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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. Okay, so maybe much better was an exaggeration. Didn't know about PAL having less color depth, but it does have more resolution and the same NTSC in Japan actually has better video than in the states, although it may be hard to tell the difference. good to see another sports fan on this forum.. I never said that DVD had more resolution, I just said DVD has better video quality. Just being wired gives it a better picture, and getting rid of interlacing helps a lot. well like i said, i'm just going off of hearsay, i haven't actually seen upconverted footage myself. however, when I watch a 480 NTSC DVD at full screen on my 1024x768 computer monitor it looks good enough for me, and 768 is more than 720HD and not a huge amount less than 1080HD. when i play back DVDs full screen on my 20" Apple monitor on my Powermac at work, it still looks good enough for me, and at 1200 horizontal lines, my Apple monitor has higher resolution than a 1080p HDTV. i think i would need an HDTV larger than 50" to really appreciate the difference and justify the purchase of an HD player even if it was $300, and i'd still need a much larger amount of films than are available for blu-ray or HD-DVD in the foreseeable future. the undeniable fact is no matter how great these new formats look, the jump in video quality is not even close to what it was when we switched from VHS to DVD. the only time DVDs could possibly become "blurry messes" is if they are played back on a 60"+ HDTV, which I don't have the money to buy nor the living room to put it in anyway. i probably won't be interested for another 4 or 5 years, not 2.
  2. funniest engrish ever... http://youtube.com/watch?v=JNOJ6SaC_fo&sea...i%20no%20tsukai premise: this is a clip from a Japanese sketch comedy show called "gaki no tsukai ya arahende!". one of the crazy things they do on the show is play "punishment games" for the losers of a bet or a game on the show. this episode is from a punishment game called "can't laugh high school." the comedians who lost the bet or game have to live at the "can't laugh high school" for a whole 24 hour period. during the 24 hours, various comedians play the role of teacher and try to get them to laugh. if they do laugh, gangsters from a rival high school smack them in the butt with bamboo kendo sticks. the video clip is the "English lesson video" segment of the can't laugh high school episode. the small clip on the top right corner is of the comedians back at the studio with a studio audience watching themselves go through the 24 hour punishment. i can post a translated script later if you guys want it. edit: the guy on the English lesson video is Jimmy Onishi, a former comedian turned artist who is famous in Japan for having several screws loose in his head. he rarely is seen on TV anymore because he retired from being a comic.
  3. well based off of what kawamori's been smoking I bet he gave his official approval for those non-animated 1/48 color schemes but didn't give his approval for the anime accurate color schemes for the vf-0a. stop getting blazed up kawamori!!!!!
  4. Wow it looks great!!! So streamlined and lacking gaps/exposed screws!!!! I have to agree that the control surfaces still look too small but I think that is a nitpick at this point. Still looks pretty good as is!!! edit: by the way, it says in the scan they will have a prototype on display at this summer's "kyarahobi" or chara-hobby. i'm assuming that's the name of an event. anyone going????
  5. got that right, he's on something and whatever it is it ain't good. i don't see why some people deify this guy, i know he's the original creator of the series but he has made some jacked up decisions lately.
  6. yeah what's the deal this looks like a non-canon color or something. is it supposed to be the shin vf-0a???
  7. You have a very good point, but I will say this. I just saw some blu-ray footage for the first time yesterday at Fry's Electronics on a 50" 1080p TV and dang it just looks absolutely stunning. STUNNING. Well I wouldn't go that far. Most films and anime made for the big screen are, well, made for the big screen, regardless of age. That means they can fill up all those extra pixels in a HDTV. I'm honestly not sure how old TV shows and TV anime that are upconverted would look like on an HDTV, HOWEVER: This is just from word of mouth on the internet, but I have heard that the difference between a blu-ray movie and a SD DVD that is UPCONVERTED is hard to tell unless you have a very large screen. I've been told that the difference is hard to tell when you go below 50". Kinda makes you wonder what the point is for all those sub 40" HDTVs... Well, in all honesty HDTV is more about BROADCAST TV than anything else. US TV standards, being the first created in the world, have extremely poor picture quality. Interlaced video with 480 horizontal lines is simply a paltry image. SD broadcast TV in foreign countries have looked much better from the start because they were created later. HDTV was always about doing away with the archaic TV broadcast format for a higher quality one (720 or 1080 horizontal lines as opposed to 480, the option of progressive scan vs. interlacing, 16x9 widescreen aspect ratio). If you're a sports fan and watch one game in full HD, you'll know what I'm talking about, there is just no comparison. I'm enough of a sports fan to want an HDTV someday but as far as HD movie discs, I say "meh" as well. SD DVDs already have much better picture quality than SD broadcast TV (which HDTV was made to replace), and on top of that, most HDTVs will upconvert a standard DVD to fit the larger screen, making it look even better. I have never seen upconverted DVD footage myself but I heard it is "good enough" to make the high cost of HD disc players not worth it. And yeah, the discs are pricier than normal DVDs.
