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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. i can finally post in this thread (i can't log on to macrossworld on my home pc). yeah, it's sweet to see a modified vf-17 and that color scheme looks like the color scheme from max's VF-22!!(powder blue with orange canopy) the VF-25 looks like it has a Max scheme as well. animation looks great, but i still hate the idea of space monsters as an enemy. i'd much rather have a villain that is a character with personality and dialogue. and an enemy military with military mecha. oh well. the animation still looks great.
  2. that's what i'm saying, i'm going off of what is written in the article next to the pic. the VF-25 is not an old VF but the new main fighter, at least according to the text next to the pic. of course, it sounds like people like zinjo are arguing whether the article itself is accurate or not.
  3. it's possible, although i highly doubt that that's what the magazine writer meant. they prob would have wrote "shinsaku" if it was referring from a real world perspective (as in Kawamori's latest "work"). "shingata" connotes that it's a physical something that has been built. also the text next to the pic of the fighter says it is un spacy's new mainline fighter, although i can't confirm that without higher res pics.
  4. if it was an older training vehicle it wouldn't say "shingata" in kanji next to the VF-25.
  5. i still don't understand why CB didn't attack Union as well..
  6. i'd like to hear what an aviation buff such as david would prefer to see as well. i think the problem with kawamori designing a more revolutionary valk is that he doesn't have much to draw from for inspiration. for mac plus, he had future advanced fighter prototypes to draw from in the YF-23 and the X-29. however, real life fighters more advanced than those have yet to be conceived of, let alone designed or built. thus, when faced with the prospect of designing a valk more advanced than the YF-19 or the YF-21, he has no real world equivalent to work from. consider some of the options: the fb-22 pic x-36 tailless fighter pic boeing bird of prey pic sukhoi su-47 pic sukhoi T-50 pic JSF pic x-32 pic all these planes would yield a valk design too similar to the YF-19 or YF-21, or they're completely unsuitable to design a valk from (x-36, bird of prey). the Rafale and Typhoon would be a step back from the YF-23 and X-29, and the only other advanced fighters are unmanned. so kawamori probably decided to settle with a proven formula for the VF-25 rather than guess what a 6th generation fighter would look like. plus, the VF-25 still looks better than a rehash of the 19 or 21 as you can probably tell i've put a lot of thought into what a valk that is more advanced than the YF-19 and 21 would look like, and I still haven't a clue. so i'd be intrigued to hear what David would like to see in a valk more advanced than the 19 or 21.
  7. R u being serious? Even if there had been some kind of Anti-UN remnant group surviving after the unification wars, I seriously doubt they would have survived the Zentradi bombardment of Space War I. Or r u referring to the terrorist group from the VFX-2 game?
  8. that's ozma lee, greenhaired girl's older brother. presumably one of aruto's instructors at the valk pilot academy. he's gotta sweet looking pilot suit on with yellow accents. and the smaller pic of the VF-25 with all 3 modes looks like it has a Roy paint scheme, so it looks like you're right.
  9. yes but the VF-25 has the #25 commemorating the 25th anniversary, so surely it has to be the main fighter of the show? ah well, it's all speculation at this point. can't wait to read the article on the 10th!!
  10. blue long hair.. all saotome aruto has to do is put on glasses and he's basically max. i just hope that the VF-25 stays as the main character's valk till the end of the show, rather than him upgrading to a super stealth VF-28X++ near the end of the series. that would be very corny and gundam-like.
  11. green hair=ranka lee blonde hair=sheryl
  12. agreed. i was also hoping for one type, esp because they're using the #25 to commemorate the anniversary with the main valk. i definitely hope the VF-25 doesn't end up in the role of VF-11 in Macross 7, that was just ridiculous. went to mitsuwa on my lunch break, but could not find a newtype magazine. otherwise i would translate it for you guys...
  13. it could be Sheryl. if it was shery there definitely would not be a katakana "ru" at the end. VF-25 looks clean, but it doesn't look too advanced technologically compared to the 19 and 21!! oh well, it looks good so i shouldn't complain, but it doesn't look super sexy like the 19 and 21. i like that the fighter has a long nose and small, compact fuselage. battroid looks cool.
  14. i know, huh? i was trying to think of a better way to type that..
  15. i did the dns flush and it did not help. tried opening the page on internet explorer and that didn't help either. deleted bookmarks, cache, cookies, etc none of it worked.
  16. i think eugimon nailed it.
  17. still not working. i'm using the latest version of firefox. i will try all the stuff you've recommended when i get home.
  18. just watched episode 4. i like the series so far but man, using real world conflicts is really controversial. they're gonna have a hard time marketing this outside of japan. can u imagine cartoon network airing this in NA if celestial being wipes out a fleet of American (Union) military units? spoiler: i like that this series is controversial and is in a real world setting with military conflicts from the real world. but what is up with celestial being exclusively attacking Venezuela ("taribia") and not any of the American forces. they did so even before the conflict began, even tho they're supposed to be the ones that break up conflict. they explain their reasons for this, but i thought the explanation was a little weak. anyway, it looks to me like the logical next step in the story would be aeu and the reform league accusing union of being behind celestial being. the reform league lost many soldiers in the ceylon attack and aeu was attacked on it's own soil with the destruction of the Inact and destruction of military units it was not supposed to have under treaty. meanwhile, celestial being retreats from union forces in venezuela. at this point celestial being is gonna appear biased towards the union from the aeu and reform league's point of view, especially because they would not know about the 1st fight between exia and graham.
  19. i'm trying my dad's computer and it's working so apparently it's not my ISP. something wrong with my comp.
  20. My home computer won't let me go to macrossworld.com or the forums. I've been forced to check the site at work. Can someone help me out?
  22. any info u can disclose? like info on fixes for future reissues of already released valks, updates on improvements to quality control, etc etc.
  23. as i type this the sky is filled with smoke... i'm safe tho.
  24. this is why i was skeptical. i heard from somewhere a few years back that capcom of japan was abandoning fighting games and handing the franchise over to capcom usa. as proof, we haven't seen much since sf3 and capcom vs snk.
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