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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. HVD may dominate the PC storage arena in the distant future, but it will most likely never be considered for the "movie arena." Here are my reasons:
  2. haha so i guess you wouldn't be much of a cricket commentator, although most of us wouldn't know the difference! i've noticed not a lot of anime fans are into sports, at all. i've met a lot of african american anime fans that say they get told by others they're not typically african american cuz they're not interested in basketball and american football. i say interests should not be dictated by one's background, although sad to say i fit into my stereotype pretty well. ne way sorry to get off topic. can't wait to get my 19!!
  3. wow graham you really do sound british. i coulda sworn i've seen you use the americanized spelling of certain words, but oh well. can you do the next one in a cockney accent? haha jp
  4. nice review, very informative. it's great to hear that the QC issues are minimal.
  5. just wanted to say thanks for all the support. from now on nothing over $20 is staying in the car.
  6. arggh CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!!!!
  7. OK, so does any so cal natives know where all the hobby shops and pawn shops are in the cerritos area?
  8. the panel on the wing of the roy with the # 001 is loose and in the bottom of the box. the VF-1J Max had an extreme arthritic hip with the rubber seal ozzing out major, i think on the left hip. both did not have any stickers applied. obviously, the boxes are not sealed. edit: and i wish i had the option of parking inside. i live in a condo with no gate and no garage!!
  9. I'll try but it's not exactly like I live in a small market. The guy could hop on a freeway and sell it at hobby shops anywhere in Long Beach, the southbay, LA, or Orange County. But you're right, hobby shops that sell Yamatos are limited. And it's not like I left my car unlocked, the guy tore open my driver side window. I didn't know this til today but apparently cars parked in the whole neighborhood have been broken into and burglarized repeatedly. Oh well I've learned my lesson now. edit: Oh, and sorry to hear the fiancee's leaving. Makes my situation sound not so bad at all.
  10. I know, huh? Sounds like a pretty stupid thing to do. Well I have been moving a lot lately and hadn't gotten around to getting all my stuff I packed into my car out of the trunk. Dang it how do you post the smiley that smacks his head against a brick wall?
  11. I know some of you here buy squadrons and squadrons of Yamato valks but I personally only buy ones that count for me (I'm on a budget as far as toys are concerned). My Yammie collection consisted of a 1st ed 1/72 YF-19, a 1/60 Max VF-1A, and a super 1/48 Max 1J and a 3rd issue 1/48 Roy 1S. I was eagerly anticipating the release of the 1/60 YF-19 and a reissue of the 1/60 VF-0S. This morning, I walk over to my car ready for my commute only to discover it broken into and burglarized. Besides my mp3/CD playing head unit, mp3 playing boom box, and tempur-pedic back cushion, my 2 prized possesion 1/48s which I left in the trunk were stolen. I had the LA County Sheriff write a full report and finger print the car but I am not expecting to ever see them again. The Max 1J especially hurts because it has never been reissued and I feel like I am never gonna replace that one. T-T woe is me.
  12. they become gangsta rappers. here's the proof: http://youtube.com/watch?v=-dqw7pDiO54
  13. I seem to recall Guld and his co-workers having a yellow "G" patch on the chest of their uniforms in the scene where he first sees Myung on the TV. It kinda looks like the Zentradi black and yellow symbol. I believe it is the General Galaxy logo. I have no idea what the Shinsei Industry logo looks like. edit: oops, looks like you already found the General Galaxy logo. Have no idea what the Shinsei Industry logo is. Could it be the eagle patch on Lucy's left shoulder??
  14. would it really be that hard to add a 2 seat option with yan figure?
  15. ditto for nexus
  16. this is the best I could do with Paint. i think i made the 2 on the right too big compared to the 2 on the left. wish i had photoshop.. Yamato seems to compare favorably compared to the 2 models. I would still prefer the legs be a little wider. Gunpod seems to be the right size.
  17. I'm sure pics of all three modes will be out after Aug 19 when people go to this Chara-Hobby event and take pictures at the Yamato booth when no one is looking. I don't think silhouettes of the other 2 modes would be used as a teaser for the event if they're not gonna show both. Hey can someone direct me to where I can find pics of the IHP YF-19 kit and that one other transformable YF-19 that looks really good, both in battroid mode? I wanted to make a comparison pic between the line art, Yamato silhouette, the Model Graphix YF-19, and any other transformable YF-19 with a good battroid mode.
  18. As I said before in the scene where the YF-19 first appears in the garage it is very obvious that David is right and the wings are supposed to angle down. However: I couldn't have said it better myself. I also think that my own nitpick of the wing roots being wider and the wings being longer would be nice, but not necessary. I think the fighter would be fine as is, but that's just my opinion. As far as the battroid mode is concerned, yes it is skinny. Yes the chest, shoulders, and legs look much smaller and skinnier. However, if you look at the Model Graphix transforming Hasegawa YF-19 and the SHE kit, I don't think a battroid mode with better proportions is even possible for the most part (although I think the legs being too skinny could be remedied). As many people have said, the YF-19 suffers from much more anime magic compared to the VF-0 and VF-1, so we can't expect a battroid mode as accurate as those two without sacrificing the fighter mode. I'd prefer to see the shoulders articulate at an upward angle if possible, but I'd be more than satisfied if they released the toy with the battroid mode as it is in that silhouette. edit: I take that back. The chest and shoulders don't even look too small in the silhouette. They look a little smaller than the lineart, but not that much. The only thing that's too small/skinny is the legs, which I think could be remedied quite easily, but I'd be happy if they released it as is.
