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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. nice so the landing gear is a complete non-issue at this point. i'll have to try this when i get back home.
  2. cyde01

    1/60 YF19 rant

    i had all the same problems but i was able to solve them pretty fast. i've transformed mine several times since i bought it without any broken pieces or stress marks. pretty happy with mine and mine was $180 shipped. whenever i have trouble locking the wing roots in the calfs, it usually means the calf itself is too long and not shortened all the way. push the calf up into the knee joint to make sure it is in the most shortened position. then, press the legs up against the arms and shoulder to make sure they are locked in position before you position the wing roots. if the calves are locked in the right place then the wing roots should also lock in the right place no problem. if the wing roots still don't lock right then i can't help you, but my guess would be the funky elbows must be in the wrong position or something must not be right with the positioning of the arms and shield. as far as the nose fuselage portion being too difficult, you just gotta pull it apart really hard like graham does in the vid. the problems i had with this section stem from the misleading instructions that yamato includes. it says that you are supposed to push down on the nose, but this is the last thing that you want to do. want you want to do is just pull hard and try to elongate the neck portion of the fuselage as much as possible, and once the tab comes loose try to sneak the tab up top and it will loosen on its own automatically. besides getting a tiny paint chip on the black portion behind the cockpit, i haven't had any problems when i do this the right way. and now that i know it is possible to chip the black section, i can do it with a lot of force and still guide the tab so it doesn't bump the black section.
  3. *sigh* read this article: http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9678168-1.html it says: I've read reports that the lack of HDi support means that the player cannot access menus at all, but I highly doubt that's the case. In fact, during the BH100 demo at the LG press conference at CES, the company's rep made a point of browsing to the menu system of Batman Begins on HD DVD, selecting a chapter, and jumping there. From what I understand, lack of HDi support means the player won't be able to access interactive functionality available on some discs, such as picture-in-picture commentaries and Web-enabled features, for example. Given that most peple I know don't watch the special features anyway, I doubt lack of HDi would be a deal breaker for that tiny part of the population actually considering the purchase of this $1,200 player. Yes, this is all speculation at this point. However, I am inclined to believe Cnet editors much more than some article written on a game mag website, especially because they were at CES watching the demo. Eventually, everything is gonna move to downloadable content and we aren't gonna need to buy movies on discs, although I think it will take some time. http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9678699-1.html?tag=txt Perhaps the biggest issue still facing HD DVD and Blu-ray is the fact that neither could win. After years of false promises, so-called digital delivery is finally becoming a reality. Industry heavy hitters Microsoft (Xbox 360 Video Marketplace) and Apple (iTunes Store) are already offering movies and TV shows in DVD and true HD quality, and the online options will only multiply as broadband bandwidth continues to expand. While they face a variety of their own challenges and shortfalls (restrictive digital rights management, rental versus "ownership" pricing models), such services seem to be the wave of the future, especially with devices like the Xbox 360 and the forthcoming Apple TV making it easy to watch the content on the big screen instead of a computer.
  4. gaaaah!!!! no!!!!!! so i would be forced to pay for japan's grossly inflated prices!!? edit: so they already have a next model planned that will have HDi compatability? why did they even release this one?
  5. really? i haven't had a lot of problems with mine? just the gunpod in fighter mode and rear landing gear that is common on all the 19s. the shoulders and shoulder flaps on mine are fine and the tabs, while scary to transform at first, don't bother me now at all.
  6. cyde01

    1:500 SDF-1

    haha wth
  7. that is a really nice mod. good work. i like the panel lining as well, adds a lot of character. edit: can't wait for the custom stickers
  8. hahaha I don't think about that one at all actually because I understand Japanese!! So I don't need crappy subtitles that aren't always accurate anyway!!
