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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. I have NO pity for the guy that got canned.
  2. i had a policy of never checking this site at work, until my home computer stopped allowing me to visit MW, for unknown reasons. now i go on here all the time and it's affecting my productivity.
  3. haha i get the feeling you're gonna have to keep waiting. i think they have already shown what they want to do this season, but we're all hoping and expecting it's actually gonna go somewhere else in vain. i don't even care anymore, as long as it can mildly entertain me until mac f starts.
  4. just a note. the names of the gundams of celestial beings are based on the traditional christian angelic hierarchy. exia seems to be derived from the latin exousia, dynames from dunamis, kurios from kuriotes, and virtue from, well virtue. the only exception to this is nadles, which apparently means shemale in navajo. virtue and dunamis both refer to the virtues, kuriotes refers to the dominions, exousia refers to the powers, or the authorities. the thrones, while pronounced completely different from the katakana that is being used, is also one of the levels of angelic hierarchy, the one right above the virtues. thus i don't think the romanization is gonna change. the thrones, sometimes equated with the ophanim, supposedly come closest of all angels to spiritual perfection, although the highest angels in the hierarchy are the seraphim and cherubim. it makes sense, celestial beings = angels. although angels claiming to be the Holy Trinity Itself sounds like they are setting themselves up for a fall. lucifer's fall from Heaven was a direct result of him claiming to be God.
  5. those are most likely "omamori." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omamori
  6. wow that's news to me. that would be a crucial piece of missing info in the prelude if that really were the case.
  7. i know what she was doing, but it still sounds like jibberish. especially the english part. combined with the japanese it's hard to make any sense out of the lyrics. that's why i'm sayin, sheryl is the new janis marin!! she's the hollywood actress that lost the miss macross contest to minmay.
  8. it is canon to call all transforming jets valkyries, in the series. the characters in m7 refer to all transformable fighters as valkyries, including but not limited to basara's 19, the "fire valkyrie." basara says in the show "gimmie back my valkyrie" several times when they take it away for maintenance. don't know for sure what to call the 25 because there's no way to say "a valkyrie" in the japanese language. i think they were referring to it as "a valkyrie" and that it actually has a different name, but i'm just speculating. edit: one interesting thing to note. there is no reference of the word valkyrie anywhere in macross plus. they refer to them the entire time as kahensentouki, or variable fighters.
  9. then they should make destroids with caterpillars on their legs. er, wait then they'd look too much like a guntank..
  10. well Azadistan is the name of an actual proposed nation in Iran. i have no idea where they got taribia or moralia (moralia is a state in mexico) but they continually refer to Seilon Island in the anime as the former Sri Lanka. and the kurdis republic is obviously kurdistan, which today is part of Iraq, Turkey, and Iran.
  11. bull crap sketchley, you are totally arguing semantics. if sketchley was a native japanese speaker and not someone who learned japanese through books, he would know that kanji ending with 士(shi), when not in reference to a warrior, almost always refers to a professional operator of some sort. 手(shu) can be used in the same way. for kanji that have both a 士(shi) and 手(shu) form, the 士(shi) version always connotes either a military version of the term or a higher level of profession. some examples that use the word 士(shi): 飛行士(pilot), 宇宙飛行士(astronaut), 運転士 (driver, but only used for operators of trains, crains, other heavy machinery, for taxis they use 運転手), 操縦士(a generic word for pilot, but can be of something other than a plane). thus, any NATIVE SPEAKER of Japanese would realize that 操舵手 and 操舵士 have the same denotative meaning, with a slightly different connotative usage. anyone Japanese would tell you that both a 操舵手 and 操舵士 are "the guy who steers the ship." they would tell you it means helmsman if they knew the english word for helmsman. apparently they don't teach this kinda stuff in Japanese language courses for non-native speakers. sketchleyさんはまだ勉強が 足りないようなのでこれを参考にしてみてはいかがかな? http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%81%8B%E8%BB%A2%E5%A3%AB if you want an approximate translation based on guestimates by using translation dictionaries and Japanese 101 textbooks, use sketchley's translation. if you want a more nuanced translation from a native speaker of the language that KNOWS THE NUANCES OF THE LANGUAGE, i would suggest you look at sketchley's translations with a lot of skepticism. steering samurai, steering warrior, or steering scholar, please. no those would all be incorrect translations.
