and i'm not in a hurry to get back in that phase anytime soon!
  4. seriously, are we gonna go down the whole doomsday speculation thing again? after everything that's happened to prove otherwise, we still wanna go there just because there hasn't been a vf-1 release in like, 6 months? not that i even want another vf-1 toy anyway, but mwers seem infatuated with the panic button sometimes!
  5. i don't buy to invest either, i bought this because i wanted it but the honest truth is i'm probably not in a financial position where i should even be buying these things lol. out of sheer dumb luck, i got this for close to retail at plamoya, the way the vf-25s and earlier yf-29's prices are skyrocketing now it's hard not to think about it. meh, i'll probably cave in and open it later tonight.
  6. Picked this up at the post office today, but with how rare and sought after this one's turning out to be, i'm seriously tempted to keep it sealed in the box and see how much the value goes up. Argh, i want to open it but i don't. Hmmmmm
  7. wow, i just ordered it 5 minutes ago, then checked the link and it is now out of stock. did i just get the last one?
  8. so for those of us who held out and couldn't stay up at night to preorder, hoping there'd be enough supply when it was released, are we screwed? is there any where besides ebay that we can get these at? use a proxy at yahoo auctions?
  9. just got mine, and got nostalgic and felt like comparing. we've sure come a long way in 14 years..
  10. Wow i thought i out grew legos 20 years ago but those look so awesome.. i dunno what it is, something about the proportions being in between an sd joke machine and a perfect transformation arcadia/yammie make them look super cool. I'd def get one.
  11. 1. YF-19 2. VF-1S 3. VF-25G
  12. count me in as another who thinks the gunpod is too light. same color, darker shade would be perfect imo.
  13. wow, just wow. i nitpicked the hell out of the v1 1/60's prototype pics back in the day but i really can't find anything to nitpick with this one it's just that good. that was one of my pet peeves of the v1. using the gerwalk joint to lower the legs really ruined the lines of the fighter imo, and it also made the fighter not lock together solidly. but if you really study the line art there's really no way to make the fast packs fit like the line art without bending the gerwalk joint a little. and it appears that the v2 requires a much slighter bend than the v1, which is a definite plus!
  14. dammit, was gonna hold out to save for the yf-19 v2 and hope for yf-29 ozma, but the head and bayonet on this just looks too awesome~
  15. I can't make out some of the writing but in the second pic that lists all the accessories it lists something called a SPP-8 something something launcher pod. Could that be confirmation of the arm attached grenade launcher thing? Edit: nevermind. Just did a google search and sounds like spp-8 is a wing hardpoint mounted long distance missle.
  16. Wow too much awesome. Thx renato!
  17. Oh shat.. don't have the cash for this one... X(
  18. this is a link to the movie on youtube. copy then paste it to your address bar. things will make a lot more sense if you watch it.youtube.com/watch?v=iQy6Ee3Zknc
  19. ugh... just watch it already... the macross IS the super huge base. it's like an aircraft carrier that can fly in space. there are also "teams" of space fighter jets that take off from the macross. these jets are called "valkyries" and can transform into 3 different modes. got it?
  20. just watch the show. that will help. youtube.com/watch?v=iQy6Ee3Zknc
  21. lol how old are you bro? list of macross toys: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29393
  22. x4. just reissue the sdf-1 and i'd be happy.
  23. i would avoid ebay. super packs are just add ons, the jet itself doesn't come with it. kind of a ripoff if you ask me for just add on parts, but hey i pre-ordered super packs for the vf-25g and after shipping it came to like $75 so i guess i shouldn't say anything. just avoid anything made by yamato that is 1/72 scale, and if you get a VF-1 make sure it is a version 2 and not a version 1. if you get a VF-25 make sure it is a renewal and not a version 1. and if you can't read japanese, watch the transformation guides on youtube like a hawk before you transform anything.
  24. gerwalk looks so much better than the v1. i also can't state enough how much more anime accurate the shape of the intake/thighs and calfs are than the v1. should go a long way to improving the look of all 3 modes.
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