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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. that would mean they would have to have the licenses to create said rare valks, correct?
  2. ok fine. i'm not saying that the writing for gundam 00 is that good. i'm saying the writing for most other anime shows including gundam shows is that bad.
  3. what the hell is a TD blanket anyway??
  4. for me this series has once again achieved shiznit status. it might not necessarily be the best gundam series, especially for the fanboy, but it is definitely a better anime series than any other gundam. in other words, it doesn't have the cool characters (char), rivalries (char v. amuro) or ms (anything UC post OYW and pre F91) that other gundam series have, but it has incredible, incredible screenwriting. far beyond any other gundam series and a lot of other anime series as well. it's not perfect, it's had its low points and there are a few cheesy moments. in fact, it's still possible for the writers and directors to screw this up. hopefully they don't because right now i am really impressed with this show. with the last 2 shows and the arrival of the thrones, i don't think anyone could make the claim that this series lacks a plot now.
  5. they look good but something about the torso and shoulders of the 19 looks off to me. and they really gotta get rid of those seam lines going down its hips and calfs. i like the the 11 and 21 tho. they look pretty posable too.
  6. he said vf-171 elint.
  7. i don't think graham is as cool as char was, but in terms of piloting skills he is depicted as being the best in double 0 bar none.
  8. i enjoyed the episode as well. the series took a couple turns for the worse in some earlier episodes, but this episode was definitely a good one. i esp. liked the hospital scene. very dramatic.
  9. meeeestaaaaahh spakoru!!!!!
  10. i would translate it for you guys if i could connect to macrossworld on my home computer!!!
  11. damn u bandaiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!
  12. yeah i was surprised by how good this was too seeing as the reviews stunk.
  13. they look good to me, for the price. altho i guess at this size they won't have clip on fast packs? i'd love to see a 2000 yen gbp, vf-0 reactive armor, or full armor thunderbolt.
  14. just a note, in the article the ships are listed as uraga class and maizuru class.
  15. I'm curious about this as well. There's a Macross Museum? Where is it? And how much to get in?
  16. if they're 1500 yen and better looking than the revoltech, i am in. i guess it's just a bad pic cuz i must say in that pic the paint jobs and detail look really lacking. bring on the destroids and battle pods!!
  17. i hope that's a bad pic, as the non-macross toys in this line look pretty good. the 11 and 21 would look good tho with a better paint job. the 19 just looks bad with all those seams, and the shoulder armor looks too small, which makes it look fat with skinny arms. the cod piece is huuuge. hopefully they'll make destroids and enemy mechs and hopefully they'll look good.
  18. 1/60 line: VF-17D VF-0D VF-25 FP red type SV-51 dobber type!!!! GN-U line: $30 destroids and baddies smaller scale VF-0S reactive armor, full armor thunderbolt, full armor VF-25 also: large dyrl SDF-1
  19. yeah the talent is prob the biggest hindrance. or lack of talent, i should say..
  20. hory sexy!!! i wish i could paint my yammies like that..
  21. you might as well just get pampers for seniors.
  22. just finished the entire series last night. it's cool, just don't expect anything like macross. i would say it's above average for when it came out (1984) but it comes no where near the iconic status of macross. on the plus side, the animation stays fairly consistent throughout the series. it's not quite as good animation as macross' good episodes, but light years better than macross' bad episodes (i always wished virgin road from macross was animated better. that was such a crucial episode and yet was animated quite poorly). as others mentioned, characters are a definite strong point in this show. there's something cool about the whole band of oddball characters going on a long trek through the wilderness storyline, definite change of pace from a lot of mecha shows with an organized military. however, on the downside, there are not enough episodes that focus on the core plot, and too many episodes that focus on whatever obstacle the motley crew happen to be faced with on that episode. it is too 'episodic.' it's a darn shame too, cuz i was actually interested in the main plot. the invid are an interesting foe, and the interaction between stick and aisha is interesting, but there simply is no time devoted to this except the last 2 episodes. i was left wanting more. and a serious down side for me was mint. if you understand japanese, she is insanely annoying, i'm talkin more annoying than jar jar. and too many of the episodes end in this way: character riding vehicle: "darn, something depressing just happened to me, and i depressed. hey, there's mah buddies. i love mah buddies. YAY!!!" (freeze frame of vehicle jumping in the air as character rides to meet his/her buddies) i mean seriously there are like 5 episodes in a row that end like this. in short, what i'm saying is this series has a lot of potential with an intriguing concept and underlying plot, but fails to achieve it's full potential because it's geared more towards younger kids than macross is. i'd say it was worth it for me cuz i only paid $30 shipped ($6 per disc), even if i never watch the series again. good for nostalgia, and way better than a lot of current anime, but there's some cheesiness, as you can expect from a series from the early 80s.
  23. i preferred the rock of the 1st op-ed than the girly emo/j-pop of the 2nd op-ed. it took it from kinda cool to typical wack anime for me. made it seem more like they're targeting the Seed crowd.
  24. am i the only one that absolutely hated the new open theme and ending theme. the ending is frickin gay, shirtless setsuna standing on the beach with a bunch of femmeisters is a little too much for me.
  25. dude i saw this thread and went ahead and bought mospeada. i'm still on disc 4, but i'm like, wth? i don't remember it being like this? i don't regret the purchase as like others said at $30 shipped its a steal, but the series definitely didn't age well compared to macross. the first few discs were esp. slow in my opinion. oh well, it's good for the nostalgia.
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