  19. August 19th and 20th at the Makuhari Messe.. Hmmmm, I'll be in Tokyo on those days. Makuhari Messe isn't that far.. Going to a wedding reception in Shinjuku on the 19th tho... I agree with David that in the anime and lineart, the legs are higher and sit in the shoulders more in fighter mode and the wings angle downward when seen from the front (very obvious when the 19 first comes up the elevator in the garage in ep 2). But those are extreme nitpicks that I do not mind whatsoever. Even if the wings DID angle down, how would you get them to slide into their sleeves when transforming to battroid mode??? And if the legs sat higher in fighter mode that would mean huge gaping holes in the back of the legs in battroid.
  20. i voted other because i want to be a panel line/customizer, but i don't have the time/money/courage/skills i only buy valks that i want, and currently own only 3 yamatos.
  21. jeez, way to milk that mold yamato!!!
  22. I agree with ghostryder and gatillero that the wing roots are too small/narrow with a sweep angle that is too steep. I actually mentioned that when I first saw the CAD drawing, but I called them lerx instead of wing roots. Looking at that lineart, it looks like the wings angle forward a lot more than both toys. I think making the wing roots less swept back and the wings longer would improve the look of the fighter, but I still think it looks dang good as-is. I just hope the nose arches upward before it goes down into the "waddle."
  23. I'm turning 26 in a few days.. Scary to think I was 20 when I got my first Yamato and found this forum. That was a whopping 6 years ago!!!! My bro got me a Mac Plus game for the PS for my 20th bday. There was a flier included advertising the Yammie YF-19 and YF-21. I was like, DANG I waited 6 years for this!! Did a web search online for Yamato Macross toys and found the old boards. The 1/60 VF-1 line had been just announced. Anyway I grossly overpaid to get that Yammie 1st ed. YF-19 (the tab B broke after 3 transformations). 6 years later I am finally hearing news about a new and improved 19!! Didn't think I'd be willing to wait this long....
  24. The grown up thing to do is probably to just let this go but having a degree in TV/film, my pride just doesn't seem to let me. At no time did I ever say DVD is NOT NTSC. DVD IS NTSC (in NTSC regions), but it still has better video than broadcast. And a component input as opposed to a composite input DOES improve the image quality, although yes, like you said, it is still NTSC. It's exponentially greater from where I sit. Massively higher resolution, with far better compression(image-quality-wise) on top of it. Well at least I don't think so (VHS is just baaaaaad) and a lot of reputable sources agree, but hey to each his own. Like I said I don't have anything large enough that can take advantage of the extra pixels anyway. *shakes head* MPEG compression consists largely of taking a clean source and making a mess out of it(not really blurry, but it's a very destructive compression process). Most attempts at upsampling I've seen consist mainly of resampling the image then blurring it to hide the pixel edges. It's nowhere near the same as a source at the higher resolution, and in some cases it's actually massively inferior to the original image. So I'm anxiously awaiting the day the HD format wars are over and there's ONE format at REASONABLE prices. 419092[/snapback] Wow gee thanks for going on the assumption that I don't know how DVDs work or what MPEG compression is. That's really flattering. All I'm trying to say is I prob. make a lot less cash than you or any of the other guys interested in HD stuff. That makes me a lot less willing to drop cash on an HDTV or a hi-def disc player. On a 17" or 20" monitor, the difference between a SD DVD and a hi-def movie are not different enough for me to justify the purchase. They would have to be a lot lower than what you're probably willing to pay for. I'm also a former film student, which means I like a lot of eclectic films that most people haven't heard of, which probably won't get released on either format for another 4-5 years. Macross is not enough. I need at least another 15-20 movies that I want on the format for me to justify buying a player. So does that automatically make me any less of an "avphile" than you? No, it just means I have different values than you. I just don't make as much money and I tend to value the content of the actual characters/story more than I value the video quality itself. Does that automatically mean I know less a/v technical knowledge than an HD fanatic? No. That said, if a player reached reasonable prices, I could afford a living room that could fit a rather large HDTV, and there was a large enough library of movies out there that I wanted then yes I'd be interested in a hi def disc player too. But that is not likely to happen for another 4-5 years, so until that time I will still be saying "meh" to blu-ray and HD-DVD.
  25. how about making the panel in front of the shoulder intake flat black or dark grey to simulate the larger intake opening? edit: oops never mind, the hole of the intake is just a flat black square anyway.
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