  8. Here's a new development to this story: http://news.com.com/2061-10801_3-6092194.html?tag=txt So, according to this story, Ricoh could possibly make a player that plays both blu-ray and HD-DVD dics with a single lens and laser. Which means there's a slight chance that the blu-ray vs. HD-DVD war may end up more like DVD-R and DVD+R rather than Beta and VHS. Also, someone mentioned holographic discs as a replacement to blu-ray/HD-DVD. This is highly unlikely because: A. The cost of manufacturing discs is much more expensive meaning less profit for the studios and B. What's the point of manufacturing something that costs more when you can fit a whole 3 hour movie on a single blu-ray/HD-DVD disc anyway? Holographic memory is being considered for massive data storage solutions and not physical distribution of movies for movie studios because blu-ray/HD-DVD have good enough storage capacity for full-length HD movies and they are a lot cheaper to build. In order for movie companies to justify the extra cost of using holographic discs, a new super ultra hi def format would have to be created. And to even justify that new format, consumers with 50 foot screens in their homes demanding movies that can fill the entire screen space would have to be commonplace (you can file that under extremely unlikely scenarios). A more likely scenario in the future would be one where ever-increasing data storage space, processor power, and broadband speed will pave the way for electronic distribution online. So in my opinion, an iTunes-like HD movie download service is a lot more likely to replace blu-ray and HD-DVD rather than holographic discs, although that will be decades down the road. As far as the main topic goes no I would not buy a blu-ray or HD-DVD player JUST for Macross. First of all, I'd need the cash to buy a 60+ inch HDTV just so I could tell the difference between an HD movie and an upconverted SD DVD. And for a TV and player that cost that much, I'd need a LOT more selection of movies that I want to justify the purchase. I mean, I think I would get bored of just M+ and DYRL after a while. And while I'm pretty sure they could make a great looking HD master of M+ and DYRL, an HD version of Macross TV would surely look terrible (imagine all the glory of Animefriend in HD). Heck I don't have anywhere to put a home theater anyway. edit: spelling
  9. I actually remember seeing that in the anime. Always thought it was an animation mistake...
  10. I'm not saying change the intake shape to just benefit battroid mode, I'm saying the way the intakes look now they don't look like they do in the lineart in fighter or battroid mode. If they changed the intakes to look more like they do in the anime and the lineart in fighter mode, I think they would look a lot better than they do in the CAD, in all modes. I said it once and I'll say it again, I am more of a fighter guy as well. Even if they don't fix my nitpicks in battroid mode I will be happy as long as the fighter looks good and the battroid has good articulation/posability. Good articulation and posability would make the battroid look good even if it's on the skinny side or a little out of proportion. edit: I bet if Yamato tried hard enough they could do the opening missle bays on the leg fast packs. The opening arm cannon that Isamu roasts a monster with would prob. be too hard but I wish they would include it in a fixed-open position. Here's to hoping they include a fold booster as well.
  11. I would say more like 85% because 1. the curved belly isn't that big and flat, and 2. you said Kawamori draws thicker lower legs and intakes, but the lower legs and intakes on the Yamato CAD aren't that thick at all, they're actually really skinny. True, the intakes do change shape in Kawamori's line art, but the Yamato CAD intakes right now look like neither the fighter mode intakes or the battroid mode intakes. I think if they were shorter and rounder and a little wider they still would look closer to both the fighter version of the intakes and the battroid version of the intakes. Anyway, like I said before these are extreme nitpicks and I am still happy with the way things are coming along (although I can't say the same for others here). I am a fighter guy and most of my nitpicks are concerning battroid mode so I don't really mind as much. The CAD still looks way beautiful compared to my 1st ed. YF-19 that's in a box somewhere. As I am a fighter guy, I think the proportions can be more off in battroid mode for the sake of a good fighter mode, especially because good articulation would drastically improve the look of the battroid, even if it looks skinny or out of proportion like the Yamato CAD. I would be 100% happy with the battroid mode of the CAD as-is if it has just as much articulation and posability as the 1/48 VF-1 and the VF-0 (and the shoulders angle up).