  12. my 2 cents.. love the animation quality. the frontier city and the battles look amazing! also love the myriad homages to past series and how the 1st ep appears to be a mixture of the 1st ep of macross tv and the beginning of dyrl. ranka reminds me of a mix between minmay and that one zolan chick from D7, with maybe a little mao thrown in for good measure. i'm glad she doesn't remind me of mylene. don't tell me she's a dog girl? alto looks effeminate, but at least he talks and acts like a guy. i was afraid he was gonna be some kind of wuss. a lot of comparisons have been made between sheryl and past macross characters, but she reminds me of janis marin more than anyone else. i honestly didn't care for her singing. sounds like she's speaking some kind of jibberish language, but i guess non-Japanese speaking fans are used to that. freaking kanno and her jibberish languages.
  13. 何言ってんだよ "S.M.Sのマクロス25(クォーター)戦艦操舵士。" 戦艦操舵士 clearly means battleship helmsman.
  14. wolfx, perhaps tieria is a robot. that's why he doesn't have a gender. honestly i thought ep 11 was nothing special. besides alleluyah coming to terms with his past, not much happens in the form of advancing the plot. and you can't make the excuse of "it's too early in the series" anymore as the first season is almost half finished. but i do agree with you on comparing this with older shows, i'm not much of a gundam fan and to be honest the older series didn't do much for me at all.
  15. ムカつく!! 外国人のくせして俺の日本語にグチつけねえでくれよ!! あんたと違って、こっちは一応日本人なんだよ!! 敬語? フツーこんな掲示板で使わんでもいいだろ!! 毎回、毎回、俺の翻訳にグチつけやがって。。
  16. sketchleyさん、あんた日本人じゃないだろ? i keep getting ignored but i will say it again, in all japanese macross timelines, it says after the end of spacewar I when both the UN government (地球統合政府) and UN Spacy (地球統合軍) are destroyed, a new UN government (新地球統合政府) and new UN Spacy (新地球統合軍) are formed from the remnant that survived. 新地球統合軍, or 新統合軍, is just the name for UN Spacy after 2010. UN Spacy is commonly referred to in timelines after 2010 as both 統合軍 and 新統合軍. 統合軍 and 新統合軍 are used interchangeably. this is common knowledge among Japanese macross fans. thus, we can infer that UN Spacy has not been made new or reformed between VFX2 and Macross Frontier.
  17. i did, and that's what it says in japanese in this latest ad as well.
  18. no dante ruskii made it sound like he was waiting for an SV-51 with reactive armor. there was no SV-51 with reactive armor in Mac Zero.
  19. the kanji characters 新・統合軍 (shin tougougun, shin means new) have always been used to describe UN Spacy post Space War I. in other words, New UN Spacy simply means newly rebuilt after Space War I in 2010. that would mean it is the same UN Spacy we saw in M plus and 7.
  20. this sums up my feelings exactly.
  21. r u kidding me? that's the most amazing fan designed color scheme i've ever seen!! i still haven't bought a single SV-51 for the sole reason of holding out for a dobber camo scheme.
  22. ep10 = I'm not so sure how I feel abt this ep. there was tons of action, which made it cool, and the battle was more evenly matched, which is awesome. but I'm concerned with where the series is headed in the future. I just don't like tieria and allelu as much as I like lockon and setsuna, even tho setsuna's an idiot.
  23. ep 9 = can't wait for ep 10...
  24. dang it so you're telling me that avg's not the problem. and i thought i had figured out what it was.
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