  9. hmmmmm strange, i have never heard that you cannot fast forward or rewind HD DVD discs without HDi support before reading that article. all the articles on Cnet say HDi is only good for spiffy interactive menus, which i honestly could care less about. and while it's true that LG was unable to obtain a license for this player, it still sounds like they're selling it for sure. in fact, there are some reports that this thing is already in stores now. http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9678398-1...l?tag=cnetfd.mt i agree that not having fast forward or rewind functions is kind of crippling but as long as i can skip chapters not having fast forward and rewind or spiffy new menus is not a deal breaker for me. the price, however, is. this combo player isn't gonna make the format war end any sooner until it gets a lot cheaper. oh, and as far as the clash of cultures thing goes. the claim has been made that asian corporations are more about cooperation than their western counterparts, but their are plenty of greedy and short-sighted asian corporations involved in both sides of this format war. Toshiba and NEC among those on the DVD Forum side and Sony, Panasonic, Hitachi, and many other asian tech giants supporting blu-ray. (i'm not trying to be racist!! i'm an asian too!!)
  10. same here. i'm almost not bothered because it's a really small chip. i think i will cut down on the transformations tho..
  11. holy cow!! that is great news!! i thought an sv-51 might never happen because of fragility. yf-19 repaints, possible extra missles, i need a second job!! i wish i had known about the yf-19 and fastpack/fold booster bundle, tho..
  12. haha you're right. MONEY is causing this format war!
  13. From engadget.com: So here's the technical nitty gritty before we drop the graphs n' charts on ya. Both systems use the same kind of 405nm wavelength blue-violet laser, but their optics differ in two ways. Since the Blu-ray disc has a tighter track pitch (the single thread of data that spirals from the inside of the disc all the way out-think grooves on a 12-inch vinyl single vs. an Elvis Costello full-length album), it can hold more pits (those microscopic 0s and 1s) on the same size disc as HD DVD even with a laser of the same wavelength. The differing track pitch of the Blu-ray disc makes its pickup apertures differ, however - 0.65 for HD DVD vs. 0.85 for Blu-ray - thus also making the two pickups technically incompatible despite using lasers of the same type. HD DVD discs also have a different surface layer (the clear plastic layer on the surface of the data - what you get fingerprints and scratches on) from Blu-ray discs. HD DVD use a 0.6 mm-thick surface layer, the same as DVD, while Blu-ray has a much smaller 0.1mm layer to help enable the laser to focus with that 0.85 aperture. Herein lies the issues associated with the higher cost of Blu-ray discs. This thinner surface layer is what makes the discs cost more; because Blu-ray discs do not share the same surface layer thickness of DVDs, costly production facilities must be modified or replaced in order to produce the discs. A special hard coating must also be applied to Blu-ray discs, so their surface is sufficiently resilient enough to protect the data a mere 0.1mm beneath - this also drives the cost up. The added benefit of keeping the data layer closer to the surface, however, is more room for extra layers. http://www.engadget.com/2005/09/19/blu-ray...ion-s-division/ In other words, both players use the same wave length blue laser. The difference is the width of the grooves in the disc. Blu-ray has skinnier grooves, so the data layer has to be pushed closer to the laser. Even with the data layer closer to the laser, the laser needs a special lens to be able to focus on the data layer. A dual format player needs a normal lens to play back HD-DVD discs and a special blu-ray lens to playback blu-ray. These special lenses have been in such limited supply that they have caused a shortage of standalone blu-ray players and PS3s. Thus, the lens plays a key role in the cost of manufacturing these players. I am inclined to agree with JBO, though. Today, the manufacturing process for a dual format player is expensive. But as soon as the manufacturing process for the special blu-ray lens matures, prices of dual format players should fall, along with standalone players. However, according to Cnet having to pay royalties to both parties is a bigger deal than it may seem.
  14. haha that is too funny. i felt the same way tho.
  15. yes, yes i know samsung and LG had announced dual format players in the past. although i hadn't heard anything saying why. and i don't think dual format players or dual format discs is a bad thing. i don't think it will drag the war out longer, it will rather cause the war to end in a cease fire. sure things will still be confusing, but look at DVD-R and DVD+R. that's an example of a format war that ended peaceably because of dual format players/burners. today DVD-R and DVD+R coexist with no problems. no reason why BD and HD-DVD can't coexist if dual format players become cheap enough. either way i will be in wait and see mode for another year or more until things it become a little more predictable.