  12. I know 50 people have already shared their 2 cents, but I hope it's okay if I add mine. After all, we all have been waiting so long for this one. I'm mostly gonna reiterate what everyone else already said but I do have some points that I haven't heard yet. First, the good. Fighter mode looks great! There are some obvious compromises but they are enough for me to live with after owning the 1st ed. Yamato YF-19. That's great news that they figured out how to make the shoulders and the shins lay flush with each other in fighter mode, and have the shoulders more forward in battroid mode! With the old toy, the shoulders were so far recessed that the battroid looked like a hunch back. The fighter especially is a 100% improvement over the previous toy, with no bumps, gaps and exposed screws. The overall proportions look much sleeker and less chunky. Also great news that they were able to fix the front landing gear. While there was an obvious compromise made ("the bulge") to accomodate the landing gear, but that's still 100 times better than the craptastic exposed landing gear on the previous toy. Now, on to the nitpicks. Now when I say nitpicks they really are nitpicks as I am very pleased with how the CAD drawing is looking. And I do realize that the final product will be improved upon from this design. However, I and everyone else have waited so long and desired this toy so much that I think we may be entitled to a little bit of constructive criticism on the design. 1. As David said, the aerodynamic surfaces (wings, fins, canards) look too small. Someone said the fighter actually looks chunky and fat. On the contrary, I think it looks very sleek. I think the wings being too short may be the reason why some people think the fighter looks "chunky." 2. In fighter mode, the nose is too short, and there's that infamous "bulge" on the bottom of the nose that everyone's talking about. These are compromises I am OK with (you should see the bulge on the 1st ed. 19!!!) for the sake of the landing gear and a good looking battroid. However, I think everyone would be more accepting of "the bulge" if the bottom of the nose came UP into an arc like it's supposed to before it comes back down again to form the bulge. Unfortunately, it may be impossible to add that arc with the shortened nose. 3. Someone made the comment that the legs in battroid mode look too stubby. That's because the intake section (hip, thigh section) is too long and sleek, and the engine nascelle section (calf section) is too short. The intake section should actually be less sleek, a little wider and have much more of a rounded appearance. The engine/calf should be longer and also have a much more rounded appearance. The calf should also be much wider, especially on the outside where there should be a bulge. This would give the battroid a much bulkier and improved appearance. This should also be possible without sacrificing the sleekness in fighter mode, because: 4. From the top view in fighter, the fuselage section behind the nose should actually be wider and less swept back. You will especially know what I'm talking about when you look at the LERX right before the wing. It should angle out a lot further to the side and not be as swept back. The intake sections also look a bit too narrow and swept back from the top view. Finally, as many have mentioned, the articulation must be much improved in battroid, something that you can't tell based on a CAD drawing. In the CAD drawing, the legs go straight down, and the shoulders remain flat, but as others have mentioned, there needs to be a ball joint in the hips so the legs can pivot outward at least a little bit, and shoulders need to be able to be angled upward. This small amount of articulation would vastly improve the overall look of the battroid, although given the location of these joints, adding this articulation may be difficult. But I do remember someone customizing a 1st ed. 19 with massive amounts of articulation in battroid mode. Anyway I know it's just a preliminary design and I'm sure it's gonna look great when it comes out. And sorry for my craptastic Paint drawings. If I had a copy of Photoshop, I'd use it. edited grammar
  13. oh how quickly your tune changes.. you didn't seem too excited when you posted the screenshots. i know you can't argue taste but my taste is definitely more towards the old school games, with characters based on traditional ff classes/jobs and worlds that were much more fantasy like and enchanted, rather than the cyber punk look this brief trailer seems to have. and i really think the matrix "slo-mo floating in the air action scene" has been done waaay too much in games and movies/tv. just as the late director john frankenheimer did, i always thought action scenes should be quick, jarring, and violent, like action is in real life. not slow and graceful and extremely artificial like the matrix. what i do want to note though is the battle system looks very much action oriented rather than turn-based. and what's really stunning is, it's almost impossible to tell the difference graphics-wise between the battle sequences and the pre-rendered movies. the only way i could tell was that some scenes had the menu screen super imposed over them, while some didn't. that's how action-packed and graphically amazing they were. "A collective gasp was heard in the audience when the movie went from what appeared to be pre-rendered footage to a full set of menus indicating that nearly everything we saw was made using the in-game engine." that's a quote from the article on IGN about the demo at E3. as far as her armor "sizzling with energies," i thought that was her casting the spell haste, shell, or float on herself, and not an anti-grav device. but then again, i'm probably wrong. people don't seem to think old school anymore, including the game designers. it's probably way too early to critique anything tho and i'm sure square-enix is not gonna release anymore details until after ffxii has been out for a while. we're probably not gonna see the release of xiii for over a year. ps: apparently xiii is gonna be part of a collection of 3 games called Fabula Nova Crystallis. this will include another PS3 game (with a character that looks a lot like one of the Sephiroth clones from Advent Children) and a game for mobile hand held devices. i'm not sure if that means portable game systems or cel phones and PDAs. the 3 games aren't gonna be sequels or prequels to each other but are related in "mythology" only. edited grammar and added quote from IGN