  16. what the f why is that guy running around without a shirt on
  17. yes, it's official folks. LG's combination blu-ray/HD-DVD/DVD player will be selling the first week of Feb. for $1199. unfortunately, it's HDMI output will be HDMI 1.2 not 1.3. the reason there were no dual format players until now was not because of a licensing problem, but because many manufacturers thought a dual format player would be way to complicated to manufacture and thus be way too expensive. but we the consumers all know that prices for consumer electronics eventually fall. hopefully combination players will become cheaper in the not-so-distant future. then everyone will be able to enjoy their gits innocence blu-ray edition without fear!
  18. glad to know yamato will not be including wonky behind the knee fast pack parts with the toy.
  19. I got mine today!!! Ordered it from Amenbo on 12/20. Not much else to report here, same things as everyone alse has been noticing. The gunpod is at an angle in fighter mode. You can kind of mess with it and try to angle it a little better and it will improve, but it's enough of an issue for me that I will try Hayao's fix. The gear is angled same as everyone else's, but that's to be expected cuz it's a design issue and not a QC issue. Didn't look to hard to fix on Hayao's post anyway. The right elbow seems to not lock into place as tight as the left elbow in battroid, but overall the joints aren't loose. The gaps between the shoulders in fighter mode don't bother me so much. I can nitpick about proportions but I'm not gonna, it looks great as is!! The fighter looks great and posability is more important than exactly correct proportions in battroid, and for something fully transformable this thing is pretty posable!!! Real big too, much bigger than the 1st ed YF-19, but I guess that's a no brainer. The paint job looks great and I can't find any new QC issues on mine. The transformation was difficult for me at first but it became second nature real quick. Seems easier than the 1/48 now. Sorry for the crap photos: I loved this pose from the anime darn the cod piece came down armless gerwalk i know my desk is messy eek it's past one i gotta go to bed
  20. Can I state an opinion without getting disrespected? We've been through this before. I did not say "you can't see HD unless you have a big screen." Notice I said upconverting. If you have an upconverted DVD you will be hard pressed to see the difference between that and native 1080 video on a screen that's only 20 inches. You didn't say my arguments were crap last time we had this discussion.
  21. hahahaha babel fish always cracks me up. it seems like you guys were able to peace together the general meaning of the intro tho. my guess for the romanization of the baddie would be "hardian." "hardian" is only described as a "strange lifeform" that appears and one day multiplies and attacks mankind. NIDF apparently is a special ops task force created by the "international defense agency" specifically for studying the hardian. Shuu Aiba (pronounced shoe) is a fighter pilot of NIDF who gets engulfed in the conflict. Yuno Rukina is not a princess, but one of the kanji making up her last name is the kanji for princess. she is the chief scientist for NIDF and her studies of the "hardian" lead her to the "Book of the Dead." in the character description page it says that Shuu receives the "Book of the Dead" from Yuno and that Yuno "uses the book" on Shuu. .......i think i'm gonna pass on this series
  22. eugimon beat me to it. there's speculation that LG might show this thing off at CES this weekend. of course, this isn't the first time someone's announced plans for a dual format player and nothing ever materialized then, so we'll have to wait and see till this weekend if LG's claims are credible. oh, and i don't think blu-ray or hd-dvd will end up like laser disc. HDTVs are a hot commodity right now and probably will continue to be so. as such, there is a high amount of consumer interest in hi def content. the only reason they're not buying blu-ray or HD-DVD yet is because of the high costs and the format war. eventually, when these factors go away, consumers who own hi def sets are gonna get tired of upconverted DVDs (i personally think upconverting is good enough unless you have a huge screen, but average consumers go for hype, not picture quality).
  23. i must agree 6000 yen is really high. it obviously doesn't have near the detail or gimmicks compared to the 1/48 fast packs. i don't think an LED light is justification for that price either.
  24. omg stop already you're making us go insane. so you mean to tell me there's a chance of a new series? i feel like jim carrey in dumb and dumber when he got told there's a one in a million chance of getting the girl. "so you mean there's a chance?"
  25. It says in the Macrossworld scans of Dengeki Hobby Jan. '07 that Flex and a guy named Naoki Yoshiyama (Solid) were involved in the design/sculpt. Don't know if Solid is the guy's alias or the group he belongs to.
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