  14. hey they have a trailer for FFXIII up on IGN: http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/826/826843/vids_1.html my first impressions: absolutely amazing graphics + (although they look like pre-rendered movies) the main character looks really cool with clothing that is not waaay over the top + (at least I think so) no metro-sexual male characters so far + (although that could change between now and the actual release date) main character uses guns, including another gun blade thingy - the balance between sci-fi and fantasy looks heavily biased toward sci-fi - the pre-rendered movies have a total matrix-like slo-mo action movie look to them - the actual in-battle footage looks insane + the forest stage looks absolutely gorgeous + music sounds great + (although they never use the same music in a trailer or commercial as they do in the actual game) yeah, so i'm a bit let down by the strong sci-fi feel to the game as well as the matrix-like action sequences (how many can you see before it gets played out??) but the graphics themselves look so stunning and that combined with a character design that's actually likable and the great trailer music has actually made me look forward to a new final fantasy game for the first time in a loooong time. (and i mean, long. the last ff i played was ff7, skipped the rest based on bad character designs and bad word of mouth from people that played the games) i'm already pretty sure i'll skip ff12..
  15. oh my flippin God that is too funny
  16. what a coincidence i just saw this yesterday too, when this thread happened to be revived! not the best miyazaki flick but still excellent. i'm a sucker for beautiful backdrops with good soundtracks. i agree that things get a little confusing at the end. in fact, i actually liked the english dub better than the original dub because it explained the end better and the dialogue made a little more sense in certain scenes (i hope my japanese comprehension is not getting worse!!!) i especially didn't like how the japanese dub used the same voice actress when sophie was old and young. it just made her sound old throughout the movie.
  17. hey what happened to the 17 i thought that was your fav? too much of a pipe dream? i'd like to be positive and hope for a new series, although the realist in me thinks this anniversary will be ignored..
  18. good to see some tv/film guys out there. i do some post-production/motion graphics work as well for a tv studio and run camera whenever they let me. eventually i'd like to save up and buy my own equipment so i can start working on indie films on the side.. no transforming planes tho cuz my training didn't include 3D modeling
  19. what everyone else said. yamato web shop (online store) officially opening jan. 16 '06. mizuki tachibana statue has been chosen as the first web shop exclusive product.
  20. yeah all they do there is surf and go fishing.. which is starting to make me wanna move there..
  21. dang when i asked for my pics to be removed i thought they'd remove just the duplicates.. is only one pic per member allowed?
  22. awwww crap. somehow i added the same photo 3 times!!!! sheeesh embarrassin, can someone plz delete the other 2!!? sorry yall..
  23. this forum never ceases to amaze me by how much Macross fans know what's up!!! i agree that the DC was one of the greatest consoles of all time. I think I had as much fun on the DC as, dare I say it, the glory days of 8 and 16 bit!!!!! Virtual On OT, definitely agree with that!!! That game was sweet. If the Macross games played like a combination of Virtual On OT and Ace Combat they'd be amazing.. Sonic for DC was tite, Powerstone 2!!! That game was the shiznit. Jet Set Radio was bomb. Resident Evil Code V. was the only Resident Evil I ever played, for some odd reason (and it was awesome). The DC had all the great 2D fighters of the time, had tons of old school style shooters, and best of all was heavily supported by Capcom (one of my fav developers), which was pumping out some really unique and innovative games for it at the time, as well as good ol old school style stuff. Remember that game where you could play Charlie or Cammy, and rode around on rollerblades shooting stuff? That was a fun little game!!! There were about 15+ games at least that I loved to play on that console. Alas, I was brainwashed by Sony at the time, and didn't buy a DC of my own. After PS2 came out, I kept waiting til there were as many games that I wanted to play on that system as there were on the DC, and kept waiting, and waiting, until I finally never got a PS2 at all. I just skipped the whole PS2/XBox/Gamecube era of gaming completey and would only play those consoles if I was at my friends' house. My dissappointment with the PS2 and with the DC dying after I realized how awesome it was kinda made me lose interest in gaming. That and capcom just hasn't been the same company these days..
  24. i feel like an otaku dork for even mentioning this, but i think komilia was like 19-20 by the time mylene was born.
  25. haha i like how lucy's more popular than myung. now that girl had issues.
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